Co-operative Republic of Guyana (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

701-725 (892 Records)

Representation Matters: The Importance of Local Participation in Archaeological Projects in Belize (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Antonio Beardall.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Belize has and continues to be an important locus for the training of the next generation of archaeologists, hosting several international field schools annually. While Belizeans play a role in these projects, many simply fulfill the role of hired field/lab assistants. In recent years, Belizean students from Galen University (Belize) have taken an active...

Rescue Excavations at a Medieval Fishing Station in Western Iceland (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Frank Feeley.

This is an abstract from the "Celebrating Anna Kerttula's Contributions to Northern Research" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2008 an eroding midden along Iceland’s western coast was discovered to be part of a large 15th century commercial fishing station - the first of its kind to be found in Iceland. The site was clearly endangered by coastal erosion and with support from the National Science Foundation rescue excavations were carried out over...

Research on a Dog Burial from Rio Muerto, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ellen Lofaro. Michael Wylde. Susan deFrance. Paul Goldstein.

This poster presentation examines the place of the dog in the ancient Andean society of Tiwanaku. The mummified remains of a small dog were recovered from a domestic context at the Rio Muerto site, located in the Osmore River drainage of far southern Peru. Although dog burials in Peru are not unusual, they appear mostly in high-status contexts in art and in mortuary practice. Offerings of young camelids and dogs have been found buried beneath floors and entryways of houses at Rio Muerto M43 and...

Residues analysis of bedrock mortars of the Limarí river valley (IVth region, Chile): evaluating plant exploitation among Late Holocene hunter gatherers (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carolina Belmar. Andrea Troncoso.

For an integral understanding of bedrock mortars, as a product and producer of social practices, we have carried out research in the Limarí River valley (Chile) (Fondecyt Grant N°1150776). One dimension of this research was directed to answer the following questions: were these cupules used to grind plants? And if so, what plant resources were used by these hunter gatherer groups? Do these include cultivate domesticated plants? And how does it relate to the association "initial...

Resultados preliminares del Proyecto Moqi (Peru): explorando la administracion inkaica en el departamento de Tacna (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jesús Gordillo Begazo. Colleen Zori.

Moqi es un asentamiento Inca ubicado entre las cuencas de los ríos Cambaya y Borogueña, a 2,8000 msnm, en la cabecera del río Locumba (Tacna, Peru). Las investigaciones (2012-2014) buscaron ampliar el conocimiento de las características arquitectónicas de Moqi Alto y Moqi Bajo, la producción del sitio arqueológico, las relaciones entre su población y el vínculo económico, social y cultural con el Estado Inca. Los primeros resultados, en el contexto de la hipótesis planteada (que propone que Moqi...

Results of Survey and Analysis of Manteño Archaeological Sites with Stone Structures in the Las Tusas River Valley, Rio Blanco, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andres Garzon-Oechsle. Valentina Martínez.

The Manteño (1500 BP–1532) of coastal Ecuador are known for their long distance maritime trade networks along the Pacific coast of the Americas; they occupied a large territory that was geographically and environmentally diverse. This diversity allowed the Manteños to exploit a multitude of resources from each unique environment resulting in distinct settlement patterns for each region. One of the least known of these occupied environments and the focus of this paper is the cloud forest of the...

Results of Survey and Analysis of Manteño Archaeological Sites with Stone Structures in the Upper Río Blanco River Valley, Manabí, Ecuador (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andres Garzon-Oechsle.

This paper will present the results of a three-year effort to survey and document Manteño archaeological sites with stone structures within the limits of the Upper Río Blanco River Valley in Southern Manabí. The region is home to 40 known Manteño sites with more than 100 stone structures across the river valleys of La Encantada, Las Tusas and La Mocora that carve the foothills of the Bola de Oro mountain. The Florida Atlantic University Archaeological Fieldschool in Ecuador, directed by...

Rethinking Assemblages in the Digital Age (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Bria.

Archaeologists have long drawn on technological advances from other disciplines to create new ways of visualizing and classifying data. Relational databases in particular have been a cornerstone of archaeological inquiry into material assemblages, whether sets of artifacts and their attributes or constellations of sites across regions. But how have new technologies (e.g., spatial, three-dimensional, mobile, and digitally collaborative platforms) enhanced achaeologists' ability to trace, and...

