Republic of Peru (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,251-1,275 (1,735 Records)

Proceso Constructivo en los Montículos Circulares Prehispánicos de Urcuquí / Constructive Process at Prehispanic Circular Mounds of Urcuquí (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maria Soledad Solorzano Venegas. Olga del Pilar Woolfson Touma.

El paisaje cultural arqueológico de Urcuquí se caracteriza por la presencia de montículos artificiales circulares –Tolas-, de la época prehispánica. Sus dimensiones promedio fluctúan entre treinta y cincuenta metros de diámetro y entre dos y cuatro metros de altura. El objetivo de esta ponencia es proponer el proceso de construcción de estas estructuras, a partir de una relectura de la información obtenida del registro arqueológico de superficie y subsuelo empleando técnicas mixtas: excavación...

Procurement and Use of Obsidian at the Middle Horizon – Late Intermediate Site of Quilcapampa, Valle de Siguas, Arequipa, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Branden Rizzuto. Justin Jennings.

This poster highlights emerging results of our ongoing study to further characterize the procurement networks and use strategies of obsidian sources in the south-central Andes during the Middle Horizon (600 CE – 1000 CE) and Late Intermediate Periods (1000 CE – 1476 CE). We present archaeometric analyses and provenience studies of excavated obsidian objects from the Middle Horizon – Late Intermediate site of Quilcapampa, located in the Valle de Siguas, Arequipa, Peru. In total, 70 objects were...

Produccion metalurgica en la Costa Sur: de Paracas a Nasca (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only María Inés Velarde. Pamela Castro de la Mata.

Las sociedades de Paracas y Nasca que habitaban el actual territorio de Ica, desarrollaron una tradición metalúrgica con características locales particulares dentro de los Andes Centrales. Los orígenes de la producción metalúrgica en esta zona se relacionan con la presencia de Chavín durante el Horizonte Temprano, y se caracteriza por el predominante uso de oro laminado y trabajado en formas y diseños simples. Esta tradición metalúrgica se mantuvo durante varios siglos en el sur, casi a espaldas...

The Production of Blackware Pottery at Pachacamac and the Lurín Valley, Peru, during the Late Horizon: A Multi-method Approach (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Davenport. Frances Hayashida. Brandi MacDonald. Jeff Ferguson.

This is an abstract from the "Ceramics and Archaeological Sciences 2024" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. While pottery made to look black has existed in many regions in the Andes and through many time periods, the style sees widespread distribution and use during the Late Horizon, particularly in Inka contexts. Often made through firing in a reducing environment, blackware was a style common to the Chimú empire (located on Peru’s north coast),...

Productivity in a human context: creating and applying proxies relevant to Chicama Valley archaeology. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only C. Fred Andrus. Alice R. Kelley. Daniel H. Sandweiss.

El Niño-related changes in marine and terrestrial productivity impacted Chicama residents in several ways, including altering available marine species, soil productivity, and by extension, the technological and economic innovations necessary to adapt. The combination of marine and terrestrial resources were central to the economy of people living in the Chicama Valley throughout the Holocene. Estimates of El Niño’s effects on past marine productivity typically rely on open ocean proxies distant...

Proteomic Sex Estimation of a Gendered Sacrificial Context in Pampa la Cruz, North Coast of Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Glendon Parker. Kyle Burk. John Verano. Gabriel Prieto.

This is an abstract from the "Ritual Violence and Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Andes: New Directions in the Field" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Protocols of ritual violence result from an interplay of political structures with multiple social factors, including roles of gender and age. These patterns often manifest as a biological sex-bias in sacrificial bioarchaeological contexts. In the Chimu Pampala Cruz site (AD 1050–1520), 86 individuals...

Provisioning an Embattled Frontier: The Role of the Inka Settlement of Pulquina Arriba within an Imperial Defensive Network in the Southeastern Bolivian Andes (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Warren.

This is an abstract from the "Navigating Imperialism: Negotiated Communities and Landscapes of the Inka Provinces" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In certain loosely incorporated territories of the Inka Empire, privileged non-Inka colonial populations were granted considerable autonomy and entrusted with the maintenance of local imperial settlements and infrastructure. Such was the case across much of the southeastern Bolivian Andes, in which...

Proyecto Arqueológico Cochasqui-Mojanda (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mauricio Torres. Andrea Chávez. Andrea Méndez. Byron Ortiz.

