United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

576-600 (1,331 Records)

Insights into Early Medieval Irish Glass: Preliminary Findings, Promises, and Limitations of an Archaeometric Analysis (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Grogan.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Glass is a common find on early medieval Irish sites, having been found in association with native Irish settlement-enclosures, monastic centers, and Viking towns. Evidence for secondary production (the recycling and reworking of existing glass to form new objects) has been identified for each of these site types. No evidence for primary production (making...

An Integrated Approach to Ceramic Material: An Example of Interdisciplinary Research on Commingeoise, a French Late Medieval Ware (13th–16th c.) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Manon Géraud. Florian Téreygeol. Florent Hautefeuille.

"Commingeoise", a Late Medieval domestic ware of southern France, is a very current but problematic diagnostic artifact, as it has thus far been poorly defined. The chronology of its production is first of all not precisely established. Furthermore, a simple macroscopic description has historically been used to identify this ceramic type. A more rigorous characterization is necessary in order to clearly define Commingeoise. Finally, although dispersed throughout a large and relatively...

Integrating Faunal and Lithic Data to examine Neandertal Subsistence at the Late Mousterian Site of Abri Peyrony, France (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Teresa Steele. Naomi L. Martisius. Tamara Dogandžic. Michel Lenoir. Shannon P. McPherron.

New excavations at the late Middle Paleolithic site of Abri Peyrony (also Haut de Combe-Capelle) in France yielded rich lithic and faunal assemblages, as well as pieces of manganese dioxide, bone tools, and much needed information about the site’s formation and antiquity. The site preserved only Mousterian material, which derives from three main layers of sediments. The site is best known for its Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition (MTA) assemblages, and Level L-3A can be attributed to the MTA....

Integrating Faunal and Lithic Evidence from Quina Mousterian Contexts in Southwestern France to Investigate Neandertal Subsistence Strategies and Mobility (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Lagle.

The interpretation of Middle Paleolithic archaeological assemblages has been the subject of spirited debates among researchers of Neandertal behavior for over half a century. While these debates have classically centered on analyses of lithic assemblages (e.g., the "Bordes-Binford debate"), it is important to recognize the value of incorporating the associated faunal records in our approach to these questions. Differences in lithic assemblages may be affected by factors like mobility, which may...

Integrating Lithic Microwear and sourcing to improve understanding of socioeconomic behaviour in the British Mesolithic (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Randolph Donahue. Adrian Evans. Antony Dickson. Anne Clarke. Fraser Brown.

We present the results of an integrated study of lithic microwear analysis and lithic sourcing at the large Mesolithic site of Stainton West. Microwear analysis helped to understand why the site was so large and how the occupants supported themselves while at the site. Microwear analysis of 700 artefacts led to 49% identification of use. There is much diversity in tool use: hide working, butchery (meat/fish), impact, antler/bone working, wood working, and plant working. Various patterns were...

Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ivor Jankovic.

This is an abstract from the "Interdisciplinary Research into the Late Pleistocene of Europe" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2020, a four year Action, entitled Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present (iNEAL) (CA19141) financed through the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), started. The Action is aimed at assessing and addressing biases in Neandertal legacy and creating a pan-European (and wider) network of...

Integrating Satellite Imagery and Ground-Based Remote Sensing to Reconstruct a Neolithic Village (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Parkinson. Apostolos Sarris. Rebecca Seifried. Nikos Papadopoulos. Cristina Manzetti.

As part of a long-term project aimed at modeling the emergence of large, nucleated, Neolithic villages in the Carpathian Basin, the Körös Regional Archaeological Project (KRAP) collaborated with the Institute of Mediterranean Studies at the Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas (IMS-FORTH), to integrate multi-spectral satellite imagery and ground-based remote sensing techniques to reconstruct the spatial organization of the Szeghalom-Kovácshalom settlement, which covered more than 100...

