Aruba (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,401-1,425 (2,714 Records)

Landscapes of Mobility and Freedom: Maroonage and the Making of the New World (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Johana Caterina Mantilla Oliveros.

This is an abstract from the "Afro-Latin American Landscapes" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Francisca Angola, a creole woman of the seventeenth century, was born in one of the *palenques (maroon settlements) of the north coast of Colombia. Her mother, Lucia, and her father, Agustin, both identified as Angolas, ran away from Cartagena at the beginning of the same century. At the probable age of 70, Francisca and some of her descendants were caught...

Landscapes of Mobility in the South-Central Andes: From Chiefly Networks to Colonial Markets (AD 1100–1800) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Noa Corcoran Tadd.

The great silver mining centers of Potosí, Porco, and Oruro in the Bolivian highlands have long formed an important focus for understanding the Spanish colonial world, both for the colonial imagination and for the contemporary historian. In comparison with the contexts of production and exchange based around these mining centers, however, their wider contexts of mobility and logistics within the altiplano and the valleys leading west to the Pacific coast have been comparatively...

Landscapes, Architecture, and Settlement Patterns: Reflections on the Territorial Expansion of the Mantenos (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Valentina Martinez. Andres Garzon.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Innovations in Ecuadorian Archaeology" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Considering Smith’s (2007) comparative approach to ancient urban planning, this paper suggests that starting circa 1200 CE the Manteño engaged in a process of increased growth and expansion that led to a shared, standardized settlement strategy across an environmentally diverse area. This shared settlement strategy reflects a complex process...

Language Shift and Material Practice (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Hauser.

The model of linguistic creolization had a particular impact on archaeological practice. Drawing inspiration from Sidney Mintz’s and Richard Price’s Birth of African American Culture (1992), archaeologists have been quick to recognize how they could use the concept to interpret material culture and relations of power. Indeed, the histories and processes associated with settler colonization in the Caribbean, including indigenous displacement, forced migration of Africans and the appropriation of...

Large Interpretations from Small Things: The Potential and Need for Large-Scale Microwear Studies (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heather Rockwell.

This is an abstract from the "Old Technology, New Methodology" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Since its broad application in the 1980s, a core critique of microwear analysis of lithic tools in North America has been its examination of very small sample sizes. This has often relegated microwear to the fringes of prehistoric studies—a curiosity, or an anecdote that does not add true substance to site interpretations. While our European colleagues...

Large-Scale Craft Production and the Andean Religious Center: A Reconsideration (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Izumi Shimada. Amy Szumilewicz.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Our conventional conception of the prehispanic Andean religious or ceremonial center emphasizes a limited range of sacred, ritual activities, intermittent public gatherings, a relatively small resident population, and perhaps small-scale production of craft items for offerings. At the Middle Sicán (900-1100 CE) religious center of Sicán, however, the large...

Large-Scale Human Sacrifice and Feasting at Sicán, Peru during the 11th-Century Mega-El Niño: A Multidisciplinary Vision (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Izumi Shimada. Carlos Elera. Haagen Klaus. Alexandra Greenwald. Jenna Hurtubise.

We present a multidisciplinary summary vision of the natural and cultural contexts and impacts of an 11th century mega-El Niño event and the extraordinary social responses to and consequences of it. Evidence and impacts of torrential rains and associated severe flooding dated ca. 1050 CE have been documented at multiple sites along the Peruvian coast, particularly in the Lambayeque region. The flood buried the Middle Sicán capital of Sicán with fluvial deposits 1.0 to 1.5 m thick. During this...

Large-Scale, Upland, Landscape Modification and the Implications for Classic Maya Population Density and Land Tenure in Northwestern Belize (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thomas Guderjan. Colleen Hanratty.

This is an abstract from the "2023 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of Timothy Beach Part I" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lidar data from the 2016 survey and subsequent ground truthing and fieldwork in the settlement zone of the site of Xnoha have revealed a complex system of Linear Stone Boundary Markers surrounding house lots in residential areas surrounding the central precinct of the site. These are located on the tops of hills...

Las poblaciones arcaicas del Cabo Samaná, República Dominicana (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adolfo Lopez. Daniel Shelley.

