North America (Geographic Keyword)

2,276-2,300 (3,602 Records)

Neutral Ground and Contraband: Trade and Identity on the Frontier (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Casey J Hanson.

Béxar’s location on the frontier coupled with stifling colonial economic policies prompted Tejanos to look to the east for economic opportunities and initiated an active contraband market during the colonial period that became a robust import economy during the Mexican period.   While many have focused on the implications of the relationships created through these frontier markets, there has been less of an effort to examine the goods that formed the basis of this trade and the roles that the...

"A New and Useful Burial Crypt:" The American Community Mausoleum (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Nonestied.

A community mausoleum is an above ground communal burial structure. The modern community mausoleum can trace its roots back to 1906, when William Hood patented and built his "new and useful burial crypt" in a Ganges, Ohio cemetery. Hood formed the National Mausoleum Company to build additional structures, but also faced competition from competing firms trying to capitalize on the new community mausoleum craze. In a little over five years, more than 100 community mausoleums were built -- by 1915,...

A New Attitude: Balancing Site Confidentiality and Public Interpretation at Delaware State Parks (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jonathan Wickert. John P McCarthy.

It is generally an article of archaeological faith that the location of archaeological resources needs to kept confidential, secret even, to protect resources from vandalism and to respect the sacredness of ancestral sites. That was the attitude that dominated in Delaware State Parks to such an extent that only a handful of interpretive waysides mention Native Americans in any way at all and only one mentions prehistoric archaeology. This resulted in a public unaware of the stories of Native...

New Ceramic Economic Indices for the Historical Archaeology of the Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Centuries (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer A. Rideout. Elizabeth A. Sobel.

Since the 1980s, historical archaeologists have productively used Miller's ceramic economic indices (CEIs) to quantify ceramic expenditure patterns. However, the Miller CEIs are suited primarily to antebellum assemblages. This temporal limit is problematic, constraining our use of ceramics to investigate postbellum economics and consumerism. We redress this problem by presenting a new set of CEIs, which we created expressly for ceramics manufactured between 1880 and 1929, by gathering ceramic...

New Data from the Great Meadows: Geophysical and Archaeological Investigations at Fort Necessity National Battlefield (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mike Whitehead. Ben Ford.

Fort Necessity National Battlefield marks the location of the July 3, 1754 engagement between British and Colonial forces led by Lt. Col. George Washington and a force of French soldiers and allied Native Americans.  The day-long battle took place within the Great Meadows, a natural clearing chosen by Washington to centralize supplies and livestock while clearing a road westward through the Allegheny Mountains.  A hastily fortified storehouse referred to as a "fort of necessity" was ultimately...

New Developments on the Emanuel Point II Shipwreck Project: Ongoing Investigations of a Vessel from Luna’s 1559 Fleet (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gregory Cook.

Investigations on the second shipwreck identified as a vessel from Don Tristán de Luna y Arellano’s 1559 fleet have intensified during the past year due to successful funding efforts.  The site, known as "Emanuel Point II", is a well-preserved example of ship architecture related to early Spanish colonization efforts. Archaeologists and students from the University of West Florida have focused recent excavations on the vessel’s stern and midships area, and have uncovered new artifacts and...

New Developments on the Gnalic Project. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mauro Bondioli. Filipe Castro. Mariangela Nicolardi. Irena Radic-Rossi.

This paper presents the latest results of the ongoing historical and archaeological research on Gagliana grossa, a merchantman built in Venice in 1569.  It sunk while travelling from Venice to Constantinople, in November of 1583, near the small island of Gnalic, not far away from Biograd na moru, in today’s Croatia.

New Directions for Horse Hardware at James Madison’s Montpelier (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth A McCague.

As an often overlooked artifact class, horse hardware has the potential to answer a variety of research questions on the functionality of plantation work spaces. Ongoing archaeological research at James Madison’s Montpelier has examined the dynamics of a late 18th to mid-19th century working plantation in central Virginia. Through the survey and excavations of several areas that made up Madison’s plantation, various horse hardware has been recovered in several labor contexts and styles. As part...

