Vestfirdhir (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

North Atlantic Biocultural Organization (NABO)
PROJECT CUNY Northern Science and Education Center. Thomas McGovern.

This project file contains NABO publications. NABO was founded over 20 years ago to attempt to cross-cut national and disciplinary boundaries and to help North Atlantic scholars make the most of the immense research potential of our damp and lovely research area. NABO has worked to aid in improving basic data comparability, in assisting practical fieldwork and interdisciplinary ventures, in promoting student training, and in better communicating our findings to other scholars, funding...

Status-role-behavior database on 11 premodern societies
PROJECT Uploaded by: Paula Sabloff

Excel files describing all possible statuses and associated roles/behaviors for 10 premodern states (Aztec, Benin, Late Shang China, Old Kingdom Egypt, Mycenaean Greece, Protohistoric Hawaii, Inca, Old Babylonia, Late Classic Maya, and Zapotec) and 1 premodern society (Iceland).