Republic of Panama (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

2,826-2,850 (3,080 Records)

Transforming Marginality in Medieval Iceland: Landscape Reorganization on Hegranes, Skagafjörður (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn Catlin.

Eleventh century Iceland was a period of transition. The settlement of the island two centuries earlier set off cascading environmental and landscape changes whose agricultural consequences were then evident, including deforestation, erosion, and wetland alteration. Meanwhile, the rise of a wealthy landowning class altered the economic basis of society from primarily household production towards more centralized structures of rent extraction and tenancy. On Hegranes, a region in Skagafjörður,...

Transiciones en cuerpos y espacios: Acercamiento a las prácticas funerarias desplegadas en Chavín de Huántar a finales del Formativo (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lisseth Rojas-Pelayo.

This is an abstract from the "Chavín de Huántar’s Contribution to Understanding the Central Andean Formative: Results and Perspectives" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Tras el cese del funcionamiento del centro ceremonial de Chavín, el área fue reocupada por los grupos Huarás, Mariash y Callejón, quienes construyeron unidades domésticas en espacios antes considerados como rituales. El punto que llama nuestra atención es la transición entre la...

Transition in a Place Between: Salinar Phase (500 BCE–CE 1) Settlement Patterns in the Chaupiyunga of the Moche Valley (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patrick Mullins. Brian Billman.

This is an abstract from the "Peering into the Night: Transition, Sociopolitical Organization, and Economic Dynamics after the Dusk of Chavín in the North Central Andes" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the Moche Valley, the dusk of Chavín brought the end of millennium-long traditions of large ceremonial centers (Guañape Phase, 1600–500 BCE) and ushered in a long period of sociopolitical fragmentation and endemic conflict (Salinar Phase, 500...

Transitions in Past and Present: The Introduction of Huaca Dos Cruces and Huaca Tronco Prieto (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alannagh Maciw. Giles Morrow. Stephen Berquist. Ellen Pacheco.

This is an abstract from the "Bridging Time, Space, and Species: Over 20 Years of Archaeological Insights from the Cañoncillo Complex, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru, Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The transition into the Late Intermediate period (LIP) (~1000 CE) held many changes for residents of the Cañoncillo region, but, as of yet, it is unclear why the prominent sites of Huaca Colorada and Tecapa were abandoned in favor of nearby mounds...

Transplanted at the Coast: The Adaptation of Caribbean Resourcing Practices during the Late Holocene (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eric Rodríguez-Delgado. Mariela Declet-Perez.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology and Landscape Learning for a Climate-Changing World" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The movement of early agriculturalists from the South American continent during the Early and Late Ceramic Ages (500 BCE–1500 CE) marked a significant transformation of the cultural landscapes of the Caribbean archipelago. These arriving groups expressed a strong cultural identity in their ceramic materials, settlement...

Trapichillo: Una mirada hacia las interacciones interregionales tempranas en el valle de Catamayo durante el 1ro y 2do milenio BCE (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Estanislao Pazmiño.

This is an abstract from the "Cuando los senderos divergen: Reconsiderando las interacciones entre los Andes Septentrionales y los Andes Centrales durante el 1ro y 2do milenio AEC / When Paths Diverge: Reconsidering Interactions between the Northern and Central Andes, First–Second Millennium BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En las últimas décadas las investigaciones arqueológicas en el área andina han dirigido, con gran interés, su mirada hacia...

Travelling across the Atacama Desert: New Evidence for Human Mobility in Northern Chile Based on Oxygen and Strontium Isotopes (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Francisca Santana Sagredo. Petrus le Roux. Rick Schulting. Julia Lee-Thorp. Mauricio Uribe.

The study of human mobility is key to understanding the social and cultural dynamics of the pre-Columbian groups that inhabited northern Chile’s Atacama Desert. Material culture suggests that during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 900-1450) individuals frequently crossed the desert from the coast to the Andes and vice versa. Fish remains have been found in the interior valleys, and inland textiles and crops at the coast. This paper explores mobility in northern Chile through the application of...

Treating "Trifles": The Indigenous Adoption of European Material Goods in Early Colonial Hispaniola (1492-1550) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Floris Keehnen.

