North America (Geographic Keyword)

2,576-2,600 (3,602 Records)

Prelude to Removal: Tallisi Phase Transformations in Muscogee Creek Daily Life (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cameron B. Wesson. John Cottier.

Beginning with the signing of the Treaty of Fort Jackson and ending with the forced removal of most Creeks on the Trail of Tears, the Tallisi Phase (1814-1836) was a period of tremendous cultural transformation for the Creeks of Southeastern North America. Historical documents suggest the most profound of these changes were alterations in political structure, domestic economies, and demographics. This paper examines the archaeological and historical records to evaluate the impacts of these...

Preparing Archaeological Data for the Cloud: Digital Collaboration within the DAACS Research Consortium (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cooper Cooper. Lynsey A Bates. Jillian Galle. Elizabeth Bollwerk.

The Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS) Research Consortium facilitates collaborative scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, especially in archaeology, across institutional and spatial boundaries. The primary products of the Mellon Grant were a web-based platform for the existing DAACS database, as well as a comprehensive training session wherein institutional partners and research assistants learned cataloging protocols in a collaborative in-house...

Preparing for the Future or Investing in the Present? Assemblages from an Overseer’s Site and an Enslaved Laborers’ Quarter (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Crystal L. Ptacek. Donald Gaylord.

This paper analyzes and compares ceramic diversity and small domestic artifacts from two domestic sites located at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello plantation. During the first quarter of the nineteenth century, one site was the home of white overseer Edmund Bacon while the other was the location of at least one quarter for enslaved African Americans. Analysis of artifacts recovered from plowzone enhances our understanding of how one of Monticello’s white overseers’ personal items differed from the...

Preparing for the Great War: How Lidar and GPR Helped Locate Military Training Resources (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heather Puckett.

This is an abstract from the "Application of Geophysical Techniques to Military Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. To date, no comprehensive study examining World War I training had been available for the Department of Defense (DoD). In 2017, the Alabama National Guard partnered with the Mississippi National Guard and Panamerican Consultants on a DoD Legacy Resources Management Program project (CR 18-834) to synthesize existing research...

Preparing for the Real World: How Fieldschools Can Teach Consultation with Interested Parties (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristin E Swanton.

In 2010, Dr. Kevin McBride from the University of Connecticut conducted an archaeological fieldschool at various archaeological sites associated with the Pequot War, which took place from 1636-1638. News of the archaeological survey illicted many diverse responses from interested parties and community members. As a result, students participating in the field school benefited from the opportunity to interact with descendant communities, property owners, and other interested publics. This brief...

Presence of Pathological Tuberculosis in Relation to Perimortem Institutionalization at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Helen Werner. Alexander Anthony.

The goal of this study is to integrate three types of data from the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery: (1) bioarchaeological signs of tuberculosis, both gross anatomical changes to the skeletal remains and DNA evidence of the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, (2) material culture, including the distribution of artifacts associated with Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery burials, and (3) historic documents that elucidate practice within these institutional contexts, particularly...

Present in the Past: Environmental Archaeology and Public Policy (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Gibb.

  Eroding farmland, diminishing forest stocks, sediments choking navigable waterways….these are environmental changes wrought, at least in part, by human decisions and human actions. In the present, these are highly politicized issues, providing thin veils to debates about ideology. Exploring environmental changes in the distant past creates a safe place in which dialogue participants have little or no vested interest and ideology a less prominent role. Public dissemination of archaeological...

Presenting Data to the Public: Approaches for Contextualizing Archaeological Information for a Non-Specialist Audience (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lisa E. Fischer.

Disseminating archaeological findings to the public is an important part of the discipline’s mission. However raw archaeological data are often difficult for a non-specialist audience to interpret. Including a mediating layer of information that helps the reader to understand the data can provide needed contextual information when presenting archaeological findings for a public audience. Developing and maintaining this additional interpretive content, however, can be difficult, especially for...