Rethinking Deodoro Roca Rockshelter (Ongamira, Córdoba, Argentina). Seventy years of archaeological ideas (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only ANDRES DARIO IZETA. Roxana Cattaneo.

The hunter-gatherer archaeology of the Ongamira Valley has been a landmark in the archaeology of Argentina’s Central Region. The cultural sequence built in the 1950s is still used by many archaeologists to interpret regional peopling, subsistence, land use and mobility. However we believe it is time to review the use of rockshelter-generated data under a new approach that embraces landscape archaeology. Stable isotope-based paleo-environmental reconstructions create a baseline and permit...

Rethinking the Formative Stage: A reconsideration from two archaeological sites on the Colombian Caribbean lowlands (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Diana Carvajal Contreras.

The concept of formative in Colombia is traditionally framed as a transitional period within the unilineal cultural evolution in the Americas, characterized for several indicators such as sedentary life, diversity of socio-economic forms and the emergence of new technologies such as pottery. In this paper, we revised two archaeological sites: Monsu and Puerto Hormiga, incorporating zooarchaeological analysis, technological and use–wear analyses to provide understanding into past human behavior...

Return to Yarinacocha: A pXRF and Petrographic Study of Ceramics Artifacts from the Tutishcainyo Site Series (1400 BCE–900 CE), Ucayali, Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rachel Johnson. MinJoo Choi. Julia Sjödahl. Ryan Clasby. Jason Nesbitt.

This is an abstract from the "Ceramic Petrographers in the Americas: Recent Research and Methodological Advances" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. When Donald Lathrap excavated a series of related archaeological sites on the shores of Yarinacocha, an oxbow lake of the Central Ucayali River in the Peruvian Amazon, the elaborately decorated pottery and long-occupied sites he uncovered contradicted the prevailing narrative of the Amazon as a...

A Review of Paleodemographic Changes in Prehispanic Bolivia Using a Countrywide Assessment of Radiocarbon Dates (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only José M. Capriles.

In this poster, I introduce a new database containing the most updated and comprehensive series of geo-referenced radiocarbon dates collected from archaeological sites located within the entire country of Bolivia. The resulting Bolivian Radiocarbon Database reviews and incorporates data from previous syntheses as well as a number of additional dates mostly available in rare publications and recent research. Using recommendations posted in previous studies, I discuss some of the potential and...

Revisiting the Archaeology of a Small Harbor: Cananéia (São Paulo, Brazil), Nineteenth–Twentieth Centuries (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paulo Bava De Camargo.

This is an abstract from the "Underwater and Coastal Archaeology in Latin America" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The presentation discusses the results of the author’s PhD dissertation on nineteenth- and twentieth-century harbor sites in Cananéia, São Paulo State, Brazil, a period when the capitalist economy was introduced in the region. From the mid-nineteenth century until 1950, the harbors experienced a subtle but significant transformation...

"Rich" Men: Caciques in Trade and Exchange in the Polyglottal Southern Central American World (16th Century) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eugenia Ibarra.

This is an abstract from the "Coastal Connections: Pacific Coastal Links from Mexico to Ecuador" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper will explore the relationship between "rich" men and trade and exchange, particularly in polyglottal Costa Rica and Panama in the sixteenth century. It will focus on these caciques's social organizations, their representatives, their political responsibilities, their power exertions, and their rivalries and...

The rise and fall of the bi-headed serpent: How much of Late Lima cultural development could be explain by an ENSO? (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Giancarlo Marcone.

In the present paper, I will combine evidence of two sites: The Pachacamac Sanctuary and the domestic site of Lote B, both in the Lurín valley in order to discuss the political changes happening in the central coast to the onset of the middle horizon. Asking how these political changes related with the climatic variation register for the area in both bottom sea and lake cores. I point out that this process of political centralization was contemporaneous with mayor climatic anomalies that have...

The Rise of Social Complexity in Pacific Nicaragua (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sharisse McCafferty. Jorge Zambrana.

This is an abstract from the "Centralizing Central America: New Evidence, Fresh Perspectives, and Working on New Paradigms" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Despite over 150 years of research, the archaeology of Nicaragua remains in its infancy. Projects have conducted settlement pattern surveys and rescue projects have recovered information from endangered sites, but very little problem-oriented research has ever been conducted. Consequently, “big...

