Riverside County (County) (Geographic Keyword)

1-25 (35 Records)

An Anthropological Evaluation of William Keys' Desert Queen Ranch: Joshua Tree National Monument, California (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Patricia Parker Hickman.

This is a study of the anthropological research value of William Keys' Desert Queen Ranch, an historic site at Joshua Tree National Monument in the southern California Desert. General problems for future research were derived from an analysis of the history of the ranch in its regional context. Documentary records were used to identify networks of interaction at the ranch itself and in the surrounding region, providing a context of social and economic change within which behavior at the ranch...

Archeological Investigations at Joshua Tree National Park, California (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Loy C. Neff. Meredith A. Wilson.

TWO projects in one report: Part 1: Archeological Testing at Six sites in Joshua Tree National Park, California Archeologists from the Western Archeological and Conservation Center (WACC), National Park Service (NPS), Tucson, Arizona, conducted archeological testing at six previously recorded sites in Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR) between May 10 and June 4, 1999. The sites lie within the area of potential effects of proposed Park road constrnction, Project PRA-JOTR-12(3), Route 12 - Park...

Archeological Survey and Site Testing for the Joshua Tree Roads Project, Package 291, Joshua Tree National Park, California (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Loy C. Neff. Christopher C. Corey.

TWO reports in one volume: Part 1: Archeological Survey and Site Assessments for the Joshua Tree Roads Project, Package 291, Joshua Tree National Park, California Archeologists from the National Park Service (NPS), Western Archeological and Conservation Center (WACC), conducted archeological survey and site assessments in the roadway corridor, or area of potential effects (APE), of a proposed road construction project in Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR), California. The road construction is...

Bead analyst report from subcontractor (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chester King.

Seven shell beads and a bead or ornament fragment were recovered from excavations at a portion of the RIV-2798 conducted by Statistical Research in October 1993. This report provides descriptions of the beads and discusses the time periods during which they were deposited. Also included in the PDF are notes, edits, and correspondence between Statistical Research Inc and Chester King.

CA-RIV-3508-H Palynology (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Schoenwetter.

Study of pollen records from the Historic Period Billingsley Dairy Site suggests the sampled deposits derived from an area where cattle were penned and fed.

A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 1,738 Acres at Beal Lake and Cibola in La Paz and Mohave Counties, Arizona (2019)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew D. Peters. Andrew Vorsanger.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), Lower Colorado Regional Office, is planning environmental restoration activities as part of the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program (LCR MSCP). The LCR MSCP is a 50-year multi-stakeholder, Federal and non-Federal partnership responding to the need to balance the use of lower Colorado River water resources and the conservation of native species and their habitats in compliance with the Endangered Species Act. Reclamation designated two...

Context Evaluation Report: Pollen Studies (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Schoenwetter.

Discussion of Pollen Studies in Mitigation Context at Prado Dam.

Continuity and Change: 8,500 Years of Lacustrine Adaptation on the Shores of Lake Elsinore (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donn Grenda.

This report documents data recovery excavations at the Elsinore site (CA-RIV-2798/H) which is located at the mouth of the outlet channel on the northeast side of Lake Elsinore, Riverside County, California. The project was conducted by Statistical Research, Inc., under contract with the Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in order to mitigate the adverse effects caused by the construction of an enlarged outflow channel. Lake Elsinore is one of the only natural lakes in southern...

Continuity and Change: Part 2 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donn Grenda.

Part 2 provides all of the necessary information by which the analyses, syntheses, and conclusions can be judged, including detailed unit, feature, stratum, and facie descriptions. All field methods and results are also presented here, including those for the geomorphological study.

Continuity and Change: Part 3 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donn Grenda.

Part 3 presents the analyses of ecofacts. These studies provide the bridge between the environmental background provided in Part 2 and the material culture studies in Part 4. Ecofactual analyses are aimed at helping us understand subsistence patterns throughout prehistory. Both the paleobotanical studies and the faunal remains demonstrate 8,500 years of continuity.

Continuity and Change: Part 4 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donn Grenda.

Part 4 presents the analyses of artifacts. Worked bone and lithic analyses inform on technology, whereas shell ornaments and beads provide hints about the more personal aspects of prehistoric life. Although minor changes in material culture emerge, the clear pattern is 8,500 years on continuity. Combined with the analyses presented in Part 3, these chapters provide the data to interpret site structure and address many of the research issues outline in Part 2.

Continuity and Change: Part 5 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donn Grenda.

Part 5 synthesizes the information presented in the report and places the site in its regional context. Because the site provides considerable time depth, issues such as change in site structure and social organization are addressed. This part demonstrates the unique nature of the Elsinore site both from a culture history perspective and as a database for archaeological research. We use this high-information site to reevaluate prehistory and to explore the challenges hunter-gathers faced over...

Fifty Years of Archeology in the California Desert: An Archaeological Overview of Joshua Tree National Monument (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas F. King.

