North America (Geographic Keyword)

2,751-2,775 (3,610 Records)

Redressing Power: Road Building in British Colonial Cyprus (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Erin S.L. Gibson.

Road building has always been essential to the process of colonisation. In Cyprus, British Colonial road building was part of a larger project to secure and civilise the island and its population, making it a model for how other countries should be administered in the Near East. The construction of roads between 1880 and 1900 focussed on establishing security and bringing order to the landscape and its people. In this presentation I focus on the multifaceted dimensions of the construction, use...

Reducing a Threat: Environmental Significance of the Wreck of USNS Mission San Miguel (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jason, T. Raupp. Melissa Price. Kelly Gleason Keogh. John Burns.

The 2015 documentation of a wrecked tanker at Maro Reef and its subsequent identification as that of the United States Naval Ship Mission San Miguel makes an important contribution to both the maritime heritage and ecology of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Despite the fact that the American military’s critical need for petroleum led to the construction of scores of tankers, this site represents one of the few extant examples of this important vessel type. These unglamorous, yet hardworking...

Reef Beacons; Unlit and Forgotten: Interpreting History for the Future (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brenda Altmeier.

 Navigational markers are prominent reminders of our country’s maritime heritage. In 1789 the Lighthouse Act was one of several laws the first congress passed to regulate and encourage trade and commerce of the new world. Shipping routes today are much like the historical routes used during discovery and colonization of the new world. Many maritime heritage resources in the Florida Keys Sanctuary are a result of complications along these historical shipping routes. Shipwrecks in the Florida Keys...

A Reevaluation of the Excavations at George Washington's Blacksmith Shop (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lily Carhart.

The blacksmith shop at George Washington’s Mount Vernon is situated roughly 200 ft. north of the mansion house and was extant in that location from at least 1762 through Washington’s death in 1799. This period featured multiple reorganizations of the grounds and dependencies, in particular the area between the mansion and the blacksmith shop was converted from a work yard to the formal North Grove. The remains of the blacksmith shop and related archaeological features have been excavated on five...

Refined earthenware ceramics among enslaved Afro-Andeans at the post-Jesuit haciendas of San Joseph and San Xavier in Nasca, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brendan J. M. Weaver.

In excavated contexts at the vinicultural haciendas of San Joseph and San Francisco Xavier de la Nasca, refined earthenwares of British manufacture first begin to appear in post-1767 strata. This period marks the Jesuit expulsion and the expropriation of the estates by the Spanish Crown. Administrators for the Crown likely found it difficult to replicate the material conditions on the haciendas under their Jesuit predecessors and turned to other exchange networks for provisioning the newly...

Refining The Hermitage Chronologies (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cooper Cooper. Jillian E Galle. Lynsey A. Bates. Elizabeth Bollwerk.

    Previous chronologies of site occupations at The Hermitage were based largely on historical documentation combined with observed architectural changes across the landscape. Here we use correspondence analysis of ceramic ware-type frequencies to corroborate and refine earlier chronologies developed by Smith and McKee. DAACS data from ten domestic sites of slavery at the plantation, with occupations spanning from the first decade of the nineteenth century to the 1920’s, allow us to develop...

"Refining" Coarse Earthenware Types from the British Coal Measures (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindsay Bloch.

Ceramics analysis, particularly the identification and dating of ware types on historic sites, structures our inferences in critical ways. However, our ware types and production date ranges are sometimes built on incomplete information about the origins of these wares. The Coal Measures region of Great Britain, encompassing production centers such as Staffordshire and the major port of Liverpool, was the source for a variety of earthenware products, both coarse and refined during the colonial...

Reflections From the Street: Current practices of collaboration and co-authorship in the contemporary archaeology of homelessness project. (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Courtney E Singleton. Milford Weeks.

Collaboration between archaeologists and stakeholders has the potential to radically transform a research project. This paper examines the collaborative relationships formed between archaeologists and Davidson Street Bridge Homeless Camp residents working on the archaeology of homelessness in Indianapolis, Indiana. Through the process of co-authorship we reflect on the current structures and views of collaboration both theoretically and practically, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of the...

