Kansas (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

1,626-1,650 (10,281 Records)

Aspects of Adaptation Among Upper Republican Subsistence Cultivators (1970)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard A. Krause.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Aspirational Architecture and AK-47s: The Intersections of Nineteenth-Century Settlement Processes and the Post-Conflict Detritus of Violence in Liberia (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew C. Reilly. Caree A. Banton. Craig Stevens.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Reckoning with Violence" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Global awareness of Liberia’s recent past is largely limited to the long-term bloodshed that erupted with a 1980 coup and the ensuing civil conflict. What remains understudied is how recent episodes of violence are tethered to the decades following Liberia’s founding as a settler colony of the American Colonization Society in 1822. Our new...

Assessing Archaeological Applications of Curated Sediment Samples: A Case Study at Mesa Portales (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nathan Shelley.

This is an abstract from the "How to Conduct Museum Research and Recent Research Findings in Museum Collections: Posters in Honor of Terry Childs" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This project assesses the research utility of curated sediment samples excavated at Mesa Portales, New Mexico. These archaeological deposits date to the Pueblo III period (1150-1300 AD) and contain evidence suggesting two traditionally estranged cultures, Gallina and...

Assessing Complexity through Architectural Analysis at Angel Mounds (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christina Friberg. Elizabeth Watts Malouchos. Edward Herrmann.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Angel Mounds (12VG1) is a fortified Mississippian multi-mound center on the Ohio River in Vanderburgh County, Indiana. With 11 mounds, hundreds of residential structures, a prepared plaza, and massive daubed palisade wall, previous researchers have suggested Angel is at the top of a complex regional settlement hierarchy in the Ohio Valley. However, to-date,...

Assessing Continuity and Change in Paleoindian Landscape use through Time in Indiana: Implications for site Predictive Modeling (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Edward Herrmann. Mackenzie Cory.

This is an abstract from the "Geoarchaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The recent completion of the Indiana State Historic Preservation Office’s SHAARD database provides researchers with a comprehensive site archive that includes site locations, projectile point typologies, raw material types, and a marginal record of site details. We use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze the distribution of over six hundred Early, Middle, and...

Assessing Earth Oven Intensification in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Southwest Texas (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles Koenig. Stephen Black. Charles Frederick.

This is an abstract from the "Hot Rocks in Hot Places: Investigating the 10,000-Year Record of Plant Baking across the US-Mexico Borderlands" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Earth oven baking begins in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of southwest Texas around 10,000 years ago and becomes a prominent component of hunter-gatherer life throughout the Holocene. We know plant baking played an important role within Lower Pecos lifeways because earth oven...

Assessing Environmental Impacts on Shipwreck Sites: Results & Lessons Learned from the 2009-2012 Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck Study (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew E Keith. Amanda M Evans.

Shipwreck sites are subject to large scale oceanographic and environmental processes which can impact interpretation of the site as well as the stability of the wreck itself.  Along the Outer Continental Shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico, alluvial deposits comprised of varying quantities of clays, silts, and sands dominate the seafloor.  The movement of these deposits through both ongoing processes (such as currents and waves) and punctuated events (such as hurricanes) significantly impact...

Assessing Healthcare amid World War II Incarceration (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stacey L Camp.

This is an abstract from the "Health and Inequality in the Archaeological Record" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Archaeologists frequently recover artifacts that speak to the health and welfare of individuals or a community they are studying. Archaeologists can use these medicinal- and healthcare-related artifacts to assess an individual or community’s quality of life. This is particularly important to investigate in the context of...

Assessing Malaria Risk in 19th Century Tucson, Arizona (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeremy Pye.

Malaria is thought to have been brought to the Americas by early Spanish explorers. By the late 19th century, malaria had spread through human populations throughout tropical and temperate areas of the Americas, including the American Southwest. Historical documents, maps, and modern GIS data layers (e.g., DEM, soils, vegetation, land use, streams) from the area around Tucson, Arizona, were consulted and entered into ArcGIS (v.10) in order to produce a map of potential vector breeding locations...

Assessing Our Impact: An Examination of the Role of Historic Preservation in the Gentrification of Urban Centers in the Midwestern United States (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Huntley.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the past few decades urban centers, especially in the Midwestern United States, have experienced "revitalizations" that have completely altered the socio-political and ethnic make-ups of these cities. While historic preservation does not always play a role in the gentrification of cities—especially in urban locations were the emphasis has been placed on...

Assessing Predictability of Dam Effects at Archaeological Sites Using Long-Term Repeat Lidar Surveys (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Helen Fairley. Joel Sankey. Joshua Caster.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Repeat lidar surveys conducted over multiple years are a means of monitoring physical changes at archaeological sites with methods that are objective, replicable, accurate, and relatively low impact. These monitoring data can also be useful for testing assumptions about how archaeological site condition may change in response to changes in upstream dam...

Assessing predictability of dam effects at archaeological sites using long-term repeat lidar surveys (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Helen Fairley. Joel Sankey. Joshua Caster.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Repeat lidar surveys conducted over multiple years are a means of monitoring physical changes at archaeological sites with methods that are objective, replicable, accurate, and relatively low impact. These monitoring data can also be useful for testing assumptions about how archaeological site condition may change in response to changes in upstream dam...