Preservation in Peril: Patterns of Politics and Archaeology over the Past 100 Years (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jordon Loucks. Jessica Watson.

In an era of uncertainty in the significance of cultural resources, an evaluation of the history of legislation that protects and manages effects on cultural resources is of paramount importance. At the federal level, the environmental policies that ensure evaluation of cultural resources are at risk in today’s political climate. To understand how to best maintain and improve protections and mechanisms of cultural resource investigation, the following paper evaluates the history of cultural...

Preservation of Cultural Heritage at the Alamo: A Collaboration between Archaeology and Conservation (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tiffany Lindley. Pamela Jary Rosser.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeology and conservation might appear to be contradictory disciplines. Archaeological methods are inherently destructive, and conservation strives to prevent loss. However, at some historic sites archaeology and conservation collaborate as integral partners to preserve the physical structures and cultural heritage, as well as recovering new data...

Preservation or Perseveration: The Cost of Trying to Save Everything (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelli Barnes.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The National Register of Historic Places Criteria help to guide the valuation and protection of significant archaeological sites. Lithic and trash scatters are often recommended as eligible for the Register based on their data potential or left with undetermined eligibility, though relatively few of these sites are actually nominated for the Register or...

Preserving Heritage: The Challenge of Race and Class at the Pyrrhus Concer Homelot (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Allison J.M. McGovern.

This paper discusses community outreach and archaeological investigations at the Pyrrhus Concer Homelot in Southampton, New York. Pyrrhus Concer was born to an enslaved mother during the Gradual Emancipation Era in New York State, and he is locally remembered as a freed slave, a whaleman, a philanthropist, and a respected community member. Despite local awareness and memorialization of Concer’s homelot, his home became the locus of a heated battle between local preservationists, planning board...

Preserving the Past: Managing Prehistoric and Historic Canoes (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alyssa D. Reisner.

Cultural resource managers often encounter historic and prehistoric wooden canoes during their archaeological field investigations or inventory process. There is considerable variation in ways that state entities manage these vessels. Different techniques are used, including but not limited to, in situ preservation, excavation, conservation, and museum exhibition. The current study examined and compared various options and techniques employed in the management of wooden canoes, mainly focusing...

Preserving the Peripheries and Excavating at the Edges: An Examination of the Drinking Spaces at Two Protected Frontier Sites (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan Victor.

Frontier spaces are busy, dynamic zones of meeting, and change, yet often in the realm of research and preservation, these locales are given peripheral attention in favor of more well-established metropoles. I examine two sites: Smuttynose Island, in the Isles of Shoals, Maine, and Highland City, Montana. Thanks to the efforts of the Smuttynose Island Steward Program and the United States Forest Service (especially the Passport in Time Program), these two frontier resource-extraction communities...

The Presidio San Carlos Archaeological Project: Preliminary Results (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emiliano Gallaga.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Camino Real was a cultural, political, and economical link between the Viceroy of Mexico and the northern communities of the New Spain, mostly mining centers. But these new territories were not only harsh geographically but dangerous by the constant raids by the local communities of American Indians, and pressure from foreign nations like England, France...

The Price of Death: Materiality and Economy of 19th and 20th Century Funeral Wakes on the Periphery of Western Ireland. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sara Morrow. Ian Kuijt.

What is the price of death?  Funeral wakes, at the intersection of religion, community, and material consumption, are one way to consider the connotation of marginal communities as representing national and local traditions and historic identity. The coastal islands of rural western Ireland have historically been presented as culturally isolated, economically disadvantaged, and geographically inaccessible. In the Western region, religious and local traditions surrounding death have been...

Primitive Art: Its Traditions and Styles (1962)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul S. Wingert.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Principles of Open Government Archaeology: Lessons from the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joshua J. Wells. David Anderson. Eric Kansa. Sarah Whitcher Kansa. Stephen Yerka.