This is an abstract from the "Coloring Outside the Lines: Re-situating Understandings of the Lifeways of Earliest Peoples of the Circum-Caribbean" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. El Monumento Natural Cabo Samaná, situado en la provincia de Samaná, en la República Dominicana, atesora una serie de importantes sitios arqueológicos de época arcaica en las cuevas y abrigos que jalonan el farallón rocoso. El equipo de arqueólogos de Guahayona Institute...

Las practicas funerarias del Formativo en la costa ecuatoriana : resultado de (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Morgane Berrone.

El presente estudio se organiza en torno a una dobla problemática relacionado al Formativo de la costa ecuatoriana (4400 – 300 BC): el examen de los gestos funerarios y su comparación en una perspectiva diacrónica e intercultural. Con un examen teórico y estadístico se puede identificar normas funerarias propias a cada cultura. La comparación intercultural permite de subrayar similitudes y diferencias entre las diferentes culturas del Formativo. Procede de los diferentes trabajos arqueológicos...

Las redes de interacción interregional a larga distancia entre los Andes Centrales y Septentrionales durante el 3° y 2° milenio aC: Una perspectiva desde Shoymal (Amazonas-Perú) (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anthony Villar Quintana.

This is an abstract from the "Cuando los senderos divergen: Reconsiderando las interacciones entre los Andes Septentrionales y los Andes Centrales durante el 1ro y 2do milenio AEC / When Paths Diverge: Reconsidering Interactions between the Northern and Central Andes, First–Second Millennium BCE" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Las excavaciones arqueológicas sistemáticas realizadas en Shoymal (Amazona-Perú) nos permitieron identificar un edificio...

Las sociedades prehispánicas de la costa de Tarapacá en el contexto del Colesuyu (950-1540 dC) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leonor Adán. Mauricio Uribe. Simón Urbina.

This is an abstract from the "Political Economies on the Andean Coast" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Este trabajo expone el análisis arqueológico de los asentamientos y arquitectura registrados en la costa de Tarapacá, norte de Chile, durante los períodos Intermedio Tardío y Tardío (950-1540 dC). Los sitios estudiados comprenden el litoral entre Pisagua e Iquique hasta la desembocadura del río Loa, los que forman parte del Complejo Cultural...

A Late Formative Period Site in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laurie Beckwith.

Compared to the coastal areas of Ecuador, the central highlands of Ecuador are not well known archaeologically, especially for the Formative Period. This paper will report on preliminary survey and excavation research carried out in the Chibunga River Valley, to the south of the modern city of Riobamba, during the 2009 and 2012 field seasons. Test excavations were carried out at the site of Collay, located on a mesa at 3100 masl, to obtain a sample of material culture and material for dating....

Late Holocene Pastoralism and Environmental Change in the Puna Highlands of South America: Stable Isotope Analysis of Camelids Bones and Teeth (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Celeste Samec. Hugo Yacobaccio. Patrick Roberts.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The goal of this work is to study llama herding in the Puna Highlands of Atacama during the final period of the Late Holocene (700 years BP to present day), focusing on the link between mobility and climate change. South American camelids are the only large mammals that were domesticated in the Americas and llamas have been an important resource for Andean...

Late Horizon Mortuary Traditions at Las Huacas, Chincha: Preliminary Results from a Subterranean Collective Tomb (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Iride Tomazic. Jordan Dalton.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological and osteological analyses of burial features allow archaeologists to explore questions related to an individual’s life, activities, social status and potential role in society. This poster presents the analysis of a Late Horizon tomb from the site of Las Huacas in the Chincha Valley of Perú, with an emphasis on human skeletal remains. Las Huacas...

Late Initial Period (1100–800 B.C.) Interaction between the Highlands and Ceja de Selva of North-Central Peru: A Case Study from Canchas Uckro, Eastern Ancash (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jason Nesbitt.

This presentation will discuss the results of recent archaeological research at the late Initial Period (ca. 1100–800 B.C.) site of Canchas Uckro. Located in the Puccha Valley, Canchas Uckro is positioned approximately 25 km to the north of Chavín de Huántar and 40 km from the upper Marañon river. Analysis of the pottery assemblage from Canchas Uckro suggest strong parallels with the Urabarriu Phase of Chavín de Huántar. However, a considerable proportion of the pottery also exhibits formal and...