The rise of the replica (2009)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jenny Bennett.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Ritual and Death: A Paleopathological Analysis of Skeletal Remains from Salango, Ecuador during the Guangala Period (100 BCE-800 CE) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Abigail Bythell. Sara L. Juengst. Richard M. Lunniss.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. There are many questions that have yet to be answered about the prehistoric people of Ecuador, especially along the southern coast. In particular, more studies are needed in order to understand how people lived and interacted with each other and the landscape at the important ritual site of Salango. Salango was occupied from 4000 BCE through Spanish contact...

Ritual and Productive Activities in the Mound-Top Structure at Buen Suceso (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Rowe. Camila Jara Rodríguez. Kepler Dimas. Zindy Cruz.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Three seasons of excavation at Buen Suceso have identified a series of occupation floors in the area of the site referred to as Unit 6. This area is also the highest at the site, suggesting the existence of a mound or an augmented rise that was utilized during the Valdivia period. This...

Ritual Commensality in the Lower Amazon on the South of Amapá State, Brazil, During the Precolonial Period (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jelly Juliane Souza De Lima.

This is an abstract from the "From Individual Bodies to Bodies of Social Theory: Exploring Ontologies of the Americas" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In many Amerindian worldviews, commensality pervades to different degrees both mundane and ritual spheres, being a way of caring and building relationships as revealed by available information from ethnology and ethnohistory. Based on these issues, this paper explores the central concepts of body...

Ritual violence or simply ritual? Evaluating the evidence for child sacrifice in Late Formative Period Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Sharp. Rebecca Bria.

Highland mortuary practices during the Andean Late Formative Period (900–500 BC) in Ancash, Peru are poorly understood, in part because burials from this period are rarely encountered. Excavations conducted in 2009 at the archaeological site of Hualcayán uncovered a primary interment of a juvenile aged 5-6 years at time of death, dated in the range 806–540 calBC. The individual was buried with a necklace strung with bone and shell beads and bone spoons. Bioarchaeological analyses indicate the...

Riverbank Insights: Exploring Prehispanic Adaptation in Central Nicaragua’s Alluvial Landscapes through Archaeological Analysis and Local Wisdom (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tomas Arce Buitargo. Irene Torreggiani. Alexander Geurds. Marta Arzarello. Gabriele Berruti.

This is an abstract from the "Centralizing Central America: New Evidence, Fresh Perspectives, and Working on New Paradigms" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. “El Agua es Vida, si no hay Agua, no hay Vida” (“Water is Life”) says Doña Francisca (community of Huehuestepe, Mayales River Valley [MRV], Nicaragua). Today more than ever this sentence holds true, given water’s increasing significance in the global climatic debate. Rivers are essential to...

The Rock-Art of Central-West Brazil: New Studies from Chapada dos Guimarães / MT (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carolina Guedes.

A new project carried out in the region of the Rio Vermelho / São Lourenço river basin in the central-western region of Brazil started in 2016. This project focus on the studies of the initial stages of the establishment of the hunters gathers groups in this region. It is intended through excavations, surveys and research in rock art to show patterns of the peoples who inhabited that region. The first systematic field surveys within this project, entitled "Archeology in the Pantanal region"...

The Role of Infrastructure in Wari State-Making in Southern Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Reid. Patrick Ryan Williams. Donna Nash.

In southern Peru, the transition from the Early Intermediate to the Middle Horizon during the seventh century A.D. was marked by the expansion of Wari state colonists and influence from the Ayacucho heartland. Andeanists have long postulated the role of climate change and drought during this initial state expansion, while issues of chronology complicate this issue. Here, we reevaluate the radiocarbon data from the early Wari colonies of Cerros Baúl and Mejía in the upper Moquegua Valley in...

The Role of Kinship Networks and the Lowland Ecology in the Interpretation of the Caribbean Archaeology of Greater Chiriquí (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Norberto Baldi.

Archaeological investigations in the Caribbean region of Greater Chiriquí conducted over the last two decades have documented occupations dating to the second millennium BCE. Similarities in material culture suggest local and trans-isthmic cultural relationships within Greater Chiriquí and a pattern of scattered hamlets associated with the exploitation of marine and lowland ecosystems. In order to provide a model for this settlement pattern, we offer a theoretical model based on ethnohistorical...