American archaeology is conducted under cultural resources protection laws, but how does archaeology meet the challenge of openness? The past decade saw development of the "open government" digital information paradigm for public availability of information that underpins the functions of governance. Open government data provide a base for the interested public to offer expertise in aspects of necessary analyses, and to derive further public value from reuse of government data in novel ways. The...

Prioritizing the Concretions from Queen Anne’s Revenge for Conservation: A Case Study in Managing a Large Collection (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kimberly P Kenyon.

In the ongoing excavation of archaeological site 31CR314 (Blackbeard’s flagship Queen Anne’s Revenge), approximately 3,000 concretions have been raised as of Fall 2014.  With a plan for complete recovery, and considering that an estimated 60% of the site has been excavated so far, over 5,000 concretions could eventually be recovered.  With the substantial amount of conservation to be done and only 2 full-time conservators, a plan for how to proceed through the collection was needed.  Over the...

Prioritizing Title IX in Private Cultural Resource Management (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Trinity Schlegel.

Cultural Resource Management (CRM) employs approximately 63% of archaeologists in the United States. Private consulting firms contract with federal agencies to assist in compliance with federal laws such as NHPA, NAGPRA, ARPA and AHPA, and additional state laws. As contract archaeologists, we often work extended periods within small groups in isolated areas, which lends to work environments away from support systems of family and friends. Co-workers depend on each other for safety and support in...

The Private Side of Victorian Mourning Practices in 19th-century New England: The Cole’s Hill Memorial Cache (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nadia Waski. Victoria A Cacchione.

Excavated from Cole’s Hill in downtown Plymouth, Massachusetts, a cache comprising of a collection of 19th century personal adornment artifacts, daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and organic materials, potentially provides an alternative view of mourning and memorialization practices in Victorian-era New England. The associated artifacts possess characteristics indicative of Victorian mourning symbols and material types. However, no other current examples of this mourning practice exist in the...

Privy to the Past: Refuse Disposal on Alexandria’s 18th Century Waterfront (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Waters Johnson.

While the discovery of an 18th century ship on the site captivated the media and public….just a few feet away we quietly worked to excavate another exciting find…a public privy. The large privy, one of four uncovered at the site, was located fifteen feet from the 1755 Carlyle warehouse, and is thought to be associated with this first public warehouse in Alexandria. Thousands of seeds, ceramics, glass, shoes and other unique finds provide a window into the lives of these early residents that...

The Problem of Enacting Ethical Practice in Historic Cemetery Excavation (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Catherine Jones. Shannon Freire.

The excavation, reburial, and permanent curation of human remains from historic cemeteries is inherently linked to complexities of Western paternalism, medical consent, nationality, traditional cultural practice, and a too-common absence of stakeholder engagement, among other pressing concerns. These important and fundamental considerations are often ignored or glossed over in both archaeological project planning and in publications utilizing these remains. The ideal of scientific objectivity...

Production and Consumption in the Old West: Examining Cottage Industry and Diet at the Nate Harrison Site (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristin N. Tennesen. James Turner. Seth Mallios.

A life-long laborer, Nate Harrison engaged in many industrious activities during his time on Palomar Mountain in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Using historical, photographic, and archaeological evidence, this paper aims to analyze and evaluate the different industries in which Harrison participated and the significance of these activities for the local community.  Soil-chemistry studies, faunal analyses, and various archaeologically-uncovered tools present a robust portrait of activity and...

Productive Partnerships: How Municipal Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Programs and Student Research Can Support Each Other (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn Ness. Carl Halbirt.

For decades, Cultural Resource Management (CRM) projects have yielded a wealth of information and artifacts. While some of these projects have been incorporated into academic research, many remain unstudied and unpublished. The situation is especially problematic in municipal and small-scale archaeology programs that are constrained by time, logistics, and budgetary considerations. Fortunately, students are in a prime position to help remedy the issue by working with such programs. The...