The Late Intermediate Period and Late Horizon in Valle de Mairana, Bolivia (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sophia Marques.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Statistical and GIS-based analysis are applied to summarize the findings of preliminary auger testing, survey, and site reconnaisance conducted in July and August 2022 in the Valle de Mairana, Bolivia. In depth profiles of eight possible Inka-period sites were created and compared. The Valle de Mairana spans the municipalities of Mairana and Samaipata in...

Late Pleistocene Aggregation Sites on the Peruvian North Coast: A New Look at Paiján Settlement (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Greg Maggard. Kary Stackelbeck.

Although specific examples are rare, the concept of seasonal or periodic group aggregation is often employed by studies of early foragers in the Americas as a functional process to explain the formation of social networks, information exchange, group ritual, exogamy, and the long-distance movement of materials. In spite of frequent use when modeling mobility and settlement, the material, spatial, and social characteristics of aggregation sites remain poorly understood. Here, we provide two...

Late Pleistocene Archaeology in Argentina 47 years later (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gustavo Politis.

In the 1970s Ruth Gruhn and Alan Bryan spent several weeks in Argentina as part of a one-year trip around South America. In those years, Ruth and Alan started to challenge the Clovis-First Model for the peopling of the America, and their visit to South America was instrumental in consolidating their ideas as well as stimulating the research of Late Pleistocene archaeological sites. Subsequent travels to the region, especially the one made by Alan in 1980, contributed to generating the hypothesis...

Late Pleistocene Faunal Utilization: Some Current Thoughts on Paleoindian Diet and Tool Source Selection (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only C. Hemmings.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Accumulated evidence regarding the range of prey utilization and tools made from animal remains is rapidly growing and overdue for a summary consideration of Clovis and Pre-Clovis sites in North America. This discussion is heavily weighted with data from Florida sites along the Wakulla and Aucilla Rivers, and the Old Vero Site. Recent proboscidean data from...

DOCUMENT Citation Only Sanna-Kaisa Saunaluoma.

The archaeology of Acre has been widely drawing the attention of the scientific community due to the discovery of an ancient civilization building geometric earthworks labeled "geoglyphs". In the course of field surveys realized at the geoglyph sites other types of archaeological sites were documented as well, including sites consisting of small artificial earthen mounds arranged in a circular form. At first, the mound sites were also classified as geoglyphs, but through the recent fieldwork it...

Late Preceramic Peruvian Effigy Mound Imagery (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bob Benfer.

Here I report the use of multiple imagery for understanding the coastal valley site studied most intensively, El Paraíso. Photographs of carved bone figures, plane table maps, Total Station maps, kite orthophoto maps, aerial photos, Google Earth satellite maps, and planetarium maps provide images that, taken together, permit identification of the effigies. Identities of both arms of the El Paraíso complex can be recognized: One is a bird. The other resembles the three mythical figures Bischof...

The Late Prehistory of Ecuador from Above and Below: Remote Sensing in the Northern Highlands (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Brown. Mark Willis. Chester Walker.

Remote sensing, including both low level aerial photography and subsurface geophysical methods, has become an increasingly key element in archaeological fieldwork over the last few decades. During that time, our team has used various techniques to accurately map late prehistoric Ecuadorian sites and to search for buried features. In the last two years we have used drone aerial photography, ground penetrating radar, and magnetometry to aid in investigations at the monumental site of Cochasquí....

A Latin American choreography: entanglements of solidarity and collaboration for a forensic archaeology (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marcia Hattori.

This is an abstract from the "Weaving Epistemes: Community-Based Research in Latin America" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A Latin American choreography: entanglements of solidarity and collaboration for a forensic archaeology Latin America was and still is one of the most prominent areas for the development of forensic archaeology and anthropology. It is a common sense between researchers of the field that this latin america perspective started...

Law, private property, and the construction of the family in the archaeological record of colonial Moquegua (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pilar Escontrias.

In 1884, Friedrich Engels attributed the development of the nuclear family unit to the rise of the capitalist state and the subsequent emergence of private property in 16th century Europe. In The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, he posited that private property resulted in the restructuring of kinship practices where women gradually lost authority over their own activities, spaces, and their lives, and where the division of labor became gendered and spatialized. In this...