Kansas (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

2,601-2,625 (10,281 Records)

Commoditization, Consumption and Interpretive Complexity: The Contingent Role of Cowries in the Early Modern World (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Barbara Heath.

 The commoditization of cowrie shells in the 17th and 18th centuries was central to the economics of the consumer revolution of the early modern world. Cowries drove the Africa trade that cemented economic relationships between rulers, investors, merchants, and planters in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. From their origins in the Pacific, to the markets of India, from Europe to West Africa, and from West Africa to the New World, cowries played a central role as both commodities and...

Commodity Culture: the formation, exchange, and negotiation of Early Republican Period identity on a periphery of the Spanish Empire in Western El Salvador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lauren Alston Bridges.

During the Early Republican Period, the sugar industry increasingly connected a fledgling Salvadoran country to a global market. A creolized labor force produced sugar on large estates known as haciendas. The hacienda was a crossroads of indigenous, African, and European interests as evidenced in the ceramic landscapes of the Río Ceniza Valley. The extensive organization of labor, on a periphery of the Spanish Empire, was underscored by a complex set of power relations. This research focuses on...

Common Men in Uncommon Times: Examining Archaeological and Historical Evidence to Reconstruct the Daily Lives of Civil War Sailors (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephanie Koenig.

The American Civil War was a tumultuous period in history for the United States, forcing brother against brother in a battle over the secession of the Confederate States. To study the Civil War sailor, a wealth of archival information exists in the form of personal narratives. Like their ships, naval crews were very much a reflection of where they were built and supplied. This paper extracts evidence for shipboard life from these sources and seeks to contextualize the daily lives of sailors...

Communities in Conflict: Racialized Violence During Gradual Emancipation on Long Island (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Meg Gorsline.

From New Amsterdam to Seneca Village, Diana diZerega Wall has examined the often-conflicting interactions of communities living in close relation.  In the early nineteenth century, the nearly 30-year process of Gradual Emancipation slowly dismantled the system of slavery in New York State, but it also created the conditions for the perpetuation of inequality among closely intertwined peoples: the black and white inhabitants of eastern Long Island. Inspired by Wall’s ability to uncover the...

Communities of Culture on the Early American Frontier: Investigating the Daniel Baum Family, Carroll County, Indiana (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher R. Moore.

Daniel and Ascenith Baum arrived in Carroll County, Indiana on a keel boat in April 1825. One of the pioneering families in the region, the Baum residence quickly became a social entrepôt. The first store in the county was opened in one of the Baum cabins, the first courts were held in the Baum house, and travelers coming up the Wabash River regularly stopped at the Baum’s. The Baum farm, then, was a focal point for the development of a community identity for the region’s early settlers. This...

Community Archaeology and Collaborative Interpretation at a Rosenwald School (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Love. Emma Mason.

Of more than 5,000 Rosenwald Schools built during the 20th century in the southern United States, the Fairview School in Cave Spring, Georgia was constructed to provide an educational facility for the local African-American community. Following the site’s rediscovery in 2009, the local Cave Spring community and alumni of Fairview have spearheaded efforts to preserve and interpret Fairview’s historic campus. Most of the buildings located on the Fairview campus were demolished, originally...

Community Archaeology and the Criminal Past: Exploring a Detroit Speakeasy (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brenna J Moloney.

Community-engaged archaeology has played a role in reshaping the city of Detroit’s popular heritage narrative from one of decline and decay to one more rich and complex. In 2013, archaeologists from Wayne State University investigated Tommy's Bar, a rumored Prohibition-era speakeasy and haunt of the infamous Purple Gang. The project was a partnership between the University, a historic preservation non-profit, and the bar's owner. The project culminated in a theme party where archaeologists...

Community Archaeology at a Neighborhood Scale in Boston's Chinatown (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joseph M. Bagley. Jocelyn S Lee.

This is a poster submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. A significant Chinese immigrant wave began in Boston during the 1870’s. Throughout the next decade, a centralized Chinese community began to form downtown on Harrison, Essex, and Beach Avenues. This neighborhood allowed residents to converge on Sundays, meet with friends, buy food and supplies, and seek solace through gambling and opium. Recently, Boston’s Chinatown residents requested an...