This paper discusses the cultural implications of European materials recovered from early colonial indigenous spaces on the island of Hispaniola. The exchange of exotic valuables was vital for the emergent relationships between European colonists and indigenous peoples during the late 15th- and early 16th-century Caribbean. As the colonial presence became more pressing and intercultural dynamics more complex, formerly distinct material worlds increasingly entangled. Archaeologists have long...

Trials and Tribulations: Navigating Instruction of Archaeology Courses for Rising Scholars in a Post-Pandemic Educational Environment (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Faux-Campbell.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. On October 6, 2021, California's Governor Newsom signed in law AB 417 - Rising Scholars Network: Justice-Involved Students. The purpose of this bill was to expand higher educational opportunities for and reduce equity gaps among Rising Scholars (students who have formerly experienced incarceration or are currently incarcerated). At Palo Verde College,...

Tribal Consultation Program Renewal: An Example from the Air National Guard (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. de Gregory. Jennifer Harty.

This is an abstract from the "Crucial Issues in United States Department of Defense Cultural Resources Management " session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. To enhance the Air National Guard’s (ANG) Tribal consultation program, the ANG Readiness Center (ANGRC) partnered with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Tribal Nations Technical Center of Expertise (TNTCX) to support its complex mission of fulfilling its Federal Trust Responsibility...

A Tropical Treasure Trove: Preliminary Assessment of Archaeological Faunal Remains from Culebra Bay, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Monge.

This is an abstract from the "Advances and New Perspectives in the Isthmo-Colombian Area" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For over 50 years, excavations in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, have yielded a large amount of well-preserved faunal materials, yet few zooarchaeological studies have been carried out. To explore the research potential of archaeofaunal materials in the region, I will present data from several sites around the Culebra bay area. These...

True Potential: a database on osteological material in Nicaragua (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gabriel Van Der Pluijm.

Archaeological research in Nicaragua has yielded an abundance of human osteological material. Excavations at sites like Monkey point on the Caribbean coast and RURD-UNAN in Managua have uncovered impressive and extensive human inhumations. These sites are among the only four sites in Nicaragua were an extensive osteological study has been done and published. Yet many more unpublished literature mentions or has documented osteological remains. What is the real extent of the uncovered osteological...

Tuberculosis in Past Peruvian Populations (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kirsten Bos. Åshild J. Vågene. Jane Buikstra. Anne C. Stone. Johannes Krause.

Due to its arid climate the Atacama Desert has an exceptional preservation of ancient biomolecules. In an archaeological context, this allows for genetic analyses of both past human populations and the infectious diseases they experienced. Pre-contact Peruvian cultures are among the first New World populations to show skeletal indications of tuberculosis, and recent molecular analyses have revealed that three individuals were afflicted with a rare zoonotic form of the disease acquired from...

Tukano, Embera, and Achuar (Shiwiar) Supernatural Gamekeepers/Animal Masters: Environmental Impacts of Native Beliefs in a Changing World (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Chacon.

This is an abstract from the "Supernatural Gamekeepers and Animal Masters: A Cross-Cultural Perspective" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper investigates the belief in Supernatural Gamekeepers/Animal Masters of wildlife in three South American indigenous societies: the Tukano of Colombia, the Embera of Colombia, and the Achuar of Ecuador. Findings show that Supernatural Gamekeepers/Animal Masters are believed to grant success to hunters who...

Turtles all the Way Down: Tracing Long-Term Genetic Change in Southern Caribbean Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Populations and Applications to Modern Conservation (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christine Conlan. Dongya Yang. Camilla Speller. Claudia Kraan. Christina Giovas.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Caribbean sea turtle histories are deeply intertwined with past human activities. While modern DNA offers insight into impacts of recent stressors, to fully support sea turtle recovery we must account for activities acting on populations prior to modern baselines. Ancient DNA (aDNA) research offers a novel method for identifying timing and rate of change...

Tweeting the Flood: Student Social Media Fieldwork and Interactive Community Building (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Phyllis Messenger. Patrick Nunnally.