El Parque Arqueológico Cochasquí se encuentra en las estribaciones sur orientales del macizo montañoso de Mojanda, en la provincia de Pichincha a 52 Km al norte de Quito. El sitio está conformado por 15 pirámides truncas, casi todas conservando sus rampas que facilitan el acceso a la parte superior. En el mismo espacio se puede encontrar varios montículos circulares. En 1932 Max Uhle - el primer arqueólogo en realizar excavaciones dentro del sitio – concluyó que las pirámides fueron sitios...

Pubertal Development among Pre-Hispanic Moquegua Valley Populations (Southern Peru, 800-1500 CE) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bridget Bey. Sarah I. Baitzel.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As a temporally bounded bio-social process, puberty offers a compelling topic to explore the lived experiences of past people. The onset and pace of pubertal development are shaped by nutritional, environmental, and social factors that reflect long and short-term childhood experiences. We investigate puberty as a flexible process shaped by multiple...

Pulling Abundance out of Thin Air: The Role of Pastoralism in 1000 BC Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sadie Weber.

Andean camelid pastoralism – with its origins in the puna of the South-Central Andes – plays a key role in risk management and transformation of low-energy, high-abundance resources. Camelids not only help pastoralists mitigate risk by acting as literal "wealth on the hoof," but they also maintain cohesion of intergroup relationships across vast distances by facilitating mobility within and among diverse environmental zones. Here, I examine intensified camelid pastoral systems as an adaptation...

The Puruwá Border: Archaeological Footprints and Ancestorship in Tungurahua and Chimborazo, Ecuador (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Josefina Vasquez Pazmino.

This is an abstract from the "The Barbacoan World: Recognizing and Preserving the Unique Indigenous Cultural Developments of the Northern Andes" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Who are the descendants of the ancient Puruwá? Archaeological settlements located in the central highlands of Ecuador, share certain features which researchers used to interpret as the materiality of ethnohistoric Puruwá. Human figures and heads manufactured in ceramics with...

Puruwá Polity under Inka Rule in Colta, Chimborazo Province (Ecuador) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Josefina Vasquez.

The Inka incorporated the territory of today's Ecuador to the Tawantinsuyu around 1420. This conquest is well documented from South to North by recording the expansion of monumental features such as pukaras, tambos, bridges, terraces, collkas, wakas, patios and plazas, built in traditional Inka style. The political transformation of northern Andes landscape by the Inka was very profound in the Loja and Azuay provinces of southern Ecuador. While it was a milder transformative factor around Quito...

Putting Archaeobotany Under the Microscope: A Case Study for Increased Use of Starch-Grain and Residue Analyses on the North Coast of Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa Rosales-Tham. Victor Vásquez-Sanchez. Guy Duke.

Due to the arid environment and subsequent excellent preservation on the north coast of Peru, evidence obtained from macrobotanical remains here has been the primary sources of information on plant use. However, despite the richness of the macrobotanical record, the combination of arid conditions and the nature of many plants, such as potatoes and beans – which are consumed in their entirety – macrobotanical remains can only tell us so much. In this paper, we discuss some methodological issues...

Putting Archaeobotany Under the Microscope: A Case Study for Increased Use of Starch-Grain Residue Analysis on the North Coast of Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Guy Duke. Victor Vásquez-Sanchez. Teresa Rosales-Tham.

Due to the arid environment and subsequent excellent preservation on the north coast of Peru, evidence obtained from macrobotanical remains here has been the primary sources of information on plant use. However, despite the richness of the macrobotanical record, the combination of arid conditions and the nature of many plants, such as potatoes and beans – which are consumed in their entirety – macrobotanical remains can only tell us so much. In this paper, we discuss some methodological issues...

Putting Heads Together: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Museum Archaeology of the National Tsantsa Collection at the Pumapungo Museum, Cuenca (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maria Ordoñez. Tamara Landivar. Lourdes Torres.

There are many collections of Tsantsas around the world. These shrunken heads were created by the Shuar and Achuar peoples of the Ecuadorian and Peruvian amazon until the mid-20th century. Though most of these museum collections have a known provenience, the individual histories and the authenticity of some of the heads has been contested. Similar questions have risen for Tsantsas held at the Pumapungo Ethnographic museum in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. Using the approach of museum...

pXRF in the Colca Valley: Experimenting with a Nondestructive Chemical Discrimination of Ceramic Fragments (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Zimmer-Dauphinee. Arlen Talaverano. Kevin Jara. Steven Wernke.

The choice of clay and pigment sources for ceramic production in the Andes has the potential to convey complex information about the resilience and persistence of Inca social structure in the Colca Valley throughout the imposition of Spanish imperialism. Prior to the Spanish invasion, ceramics in the Colca Valley were likely primarily produced by a handful of specialized communities which would have widely distributed their products. It is therefore expected that there would be a standardization...