Community Archaeology in Action: The Partnership Between NOAA’s Monitor National Marine Sanctuary and the Battle of the Atlantic Research and Expedition Group (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Aaron Hamilton. William R. Chadwell.

In the three-plus years of its existence, the Battle of the Atlantic Research and Expedition Group has been engaged in a mutually-beneficial partnership with NOAA’s Monitor National Marine Sanctuary.  The Group, which is a part of the Institute of Maritime History, a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit corporation, is made up nearly exclusively of avocational archaeologists and historians all of whom are sport, or recreational, scuba divers.  Yet since its founding in late 2012, it has conducted or...

Community Archaeology in the Jemez (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emma LaMartina. Isobel Coats.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over four weeks in the early summer of 2023, a community-based archaeological project was conducted to re-record Whan·hang·kya·nu Pueblo in fulfillment of a Masters project in Public Archaeology at the University of New Mexico. Whan·hang·kya·nu Pueblo is a prehistoric site located in the Jemez District of Santa Fe National Forest and has been continuously...

Community Archaeology Starting Young: Local High School Engagement in Tucson, Arizona (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Renteria.

The past few years archaeology has seen an increase in community-based approaches. These approaches are important when addressing issues of who archaeology knowledge, interpretation, and sites belong to. Archaeological interpretations historically come from those in roles of academic authority, but we increasingly see acknowledgement of collaboration and contribution from community members not in those roles. A rise in diversity of cultural and heritage backgrounds among archaeologists is a...

Community Archaeology, Essentializing Identity, and Racializing the Past (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bradley D Phillippi. Eiryn Sheades.

As anthropologically guided archaeologists, we like to think we are beyond searching for romanticized images of "Natives," "Africans," or any essentialized "other," but despite our best efforts, we still fall victim to its simplicity. Collaborating with descendent communities broadens our perspective, but their perceptions of the past and their ancestors can further complicate the dilemma. This paper explores two mixed-heritage communities in Setauket and Amityville, both on Long Island, New...

The Community at the Crossroads: Insights into Connectivity from the Tijeras Pueblo Fauna (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Scott Kirk. Emily Lena Jones. Caitlin S. Ainsworth. Jana Meyer.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, and Public Education at Tijeras Pueblo, New Mexico" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Tijeras Pueblo lies at a crossroads. It sits at the junction of two canyons, one north-south and one east-west, and occupies a boundary between two distinct culture areas—the Pueblos to the west and the Plains to the east. This position on the landscape may have created both challenges and opportunities...

Community Caretaking, Collective Parenting, and Othermothering: Diasporic Family Building in the Western American Military (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katrina C Eichner.

This is an abstract from the "Seeing Migrant and Diaspora Communities Archaeologically: Beyond the Cultural Fixity/Fluidity Binary" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Using materials and archives associated with Black US Army laundresses stationed at Fort Davis, Texas, in the 1860s–1890s, this paper will investigate how the practice of parenting intersected with a broader focus on public caretaking in the African American community. Adoption, communal...

Community Collaboration is Commemoration at the Arboretum Chinese Labor Quarters (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Veronica Peterson.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Arming the Resistance: Recent Scholarship in Chinese Diaspora Archaeology" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Models of community archaeology generally use collaboration as a foundation for a future commemoration. In practice, the process of collaboration is itself an act of commemoration. The Arboretum Chinese Labor Quarters, on Stanford University’s campus, is a site where Chinese employees lived as they...

Community Displacement and the Creation of a 'City Beautiful' at Roosevelt Park, Detroit (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Krysta Ryzewski.

Michigan Central Station and Roosevelt Park were constructed between 1908 and 1918 as part of Detroit’s City Beautiful Movement. The construction process was a place-making effort designed to implant order on the urban landscape that involved the displacement of a community who represented everything that city planners sought to erase from Detroit’s city center: overcrowding, poverty, immigrants, and transient populations. Current historical archaeological research reveals how the existing...

Community Formation, Consumption, and Gender at Camp Nelson’s ‘Home for Colored Refugees’ (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only W. Stephen McBride. Kim A. McBride.