This paper will discuss hands-on uses of social media to help students engage with climate change. A central case study is an interdisciplinary design course on the Mississippi River and the city, taught in spring 2011 by coauthor Patrick Nunnally in which students confronted historic floods on the Mississippi River in real time through a series of twitter assignments. The analysis will discuss how the assignments were set up and carried out, what happened, and what the outcomes were, in...

Twelve Metrics for Creating Effective and Sustainable Public Archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Breanna Henderson.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeology is the study, and by extension, the story of cultures, and everyone deserves access to their stories and those of their ancestors. The better one’s understanding of archaeology, culture, and history, the better understanding of themselves and those around them. This research seeks to answer what approaches are needed to create sustainable and...

Twenty Years of Interpretations from the Late Formative period Site of Jatanca (JE-1023), Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Warner. James Crandall.

This is an abstract from the "Bridging Time, Space, and Species: Over 20 Years of Archaeological Insights from the Cañoncillo Complex, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru, Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper will provide a retrospective of archaeological work that has been done at the Late Formative period site of Jatanca, located in the Pampa Mojucape of the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru. Since 2004, the architecture, ceramics, and surrounding...

Two Decades (Almost) of Regional Clay Surveys by the EAF: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicola Sharratt. Patrick Ryan Williams.

This is an abstract from the "The Elemental Analysis Facility at the Field Museum: Celebrating 20 Years Serving the Archaeological Community " session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. An early and ongoing goal of the EAF was to not only generate compositional data on archaeological artifacts but also to build comprehensive collections and elemental databases of natural materials that had potentially been used to manufacture craft objects. To date, EAF...

Two Individuals, One Urn Burial from La Real, Peru: A Bioarchaeological Investigation of Urn Burial Practices (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Smith. Taylor MacDonald. Tiffiny A. Tung.

The site of La Real, located in the southern, near-coastal region of Peru, was an elite burial ground where mortuary contexts reveal Wari imperial influence during the Middle Horizon (600-1000 CE). This study examines the mortuary treatment of two human fetus/neonate skeletons placed inside a decorated, ceramic urn and compares funerary treatment to Wari fetus/neonate burials and others in the Andes to evaluate the geographic reach, chronological depth, and cultural significance of this funerary...

Two Long-Term Tom Dillehay Projects: Monte Verde, Zana, and the Processes of Archaeological Debate and Criticism (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jack Rossen.

This is an abstract from the "Dedication, Collaboration, and Vision, Part I: Papers in Honor of Tom D. Dillehay" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The long-term projects of Tom Dillehay led the discipline through quagmires of criticism that exemplify the processes of paradigm freeze and thaw. His innovative archaeology drew criticism both responsible and irresponsible. It was a prolonged and messy process, but the scientific debate played out as...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Section 106 – A Discussion of our Authority (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jimmy Barrera.

This is an abstract from the "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A National Perspective on CRM, Research, and Consultation" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Regulatory Program evaluates activities that require Department of the Army authorization under various legislative authorities. The most common authority managed under the Corps’ Regulatory Program is Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This presentation...

Ueber die Wurfhölzer der Indianer Amerikas (1887)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Max Uhle.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

"Um Lugar dos Antigos:" A Tiered Approach to Community-Driven Survey in Cultural Palimpsests of the Brazilian Amazon. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Browne Ribeiro.

The Mouth of the Xingu River, on the Lower Amazon River, is a place of many histories. The edge of the Amazon Delta, it was the first Portuguese foothold in contemporary Northern Brazil, and later home to a "glorious" 19th-Century rubber boomtown. Centered on the city of Gurupá, the region was a major hub in the traffic of Amerindians and also marked the Western extent of African slaving networks in Luso-Amazonia. Part of the Cabanagem revolt, place of Amazonian Jewry, export center for forest...

Un balance crítico del estudio del género en la arqueología peruana (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carito Tavera-Medina.

This is an abstract from the "Gender in Archaeology over the Last 30+ Years" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. ¿Ha sido el estudio del género un campo de estudio sistemático dentro de la arqueología peruana? ¿Cuáles han sido los enfoques teóricos y metodológicos empleados? Y ¿qué tipos de contexto arqueológico se han empleado para dichos estudios? Por medio de la siguiente ponencia planteamos hacer un recorrido analítico sobre cómo ha sido abordado...