An International Mortuary Monument Recording System - From Site Analysis to International Comparative Studies (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Harold Mytum.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Mortuary Monuments and Archaeology: Current Research" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Council for British Archaeology system (Mytum 2000) of recording memorials has been updated and expanded to cope with many international contexts. This paper outlines the principles of the recording system, and the ways in which data can be digitally archived, a challenge for many graveyard and cemetery projects thus...

Interpreting a Deserted Medieval Village through Geophysical Data (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joanna Monaco-Schlater. Lawrence Conyers. Sean McConnel. Andrew Bair.

Ground-penetrating radar is often used as a way to collect from reflections from buried features, which are then processed into colorized horizontal amplitude maps to visualize these features in the horizontal plane. While this is a good way find and visualized features in "batch mode" there are other less commonly employed methods to process the data. The Castles in Communities project in Ballintubber, Ireland project has collected GPR data sets from multiple years to produce standard GPR...

Interpreting Recycling in the Roman Glass from Colchester (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jahleen Sefton. Ian Freestone. Laura Adlington.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. By the time of the Roman invasion of Britain in AD 43, the Roman glass industry had reached its height, largely due to the development of a glass-blowing technique which allowed glass vessels to be produced in greater quantities and variety of shapes contributing to its wider use. Antimony, a decolorizer used in the glass industry of Egypt produced the...

Interpreting the Archaeology of Pregnancy Loss (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melissa Clark.

The status of pregnancy loss as taboo in Western culture, as well as the poor preservation of fetal remains, contributes to the absence of pregnancy loss from the anthropological study of funerary practices. Furthermore, pregnancy loss is rarely viewed by society as a legitimate cause for bereavement and perhaps consequently, has been overlooked in the archaeological record. Additionally, grief associated with a miscarriage or stillbirth is often described as a novel phenomenon, while parental...

Intersectional Irish Identity and the Rise of Globalization (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Webster.

Archaeologists have long struggled with assigning specific artifacts to particular ethnic identity categories. This paper uses the artifacts of the nineteenth-century rural Irish poor to argue that identity is best considered intersectionally, in which questions of ethnic or national identity are combined with class, gender, religion, and other identity categories. This intersectionality becomes increasingly important for archaeologists to consider with the rise of globalization, in which...

Interweaving Colonial and Local Networks: Textile Production in Early Iron Age Iberia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Beatriz Marin-Aguilera.

The role of textile production and consumption in the formation of Early Iron Age states in Mediterranean Europe has been often neglected in favour of other economic activities such as pottery making and distribution, as well as metallurgy. In the Western Mediterranean, connectivity has been mainly addressed through the study of Phoenician and/or Greek pottery in local settlements and viceversa. However, intensive production and consumption of textiles was at the heart of urbanisation throughout...

The introduction of metallurgy in Sicily: preliminary data using a pXRF (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrea Vianello. Robert H. Tykot.

Several artifacts representing the oldest metals known in Sicily (Copper to Middle Bronze Age) together with many from the Late Bronze Age have been analyzed using a portable XRF to determine their composition. These are nearly all of the early metal artifacts existing in Sicilian museums. Multiple spot analyses have been performed and averages obtained to alleviate potential heterogeneities on the surface of metals, ensuring consistency and validity of the data. Among the materials, there were...

Introduction: Experiencing urban transition and change (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emma Dwyer.

Historical archaeologists benefit from (or are overwhelmed by) closer chronological resolution and availability of varying sources than those studying other periods, inviting alternative approaches to interpretation. As an introduction to the session, this paper will provide a brief overview of archaeological thought on the subject of micro-scales, fine-grained research, and biographical approaches to the relatively recent past. In the context of the session theme, the paper will make reference...

Introduction—Islands Connected or Unconnected: A Case Study of Malta (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caroline Malone. Nicholas Vella. Reuben Grima. Katya Stroud. Anthony Pace.

Islands gave birth to many cultural and economic adaptations in prehistory. After an introduction to the symposium, the paper will focus on the small archipelago of Malta, which demonstrates a particularly resilient trajectory of survival set against environmental and economic limitations, that lasted millennia. Compared with the neighbouring areas (Sicily, Sardinia, Italy) Maltese megalithic "Temple" culture presented an unparalleled c.1500 years of unbroken development, and this paper...