New Directions for Underwater Archaeology in Virginia (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John D. Broadwater.

More than two thousand ships have been lost in Virginia waters since the first European explorers ventured here. In addition, countless prehistoric sites and historic piers, wharves and other structures now lie underwater. Yet, except for a few significant exceptions, little emphasis has been placed on locating and studying Virginia’s submerged sites. In a partnership with the Virginia Historic Resources Department, the Archeological Society of Virginia recently formed a Maritime Heritage...

The New Epidemic: The Past as Fun, Fame, and Profit on YouTube (2022)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tristan J Harrenstein. Michael B Thomin.

This is a poster submission presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. After rising up against the dragon of unethical archaeology that wurmed its way onto the National Geographic Channel through the show “Diggers,” the archaeology world has been in a relative state of peace. Now, however, a fell shadow looms on the horizon taking shape as a wave of videos on YouTube. Left unchallenged, this scourge promises to spread a new epidemic of site looting in the...

New Evidence of Early Cultural Relations Between Eurasia and Western North America (1968)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles E. Borden.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

New Evidence of the Earliest Domestic Dogs in the Americas (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Angela Perri. Chris Widga. Terrance Martin. Dennis Lawler. Thomas J. Loebel.

While the arrival of domesticated dogs with an initial human migration has been the most reasonable explanation for their presence in the Americas, evidence for Paleoindian dogs has proven elusive. Here, we present the identification and direct radiocarbon dating of an isolated dog burial from Stilwell II, an Early Archaic site in the Lower Illinois River Valley. We also present new direct radiocarbon dates for two dogs from the nearby Archaic Koster site. These dates confirm that the Stilwell...

New Experiments Upon the Record of Eastern Paleoindian Cultures (1984)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. M. Gramly.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

A New Fee Structure to Ensure Repository and Archive Sustainability (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn MacFarland. Arthur Vokes. Suzanne Eckert. Patrick Lyons.

This is an abstract from the "Navigating Ethical and Legal Quandaries in Modern Archaeological Curation" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For many decades, the Arizona State Museum (ASM) used a flat-rate curation model that proved unsustainable. It did not cover the costs of reviewing incoming materials for compliance with the Arizona Antiquities Act (AAA), preparing submissions for curation, or care in perpetuity. Furthermore, inadequate funding...

A New Kind of Frontier: Hispanic Homesteaders in Eastern New Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelly Jenks.

The rural community of Los Ojitos in Guadalupe County, New Mexico was settled in the late 1860s by the first generation of Hispanic homesteaders. Many of these founding families came from Spanish- and Mexican-era land grant communities where grantees shared the rights to common lands and the responsibility to build and maintain irrigation ditches and other public structures. In claiming homesteads in New Mexico’s Middle Pecos Valley, these families were forced to adapt some of their traditional...

New Life for Old Fur Trade Data: Asking New Questions of the 1974 Atlas of Canada Posts of the Canadian Fur Trade Map. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John J. Knoerl. T. Kurt Knoerl.

A detailed map entitled "Posts of the Canadian Fur Trade" was included in the fourth edition of the Atlas of Canada.  Over 800 fur trade locations spanning the years 1600-1800 were noted on the map along with the company affiliation, and duration of operation.  A quick glance at the map shows how this important aspect of the French and British colonial economies spanned the continent’s northern regions and consequently its aboriginal inhabitants.  Forty-one years later little is known about the...

New Light on Historic Fort Wayne, Detroit: The Springwells Neighborhood and the War of 1812 (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Terri Renaud. Thomas W. Killion. Kat E Slocum.

During the War of 1812, numerous battles unfolded along the Detroit River between Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair. The fortified settlement of Detroit was a central focus of British and American military activity. Many other locations in the Detroit theater of this conflict were important as well, including the European farmlands and old Native village locations along the river above and below Detroit. This poster focuses on the Springwells neighborhood of southeast Detroit and its role in shaping...