Assessing Recently Discovered Shipwrecks on Lake Winnipesaukee (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anthony H Gilchrist.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In the past decade over 80 shipwrecks have been discovered in Lake Winnipesaukee, NH. After a preliminary survey in 2018, the researchers returned to Lake Winnipesaukee in 2019 to document some of these shipwrecks. The ones found with the most integrity will be used for future research investigating such things as the environmental and human impact on the shipwrecks. For the 2019...

Assessing the Distribution of Limestone Temper in Southern Ohio (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Rutkoski. Michelle Bebber.

The earliest known occurrence of limestone temper usage in Ohio began sometime during the Middle Woodland Period, and becomes common in Late Woodland cave sites in the southern part of the state. However, little is known about the overall temporal and geographic distribution of this temper type. Toward this end, we analyze pottery throughout the southern Ohio Woodland period by assessing it with hydrochloric acid (HCl) for the presence or absence of limestone. The results of this examination...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Various Scanning Technologies in Digitally Capturing Fingerprints on Corrugated Wares (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindsay Shepard.

Methodological advances in the study of fingerprints by criminologists have revived an interest in using dermatoglyphic evidence to conduct archaeological research. The analysis of fingerprint impressions left in ceramics is being used to investigate topics such as craft specialization and social organization. While most impressions left in ceramics lack the completeness needed to identify individual potters, fragmentary prints can be used to analyze things such as ridge density. Given a large...

Assessing the La Playa Projectile Point Assemblage (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Guadalupe Sanchez Miranda. Alejandra Abrego. John Carpenter. Astrid Aviles. Elisa Villalpando.

This is an abstract from the "13,000 Years of Adaptation in the Sonoran Desert at La Playa, Sonora" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. More than 300 projectile points have been collected from the La Playa site. The vast majority were found on the surface without archaeological contexts. The site begins to be used continuously from the middle Holocene (ca. 7,000 years) by Archaic hunter-gatherer/forager groups as a locality included in their...

Assessing the Patterns and Variation of a Common Pecos River Style Motif (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jerod Roberts.

This is an abstract from the "The Art of Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Lower Pecos canyonlands of southwest Texas are home to over 350 identified rock art sites containing various pictographic styles. The Pecos River Style is the most well-known and contains many diagnostic characteristics. One of the most ubiquitous is a motif that has been interpreted as a prickly pear pouch, gourd rattle, catfish on a string, dart-headed...

Assessing the Potential for ED-XRF in Archaeometric Studies: A Focus on Data Sharing and Bulk Chemical Analysis (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey R. Ferguson.

This is an abstract from the "Advances in Obsidian Studies of the Old and New Worlds" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the past few decades, the increasing use of compositional studies of archaeological materials has dramatically enhanced our knowledge of the past, but as the diversity and availability of analytical techniques increases it is necessary to understand all of the variables involved in the choice of analytical method. In this...

Assessing the Strength of Prehistoric Glues (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniel Parker.

Glues and adhesives have been used since ~200,000 years ago. A significant question about glues and adhesives in prehistoric contexts is exactly what level of holding strength do various blends have. A widely used glue in prehistory is pine pitch; whose ingredients are pine sap, ash, and a binder, such as dried grass. An experiment is presented here to determine how strong variations in concentrations of these ingredients affect holding strength. Six different variations of the glue were used,...

Assessing the Utility of Large Excavators and other Heavy Equipment for Archaeological Excavation (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Chenault. Michael Stubing. Ron Ryden.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeologists conducting long-term data recovery excavations at Hohokam sites in western Phoenix, Arizona used a large excavator (track hoe) to remove the plow zone and overburden from above prehistoric features. After extensive analysis, the large excavator proved to be faster, more efficient, more cost effective, and, in the hands of an experienced...

Assessing the Value and Potential of Labor Archaeology: A Description of the Labor Archaeology of the Industrial Era National Historic Landmark Theme Study (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam Fracchia.

Work and labor relations have been under attack over the last several decades.  Many of the same issues and problems confronting workers today were faced by workers in the past.  Historical archaeology has the ability to use archaeology to highlight these connections and thus, contribute to the study of labor and the current labor dialogue and struggles.  This paper details the latest draft of the Labor Archaeology of the Industrial Era National Historic Landmark Theme Study and its usefulness...

Assessing the Viability of Limited Collection and in Field Analysis Strategies for Ceramic investigations at S’eḏav Va’aki, Arizona (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chiara Umbriano. Matt Peeples. Matthew Kroot.

This is an abstract from the "Training a New Generation of Heritage Professionals in the Valley of the Sun: The ASU Field School at S’eḏav Va’aki" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. One of the primary goals of the Arizona State University field school at S’eḏav Va’aki was to use minimally disturbing methods to accurately characterize the nature, spatial extent, and chronological placement of features within the project area. This goal was developed in...

Assessment of Archaeological Resources Affected by the Wolf Creek Power Plant, Coffey County, Kansas, Wichita State University (1974)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arthur H. Rohn. C. Martin Stein.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Assessment of Archaeological Resources in the Proposed Northwest Central Pipeline Replacement, Cowley County, Kansas (1983)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alex W. Barker.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Assessment of Archeological Resources Affected by the Wolf Creek Power Plant, Coffey County, Kansas (1973)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arthur H. Rohn. Martin Stein.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.