Introduzione al corso (1999)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrea Zifferero.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Investigating Social Significance and Differentiation of Buildings through Painted and Figurative Decoration, Built-In Furnishings, and Portable Finds (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Petya Hristova.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A number of sites from the Balkans and Greece dated to the fifth millennium BC, Karanovo and Dikili-Tash among others, provide evidence for a special status of built spaces. A comparative study of painted and figurative wall decoration, built-in furnishings, and portable finds in their archaeological context demonstrates that similar architectural layouts...

Investigating the Modelling of Neanderthal Population Size (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Madisen Hvidberg. Dennis Sandgathe.

Developing some understanding of how many hominins occupied the landscape at any one point in prehistory can provide important insights into basic behavioural patterns, how these differed between hominin species, and how they changed over the course of the Pleistocene. Population density is an important factor in subsistence behaviours, mobility patterns, and the nature of group interaction. A number of approaches have been used by researchers to provide estimates for effective Neandertal...

Investigating the Residential History of the Esplanada Mass Graves at Phaleron, Greece (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Julianne Stamer. Jessica Rothwell. Kelly Knudson. Jane Buikstra.

This is an abstract from the "The Bioarchaeology of the Phaleron Cemetery, Archaic Greece: Current Research and Insights" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cemeteries are spaces in which social and political identities are publicly negotiated between the living and the dead. Three mass graves, termed the “Esplanada,” at the Phaleron cemetery, Greece, are a clear and public statement that has captured significant attention since they were first...

An Investigation into Ochres from Arene Candide Cave: Implications for Mineralogical Properties and Provenance Studies in the Liguria Region (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ivano Rellini. Roberto Cabella. Roberto Maggi. Gabriele Martino. Marco Firpo.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Advances in the Prehistory of Liguria and Neighboring Regions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Arene Candide Cave, a key sequence for western Mediterranean prehistory, became famous in 1942 after the discovery of a Gravettian adolescent buried in a pit filled with ochre and spectacularly ornamented. At the end of the last glaciation, with a similar choice, at least 20 Final Epigravettian burials were...

An Investigation into Topographic Distribution Patterns Associated with Wetlands Surrounding Bog Body Burial Sites (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Britannia Barbour.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. History is imprinted in our landscapes, and the creation of bog deathscapes indicates the agency of wetland environments to the mortuary customs of European Iron Age and North American Archaic Age communities. The functionality and ideological value of bog landscapes vary spatially and temporally, yet there is a unilateral use of bogs as unique burial...

Invisible Women in a World of Men: The Textile Trade in the North Atlantic, AD 1000–1600 (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michele Hayeur Smith.

This is an abstract from the "Social Archaeology in the North and North Atlantic (SANNA 3.0): Investigating the Social Lives of Northern Things" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Waterlogged or deeply buried deposits from medieval harbors in certain northern European towns have produced large and well-preserved textile assemblages that contain a surprising number of non-indigenous textiles. Some of these appear to have originated in the North...

Iranian Mediarchaeology: Cyrus the Great vs. the Global Stage (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nathalie Choubineh.

Waves of Iranian emigration after 1979 have left many forcibly exiled people seeking refuge in the historical and archaeological evidence of Cyrus' Persian Empire, redefining their national identity and regaining a more reliable, even reputable, position than that of asylum seekers and refugees in world opinion. The present article is an attempt to make an assessment of this process through investigating its prominent manifestations in Iranian media products 'out of site' as material culture....

Ireland in the Iron Age: Interaction, Identity, and Ritual (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Johnston.

The relationship between Ireland and both Britain and continental Europe has often, both explicitly and implicitly, cast Ireland as either subsumed under the "British Isles" or as being "peripheral" to cultural life there and on the Continent. This terminology simultaneously ignores the unique aspects of Irish social and cultural life while suggesting that any study of culture there is not relevant to a broader understanding of the human experience. However, the archaeological record suggests a...