New Management Strategies for Submerged Cultural Resources in the U.S. National Park Service. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bert S. Ho. Charles Lawson. Jessica Keller.

With ever increasing stresses to cultural resources in the U.S. National Parks from natural and man-made threats, managers of these resources must evolve and adapt to protect and preserve them all. Some solutions limit or deny access because of the delicate state of the resource or because of the sensitive nature of its history. However, providing access and presenting the past to park visitors in a meaningful way is a primary responsibility of managing places that belong to all Americans. For...

A New Maritime Archaeological Landscape Formation Model (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alicia Caporaso.

Underwater archaeology tends to be particularistic focusing on the human activities associated with an event, however; human behavior and its resultant material remains exist on a physical and cultural landscape and cannot be separated from it. Studying known archaeological sites within the landscape reveals patterns of human behavior that can only be identified within that context. The natural environment constrains and informs human behavior and plays an important role in the development of...

A new method of rapidly surveying submerged archaeological sites. (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark W Holley.

Since 2007, the Underwater Archaeology Program at Northwestern Collage (USA) has been surveying submerged cultural resources both in America and Europe by utilizing sector scanning sonar equipment developed by Kongsberg-Mesotech (Vancouver, Canada). The results of these surveys have been stunning. This paper will explore the catalog of archaeological sites surveyed, methodology of deployment and how this new equipment can contribute to the development of rapid, highly detailed underwater...

New Methods for Comparing Consumer Behavior across Space and Time in the Early Modern Atlantic World (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jillian Galle.

Unlike primary sources, archaeological assemblages can be used to estimate per-capita discard rates that reveal the flow of goods through time and the complexity of purchasing patterns on a range of sites.  In addition to filling these gaps, the archaeological record provides data on individuals and groups not represented in probate inventories and wills, two document types most often used to track consumer habits on both the small and large scale.  Unfortunately measuring and comparing...

New Methods for Training Historic/Prehistoric Human Remains Detection Dogs (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Alexander.

This is an abstract from the "Canine Resources for the Archaeologist" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Human remains detection dogs have been used with success to detect both historic and prehistoric human remains in various projects in the United States and Europe. However, success has often been marginal, as it is with “search and rescue” cadaver dogs. Three dogs have been trained at the forensic anthropology center at Texas State University on...

New Orleans and the Long Nineteenth Century: The View from Faubourg Tremé. (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher M. Grant.

The Tremé is often referred to as America’s oldest African-American neighborhood and has been the site of significant social, cultural, and political developments in New Orleans for the past two hundred years. From the colonial period onward, the neighborhood fostered the growth of the city’s Creole population and displayed a distinct cultural and demographic makeup unmatched in other parts of the American South. In recent decades, scholars have considered the Tremé as a rich site of cultural...

New Perspectives on Cultural Heritage Protection Informed by Public Opinion Surveys (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kayla Bradshaw.

This is an abstract from the "New Perspectives on Heritage Protection: Accomplishing Goals" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Despite past cultural resource protection efforts, looting remains a prevalent issue throughout the U.S. While the laws may be adequate, current methods of and emphasis on detection and enforcement of these crimes are not. This paper discusses new perspectives on cultural heritage protection based primarily on the results of...

New Perspectives on Human-Plant Histories in Delaware: Acheobotanical Data from the Route 301 Mega Project. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Justine McKnight.

This paper will focus on the interpretation a large flotation-derived floral dataset produced from seven archaeological mitigations accomplished under the Route 301 Mega Project.   A diverse range of features (wells, cellars, smokehouses, root cellars, middens, kilns, slave quarters) were sampled from a variety of domestic, agricultural and small-scale industrial contexts that comprised the social landscape of rural Delaware during the 1700’s and 1800’s.  The collective floral data make a...