Dolores (County) (Geographic Keyword)

201-225 (668 Records)

DOE Canyon Reservoirs Construction, Dolores County, Colorado (13-1148) (1997)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alison Walter.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

DOE Canyon West Facility Site (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James A. Lancaster.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-003: The Sagehen Flats Archaeological Locality (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allen E. Kane.

The Sagehen Flats Locality is a spatial division of the Escalante Sector located in southwest Color ado about 6 km northwest of the town of Dolores. Containing primarily lowland areas west of the Dolores River, the locality has been the scene of human habitation for thousands of years. The first well-documented occupation dates to the Great Cut Phase of the Archaic Tradition or 2000 BC-AD 500. During this period the prehistoric inhabitants utilized seasonal sites situated along the perimeter of...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-004: Excavations at Sheep Skull Camp (Site 5MT2202), a multiple occupation site. (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sarah H. Schlanger.

Sheep Skull Camp (Site 5MT2202) is a prehistoric limited activity locus located in the Sagehen Flats Locality, Escalante Sector, southwestern Colorado. The site is located on a hilltop overlooking the Sagehen Flats Marsh to the south. For purposes of intensive investigation, the site was divided into three sampling strata based on distribution of surface artifacts. Sixty-five test squares were then selected, via a stratified random sampling design, and excavated; backhoe tests, a magnetometer...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-005: Excavations at Sagehill Hamlet (Site 5MT2198), a Basketmaker III/Pueblo I habitation site. (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nancy J. Hewitt.

Sagehill Hamlet (Site 5MT2198), a small Anasazi habitation located approximately 8 km northwest of Dolores, Colorado, was excavated during the summer of 1978 as part of the Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Program. Field operations were conducted during the months of August and September; a University of Colorado crew excavated and recorded a small pithouse and associated surface features. Site 5MT2198 was probably the domicile and home base of a single household group practicing...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-022: A Brief View of Homesteading in the Primary Project Area with a Test Model of the Basic Homesteading Periods (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven Baker.

This report summarizes the results obtained in the first year of historical studies on the Dolores Archaeological Program in Montezuma and Dolores counties in southwestern Colorado. The investigations were performed by Centuries Research, Inc., of Montrose, Colorado, under terms of a subcontract with the University of Colorado. This report presents two introductory historical research reports on the documentary history of the area by Duane Smith and the results of Steven Baker's historic site...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-042: Laboratory Operations - 1979 (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul J. Farley.

This is an administrative report concerning the Archaeological Contractor's operation of the Field Laboratory for the reporting year March 1, 1979, through February 29, 1980. The first section, arranged according to four temporal periods, outlines the broad emphases of the work of the laboratory processing crew through the reporting year. This section also includes the major concerns of the contractor's laboratory supervisor and the assistant laboratory supervisor, excerpted from the monthly...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-044: Reductive Technology Laboratory 1979 Report (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carl J. Phagan.

The operations of the Dolores Archaeological Program Reductive Technologies Laboratory from March, 1979, to February, 1980, are sunvnarized. Preliminary analysis (completed in January, 1980) and intensive analysis activities are presented, as are the administrative activities of the laboratory. The ways in which lithic analysis systems articulate with the program research design are discussed. The size of the lithics colletions from program sites is presented in a table which forms Appendix A....

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-045: Photography-1979 (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John P. Nylander.

The Photography Section of the Dolores Archaeological Program implemented a system for organizing the large volume of photographic material generated during the 1979 field and laboratory operations. This system involved the aquisition of photographic information and the integration of that information, via computer-aided storage and retrieval mechanisms, into the general project data bank. The Photography Section also explored two remote-sensing methods, including biped and component mapper...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-046: Activities of the Automated Data Processing Group (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert P. Ryan. Arthur L. Rohr.

The Dolores Archaeological Program Automated Data Processing group is responsible for creating and maintaining computer files containing both inventory and analytical data. Currently, 117,902 records are stored in 12 different files. This report describes the development and status of the data processing effort. The use of SYSTEM 2000 as a data-base management system is detailed. Input, storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data are discussed, as are security measures and database...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-047: Botanical Studies - 1979 (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert A. Bye.

During 1979, the Environmental Studies Group of the Dolores Archaeological Program developed a research design which emphasized the development and testing of specific vegetation models based on archaeological and modern botanical data. In order to provide a valid basis for such model building and testing, and to provide a basis for comparison between modern and prehistoric vegetation patterns, a reconnaissance survey of the project area, in part using the releve technique, was undertaken. Data...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-048: Faunal Studies-1979 (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven D. Emslie.

Work accomplished by the Faunal Consultant and his staff during the reporting period (1 March 1979 to 29 February 1980) included both preliminary analysis and fieldwork. Preliminary analysis was performed by a small crew at Flagstaff; standard procedures developed for this type of analysis included a basic sort into taxonomic categories and recording of characteristics for each individual bone or group of bones by taxon. During this process , worked bone was separated from unworked bone and...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-049: Pollen Analysis - 1979 (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda J. Scott.

Pollen analysis of 10 prehistoric sites excavated during the 1979 field season of.the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.) was centered on three localities. Seven of the 10 sites were located in Sagehen Flats Locality, including one site which was represented by only a modern pollen sample. These sites date to the Sagehen, McPhee , and Sundial phases. Two sites in Grass Mesa Locality were selected for pollen analysis; they date to the Sagehen and McPhee phases. McPhee Pueblo (Site 5MT4475),...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-050: Geology of the Dolores Project Area (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Frank C. Leonhardy. Vickie L. Clay.