A Pyro-Engraved Gourd from Cahuachi: Iconographic and Technical Analysis of a Nasca Masterpiece (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Lévy.

Pyro-engraved gourds discovered by the "Nasca Project" (CEAP) in Cahuachi, Nasca ceremonial center located in the basin of Río Grande, can provide new data about their manufacture and decoration. From a comparative perspective, we study artifact characteristics and archaeological records to understand an unusually large and complex pyro-engraved found during 1994 excavations as an offering associated with ceramics from the last phase of the Early Horizon (Ocucaje 8-9) and the beginning of the...

Quebrada Debris Flows, Hydrology, and Agriculture at Tacahuay Tambo (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan LeBlanc.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This poster presents a survey of the debris flow deposits, hydrology, and agriculture at Tacahuay Tambo, a Late Intermediate (1000-1476 AD) site located on south coast of Peru. Quebrada Tacahuay in combination with the Tambo, has 12,000 years of cultural history. Therefore, there are numerous flood deposits that add to the complexity of the stratigraphy....

Quebrada Jaguay-280 (QJ-280) under the Microscope: A Geoarchaeological Investigation of the Site Formation and Anthropogenic Features at a Peruvian Coastal Site (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Meinekat. Christopher Miller. Emily Milton. Kurt Rademaker.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Some of the earliest evidence for human settlement of Peru comes from lowland sites along the arid Pacific coast. Localities at Huaca Prieta, Quebrada Tacahuay, and Quebrada Jaguay demonstrate that during the Terminal Pleistocene, people had settled the coast and had incorporated marine resources into their subsistence strategy. Excavations led by Daniel...

The Question of Permanence: Understanding Head Shaping as a Process (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christina Torres.

This is an abstract from the "The Marking and Making of Social Persons: Embodied Understandings in the Archaeologies of Childhood and Adolescence" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent conversations about body modification demonstrate that alterations to human form are experiential and are not solely oriented towards a final product. In thinking of prehistoric head shaping practices—practices engaged in with the bodies of infants—archaeological...

Quichunque: Un santuario inca de altura en la sierra norte de Lima (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Aldo Noriega.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Quichunque es un sitio arqueológico con indicios de haber tenido “génesis” local y evidencia de reocupación inca. Es el resto de un santuario de altura con infraestructura monumental superpuesto sobre la cima y laderas superiores de una montaña a 4.798 m. Su posición espacial privilegiada con vista a las principales cordilleras y montañas de la sierra...

Quicksilver and Cruelty: Violence at the Santa Bárbara Mining Encampment in Huancavelica, Peru (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Terren Proctor.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The colonization of the Americas by the Spanish presents a unique context for exploring structural violence. The rapacious extractivism practiced by the colonizers led to the immeasurable destruction of indigenous communities, particularly those working as tributary labor. At the nexus of the colonial mining industry were the mercury mines of Santa Bárbara in...

Quilcapampa and Points of Convergence in Middle Horizon Arequipa: Faunal Evidence for Extensive Interregional Interaction (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Aleksa Alaica.

This is an abstract from the "Wari and the Far Peruvian South Coast: Final Results of Excavations in Quilcapampa" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Quilcapampa was an important point of convergence for communities from around the southern Andean region with these people and/or their material culture suggesting extensive interregional interaction. The zooarchaeological work conducted on the vertebrate remains from Quilcapampa will be presented in this...

Quilcapampa: A Wari Colony on an Interregional Trail on the Coast of Southern Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stefanie Bautista. Justin Jennings. Willy Yépez.

In the ninth century AD, Wari settlers founded the site of Quilcapampa in the Sihuas Valley of southern Peru. The first definitive Wari settlement in Arequipa, the site was founded astride an inter-valley trade route that had been used for at least a millennium. This paper will discuss both the site's clear link to Wari, as evidenced by its architecture, ceramics, and foodways, as well as the possible links to the Nazca region where Wari control was likely fractured due to conflict and possible...

Quilts and Palimpsests: Intensive Agricultural Landscapes in the Llanos de Moxos (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Walker.

This is an abstract from the "Theorizing Prehistoric Large Low-Density Settlements beyond Urbanism and Other Conventional Classificatory Conventions" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Llanos de Moxos (Moxos) in the Bolivian Amazon is a useful case study for questions of settlement pattern, agricultural intensification, and social organization, particularly in light of its ambiguous status as both Amazonian and Andean, and neither Andean nor...