Reflections in the Hermitage Spring, or How a Summer in Tennessee Drove me Underwater (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ben L. Ford.

The Hermitage Archaeology internship program was a significant and formative experience for many young archaeologists. My career still reverberates with the summer I spent in the program. Like many of the interns, I learned how to do solid scientific archaeology where well-conceived, humanistic questions are addressed with rigorous methods. I also learned that some things are more important than science and that I had no natural talent for Public Archaeology. Much of my career since has been...

Reflections on Community Engagement & Digital Approaches: The Effects & Impacts of Different Tools (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lynne Goldstein.

Archaeologists generally believe that public engagement is important and useful, and most believe they are doing so. Many have seen relative ease of use of the web as a panacea for such work. Having been involved in archaeological research, outreach and community engagement for over 40 years, I have experience with a variety of methods. As technology changes and we try to embrace new techniques, however, it is rare that we reconsider our overall engagement strategy, or create a specific plan....

Reflections on the Life, Career and Influence of Stephen D. Fretwell (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Frank Bayham.

This is an abstract from the "Fifty Years of Fretwell and Lucas: Archaeological Applications of Ideal Distribution Models" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Steve Fretwell served as a Visiting Maytag Professor at Arizona State University in the Biology Department in 1976-1977. He was a well-published, aspiring young evolutionary ecologist and taught several courses and seminars. I was a first-year graduate student in anthropology at that time and had...

A Reflexive Paradigm: Improving Understanding of our Shared Human Heritage (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brandi Carrier. Dave Ball.

BOEM’s historic preservation program is based in stewardship, science-informed decisions, and scientific integrity. To achieve these values, we utilize best practices of inclusiveness in our community science programs. By actively seeking varied ways of knowing, e.g, traditional knowledge and landscape approaches, we allow for concurrent historic contexts to be defined and understood at various scales. Considering our jurisdiction covers 1.76 billion acres of submerged federal lands, these...

Reform and Archaeology (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan Springate.

There is more to the concept of reform than just change. The term suggests improvement and betterment -- but by whose definition and direction? Serving as an introduction to the Archaeology of Reform/Archaeology as Reform session, this paper explores the meaning and nature of reform and how archaeology can both illuminate and facilitate it.

Reforming the Collection: Documentation, Fieldwork, and the NAGPRA Process at SUNY Oswego (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Douglas Pippin.

The discovery of human remains in the SUNY Oswego archaeological collection in 2005 led to a ten year inventory process to fulfill our responsibilities under NAGPRA. From the beginning, our fundamental difficulty was the overall lack of documentation and information about the materials comprising the Oswego collection. Difficulties with the existing catalog and storage condition of the materials heightened the difficulties of inventory process. Many of the sites represented in our collection...

Reframing the Refuge: Interpreting Enslavement at Monocacy National Battlefield through Black Feminist Perspectives (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexandra M McDougle.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Black Studies and Archaeology" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In 1793 the Vincendiere family fled Saint Domingue with 12 of their enslaved, and settled on a plantation in Frederick, Maryland known as “L’Hermitage". Previous archaeological interpretations at L’Hermitage focused on the Vincendieres attempts at a French-Caribbean model of enslavement in a predominantly German-Protestant community, as well as...

"A Refuge of Cure or of Care": The Sensory Dimensions of Confinement at the Worcester State Hospital for the Insane (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Madeline Bourque Kearin.

American asylum medicine, the precursor to psychiatry, was predicated on an environmental approach to the treatment of mental illness: specifically, upon the creation of a curative environment that would rigorously organize patients’ exposure to sensory stimuli. This paper combines documentary records, evidence from surviving architecture, and geospatial renderings of the landscape in order to access those stimuli – consisting of the sights, sounds, smells, and tactile qualities of the natural...

Regional Contexts of Sexual Harassment in the United States: A Comparison of the SEAC and SCA Surveys (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maureen Meyers. Amber VanDerwarker.

This is an abstract from the "Presidential Session: What Is at Stake? The Impacts of Inequity and Harassment on the Practice of Archaeology" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Sexual harassment has long been rampant in the discipline of archaeology, and until recently, our collective understanding of its pervasiveness and effects has been largely anecdotal. Recent surveys on the topic aimed at the memberships of the Southeastern Archaeological...

