Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present

Author(s): Ivor Jankovic

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "Interdisciplinary Research into the Late Pleistocene of Europe" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

In 2020, a four year Action, entitled Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present (iNEAL) (CA19141) financed through the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), started. The Action is aimed at assessing and addressing biases in Neandertal legacy and creating a pan-European (and wider) network of scholars involved in Neandertal research. The ever-growing datasets related to Neandertals (archaeological, fossil, genomic etc.) resulted in specialization of scientists of different disciplines that often have less that adequate understanding of other fields involved with Neandertal research. Further, socioeconomic factors and different trajectories of development of scientific disciplines in different countries resulted in biases toward the “western countries“, while many of the sites in e.g. former “Eastern bloc“ were poorly represented or published. The iNEAL Action is addressing these (and other) biases through its working groups (WG1: the fossil data; WG2: Cultural data; WG3: Molecular data; WG4: From past to present). Special attention is given to training of young researchers where disciplines are underdeveloped. Further, among the Action goals is bridging the gap between scientists and other interested parties (general public, touristic sector, museums, business, legislators etc.) in order to utilize socioeconomic aspects of various types of Neandertal legacy.

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Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present. Ivor Jankovic. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 497805)


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