This overview discusses Joshua Tree National Monument as a physical entity and as a cultural entity, delineating the changes in environment and land use to which it and adjacent regions of the California Desert have been subjected. The author summarizes and evaluates archeological investigations into the area's prehistory, beginning with the Campbells' pioneer efforts. Survey, concentrated in the northwest-central section of the Monument, has dominated research in the overview area, but a few...

Final Catalog of Recovered Materials (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Statistical Research, Inc.

Final catalog of bag contents and boxes that are in curation. This is organized by bag number and states the box number where the bag is located and the material contained in the bag.

Floatation Analysis report from subcontractor (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Virginia Popper. Lisa Klug.

The analysis of botanical remains from the Lake Elsinore site (Riv-2798) was conducted to provide evidence of plant use by the prehistoric inhabitants of this site. Riv-2798 is an open air site located at the bottom of a small hill on the banks of the outlet channel for Lake Elsinore, Riverside County, California (Grenda, personal communication, 1995). Radiocarbon dates are not yet available for this site, however a preliminary analysis by the site’s investigators suggests that the site was...

Hunting the Hunters: Archaeological Testing at CA-RIV-653 and CA-RIV-1098, Riverside County, California (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donn R. Grenda. Deborah W. Gray.

TThis report presents the results of testing at archaeological sites CA-RIV-653/H and CA-RIV-1098, historic properties eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). These are 2 of 22 prehistoric archaeological sites in the Prado Flood Control Basin, Riverside County, California. RIV-653 is a multicomponent site, noteworthy both for its prehistoric component and its historical-period component, the Bandini Cota adobe. RIV-1098 is directly east of RIV-653; the 2 sites...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman.

Twelve charcoal samples from six features were submitted for identification and AMS radiocarbon dating. These features represent oblong roasting pits/thermal features at site CA-RIV-9086 in Riverside County, California, and consist of fire-affected rocks in a lens of dark sediment. Native Cahuilla are known to have used and roasted agave, and it is possible these features were used for roasting agave. Twelve radiocarbon dates were obtained.

Lake Elsinore Project Director Notes (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donn Grenda.

Project director field notes and correspondence. Some notes relate to post field activities.

Lake Elsinore Site Parking Lot Berm Project Report (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey Altschul.

This letter represents Statistical Research, Inc’s (SRI) report on archaeological excavations in the parking lot berm at CA-RIV-2798/H (herein referred to as RIV-2798/H). SRI conducted its research in accordance with the Settlement and Release Agreement entered into by the Temecula Band of Luiseno Indians (also referred to as the Pechanga Indians) and the City of Lake Elsinore. This report is divided into six sections; project history, terms of the agreement, field methods, site conditions,...

Man and Settlement in the Upper Santa Ana River Drainage: A Cultural Resources Overview (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey Altschul. Martin R. Rose. Michael K. Lerch.

Between July and October of 1984, Statistical Research, Inc., conducted a cultural resources overview and limited field checks of six proposed reservoirs and associated borrow sites in the Upper Santa Ana River Drainage. The proposed areas of impact are dispersed throughout the San Bernardino Valley, covering portions of both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. Although each area is relatively small, in combination they touch on most areas of the San Bernardino Valley. Thus,...

Mapping Field Notes (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Statistical Research, Inc.

Mapping data that produced the final field map. This includes stadia rod and transit readings and the northing and easting of various units and features. Some of the notes are presented in tables.

Mexican Potters of Prado (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John M. Foster. Gwendolyn R. Romani. A. George Toren. R. Paul Hampson. Vicki L. Solheid.

Since 1985, the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CoE) has been planning improvements to Prado Dam and the Prado Flood Control Basin. Federal involvement in such undertakings invokes the Section 106 consultation process of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (as amended) to consider project effects upon significant cultural resources. As part of the planning and consultation process, the CoE has sponsored several investigations to identify and evaluate...

The Native American Ethnography and Ethnohistory of Joshua Tree National Park: An Overview (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lowell John Bean. Sylvia Brakke Vane.

This report constitutes Phase I of a study of the Ethnography and Ethnohistory of Native Americans of Joshua Tree National Park, referred to throughout the text as the Project Area. It was proposed that Phase I should include a review of archaeological reports, ethnographic/ethnohistorical reports in the files of Cultural Systems Research, Inc, (CSRI) that contained information on the Serrano, Cahuilla, Chemehuevi, and Mojave, and the contents of CSRI's library and archives, in order to draft...

Newspaper Articles (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Zion Banks. Jon Banks.

Newspaper articles related to Elsinore project. This is information for the general public and contains pictures and very basic comments on what was being learned at the time of the article.

On the Trail to Avikwaame: Results of a Noncollection Class II Cultural Resources Survey of Quien Sabe/Big Maria Terrace, Riverside County, California (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph A. Ezzo.

As cultural resource consultants to the Bureau of Reclamation's Lower Colorado Regional Office, Statistical Research Inc. conducted a Class II noncollection archaeological and ethnographic survey of 3,100 acres in the Quien Sabe/Big Maria Terrace region of Riverside County, California. The survey covered 20 percent of lands managed by Reclamation in this region. Six parcels of land, blocks, or survey were selected for survey on the basis of previous investigations and the potential these areas...