Regional Scale Transport of the Aerosol Constituents from Urban Air Pollution in Eastern North America (1980)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. W. Winchester. J. Nelson. A. Leslie. M. Darzi. L. Boure. S. Bauman.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Regional Settlement Patterns in the Colonization of Historical Landscapes: the New Acadia Project Archaeological Survey (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark A Rees. Donald Bourgeois.

In 1765 more than 200 Acadian refugees settled on the natural levees along the Bayou Teche in south Louisiana. Two centuries later, the descendants of the Acadians were recognized as having created a homeland known as Acadiana. The Fausse Pointe region where the Acadian families initially settled, however, presented an unfamiliar and difficult environment in an already inhabited landscape. The New Acadia Project has systematically surveyed portions of a ten mile segment of the Teche Ridge in...

Regional Shipwreck Surveys – The Mainstay of UASBC (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jacques F. Marc.

One of the challenges for avocational U/W archaeology groups is finding an appropriate role in the professional archaeology community. The Underwater Archaeological Society of British Columbia (UASBC) tried its hand at many underwater archaeology activities early in its history including underwater excavations, which was exciting but proved too costly and time consuming.  The UASBC recognized early on, that in order to manage the submerged cultural resources of BC, the provincial Archaeology...

Regional Synthesis and Best Practices for the Application of Geophysics to Archaeological Projects in the Middle Atlantic Region. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Chadwick. Elisabeth A. LaVigne.

As geophysical surveys become more common and a standard procedure on archeological projects within the United States, the question raised is whether or not the methods and systems being used are appropriate for the questions being asked by the principal investigators. Therefore, a compilation of geophysical methods used during archaeological investigations and their results in the Middle Atlantic region, primarily those used on transportation projects, was conducted as part of the Route 301...

Rehabilitating America’s Forgotten Excavations: Case Studies from the Veterans Curation Program (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patrick S Rivera.

Since the passage of historic preservation legislation in the middle of the twentieth century, the pace of mandated excavation has always exceeded the resources devoted to preservation and curation of our national heritage.  Many of the archaeological projects conducted on public land have never been properly inventoried, preserved, or publicized.  As a result, these investigations remain largely inaccessible to researchers, and they create an immense burden on repositories.  In 2009, the U.S....

Reimagining Methods in Historical Zooarchaeology: Applying the Pathological Index (PI) to Historical Assemblages in North America (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jenna K Carlson.

Since Bartosiewicz, Van Neer, and Lentacker published their ground-breaking research on the osteological identification of draught cattle, zooarchaeological studies of traction animals have proliferated.  Whereas most of these studies draw from Old World assemblages, this research applies Bartosiewicz, Van Neer, and Lentacker’s (1997) methodology for assessing draught cattle to eighteenth-century assemblages from Drayton Hall, South Carolina, and Oxon Hill Manor, Maryland.  In assessing the...

Reimagining Methods in Historical Zooarchaeology: Getting to the Meat of the Matter-Identifying Butchery Goals and Reconstructing Meat Cuts from Eighteenth Century Colonial Virginia (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dessa E. Lightfoot.

Faunal remains from archaeological sites are only the byproduct of meals, discarded after the meat has been stripped from them.  A detailed butchery analysis is one way of thinking of bones as vehicles for meat, making it possible to link what was removed for consumption with what is found archaeologically.  Seeking to reconstruct meat cuts is another way to get at not just what species or how much people were eating, but how that meat was conceived of, prepared, and served.  Butchery analysis...

Reimagining Methods in Historical Zooarchaeology: Methods and Themes in Recent Literature (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laura Masur.

This poster exhibits a survey of recent (2000-2015) literature on historical zooarchaeology in eastern North America. Emphasizing studies of colonialism and cultural mixture, this survey evaluates ways that historical archaeologists use zooarchaeological data to investigate topics such as human impacts on environments, economic strategies, and the expression of social identities. By focusing on trends in analytical methods and the research questions posed by archaeologists, this survey...