Following the tragic expulsion of four hundred African-American women and children from Camp Nelson, KY in November 1864, of which 102 died, these refugees were allowed to return and the ‘Home for Colored Refugees’ was constructed.  This expulsion also led to the emancipation of these refugees by the Congressional Act of March 3, 1865.  By the summer of 1865 this ‘Home’ housed over 3000 former slaves who lived in a variety of housing, including duplex cottages, tents, dormitories, and home-made...

Community Identity in the Jornada: Untangling Patterns of Aggregation and Abandonment at Cottonwood Spring Pueblo (LA 175), an El Paso Phase Village (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristin Corl.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Research at Jornada Mogollon Sites in South-Central New Mexico" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Ongoing excavations at Cottonwood Spring Pueblo (LA 175) suggest population aggregation within the El Paso Phase (A.D. 1300-1450) Jornada Cultural Region may have consisted of distinct self-identified groups integrated into one multi-ethnic community. Comparing the excavations at Area A, a large plaza orientated...

Community Involvement in the Management of Submerged Cultural Resources on Lake Champlain (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Sabick.

This is an abstract from the "Shipwrecks and the Public: Getting People Engaged with their Maritime History" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. During the summer of 2018 the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (LCMM) began an initiative to involve the local avocational dive community in the management of the cultural resources of Lake Champlain.  Through the support of a National Maritime Heritage Grant, LCMM archaeologists began the process of training...

Community Matters: Enhancing Student Learning Opportunities through the Development of Community Partnerships (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Prasciunas. Cristin Lucas. Lea Mason-Kohlmeyer. Helen O'Brien. David Stephen.

This is an abstract from the "Community Matters: Enhancing Student Learning Opportunities through the Development of Community Partnerships" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Undergraduate archaeology students traditionally have few opportunities to gain meaningful archaeological field and/or research experience while pursuing academic goals such as degrees or certificates. This lack of opportunity can negatively impact students’ success in the next...

Community Networks at the Stanford Arboretum Chinese Workers’ Quarters (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Lowman.

The historical response and endurance of Chinese diaspora communities in California, living with legally reified racism, is a critical component of understanding the economic and social impacts of immigration restriction. Between 1876 and 1925, the Chinese employees at the Stanford Stock Farm and Stanford University impacted the development of agriculture and infrastructure through their labor and entrepreneurship as farm workers, in construction, as gardeners, and as domestic workers. Over that...

The Community of Chase Home: Institutional and Material Components of Children’s Lived Spaces in Victorian Portsmouth (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Evans.

The Chase Home for Children opened in 1883, housed in an immigrant-rich neighborhood of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The Home accepted children, "without distinction of race, creed, or color*" who needed temporary or long-term care and housing. Chase Home was guided by tenants of the Progressive Era and supported solely by the local community, at a time before state welfare was available. In contrast to single religious denomination orphanages typical in Victorian America, or strict reformatory...

Community Organization on the Edge of the Mesa Verde Region: Recent Investigations at Cowboy Wash Pueblo, Moqui Springs Pueblo, and Yucca House (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Potter. Grant Coffey. Mark Varien.

This is an abstract from the "Research, Education, and American Indian Partnerships at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper examines the formation of three community centers on the piedmont of Ute Mountain: Yucca House, Moqui Springs Pueblo, and Cowboy Wash Pueblo. Two villages, Moqui Springs and Cowboy Wash, occupy the southernmost edge of central Mesa Verde region and Yucca House sits on the eastern...

Community Structure in Times of Stress and Change: Communal Dining in the Northern Southwest (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Brumbaugh.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The study of community connections becomes ever more important as our current society faces challenges brought on by advancements in technology, unprecedented health crises, and a changing global climate. By studying community events in the past, we can begin to examine the impact of community structure during times of stress and change. This paper presents...

Community-Based Archaeology in the Bahamas: Linking Landscape and Memory (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elena Sesma.

In 1871, the last owner of the Millars Plantation Estate on Eleuthera, Bahamas left a portion of the former plantation acreage to the descendants of her former slaves and servants. In the intervening 175 years since emancipation in the Bahamas and the 125 years since the property transferred to "generation land", south Eleuthera has experienced a series of economic transformations and demographic transitions. Despite these changes, the Millars descendant community maintains their connection to...