Integrated geological studies for the Dolores Archaeological Program provide project wide descriptions of landforms, rock units, Quaternary sediments, soils, and drainage systems. Additionally, geological studies provide alternative chronological control for archaeological material recovery and climatic reconstructions. During the 1979 field season preliminary geologic mapping of soils, landforms, bedrock, and drainage areas was completed. Archaeological stratigraphy was recorded and samples...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-051: Human Remains (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Louisa B. Flander.

Analysis of human skeletal remains from 1978 and 1979 excavations and the 1978 survey is presented. At least 26 individuals from 14 sites are represented in the collections. None of the remains analyzed indicate that any of the individuals represented were in poor health. The fragmentary nature of the remains makes it impossible to draw any more definite conclusions concerning the health of the prehistoric population. Sex and age determinants follow standard procedures, i.e., conservative...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-052: Archaeomagnetic Dating-1979 (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. H. Hathaway. Jeffrey L. Eighmy.

The 1979 archaeomagnetic sampling program involved the recovery of 61 archaeomagnetic samples from 17 Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.) area sites. Results from analysis of these samples were used not only to aid in the chronological interpretation of the excavated sites, but also to refine the field and laboratory methodology employed by the sampling program. An attempt was made to refine the current Southwest master curve (Weaver [1], Dubois [2]) in order to increase its usefulness and...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-053: History and Historic Archaeology (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah A. Duranceau.

The Dolores Archaeological Program will mitigate the archaeological remains in the area to be inundated by the McPhee Reservoir. This mitigation plan calls for a complete synthesis of the historic period in the Dolores area. Beginning with the Protohistoric Utes and Navajo, the Historic Studies 1979 field year volume will report on the eighteenth century Spanish explorers and the nineteenth century Euro-American settlers. Results of the historic survey, oral history program, and artifact...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-054: Historic Research Design (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah A. Duranceau.

The Dolores Archaeological Program Historic Research Design serves to structure fieldwork, analysis and other studies necessary to reconstruct the historic occupation and settlement of the Dolores River Valley. One segment of historic studies will focus on the settlers who "took up" 1 and in the valley under the provisions established by the Homestead Act of 1862; this part of the program has been designated Problem Domain 1. Other studies will focus on the establishment, lifespan and decline of...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-056: Introduction to 1980 Dolores Archaeological Program Reports (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Breternitz.

The DAP (Dolores Archaeological Program) has undertaken a far more intensive and ambitious report production task than was envisioned by anyone concerned with the program at its inception . This brief chapter explains the complexion and flavor of DAP reports and why they are appearing in a variety of formats and at differing levels of detail on a program-wide basis . Program methodology and technique (Lipe and Kohler 1981) have been oriented toward ensuring comparability among DAP reports....

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-057: The Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Design (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text R. Knudson. S. James. A. Kane. W. Lipe. T. Kohler.

The Dolores Project is a major Federal water reclamation project in southwestern Colorado, just north of Mesa Verde National Park (Breternitz et al. 1980; Madden and Weakly 1980). The Reservoir Salvage Act of 1960 as amended (16 U.S.C. 469) requires that operations such as the Dolores Project, which is being constructed in an area known to be rich in prehistoric and historic resources, recover and preserve the information held in those resources before construction damages or destroys them. The...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-058: Fieldwork and Systematics (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allen E. Kane.

The University of Colorado and its subcontractor, Washington State University, completed the third year of Dolores Archaeological Program fieldwork in 1980. During the first three seasons of work, the research approach was adapted to meet the changing requirements of a program with a large and complex database, and modifications of the approach were documented in a series of program reports. Also during this period, program systematics (the spatial and temporal systems and the site typology)...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-060: Reductive Technologies Group Midlevel Research design (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carl J. Phagan.

The Reductive Technology Group of the Dolores Archaeological Program has developed a series of integrated analysis systems for interpreting stone and bone tools at several analytic scales, or intensities, and within several broad technological categories. All stone and bone tools are subjected to a preliminary inventory analysis which is focused on identifying variability in production technology. Separate, more intensive analytic systems are used to examine other kinds or levels of variability...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-061: Environmental Studies Report (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce F. Benz. Vickie L. Clay.

The Environmental Studies Group has completed laboratory and field studies that serve as a comparisons for projections back in time. These include maps that inventory the present day bedrock geology, landforms, soils stream orders, and present and potential-natural vegetation. Two experimental gardens provide case studies of the potential of subsistence agriculture in the Dolores Archaeological Project area under present day conditions. Analysis to date of geological, faunal, and floral...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-062: Preliminary Report, Demonstration and Experimental Garden Studies 1979 and 1980 (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rita Shuster.

Remains of corn, beans and squash recovered from prehistoric sites excavated in the Dolores Project area indicate that the Anasazi were successfully farming the area. To help answer questions about prehistoric farming practices, experimental gardens were planted in the project area in 1979 and 1980. These gardens were closely monitored and various experiments with different crops were conducted. Resultant yields from the gardens indicate that despite problems of low rainfall, insects, and a...

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-066: 1980 Archaeomagnetic Sampling Program (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Holly Hathaway.

The 1980 archaeomagnetic sampling program involved the recovery of 59 archaeomagnetic samples from 13 archaeological sites excavated by the Dolores Archaeological Program. In addition, 12 samples were collected from 12 experimental hearths located within the project area. Based on the 1979 DAP refinement of the A.D. 700-900 portion of the Southwest curve, the 1978-1980 prehistoric collection sets were temporally evaluated. When these dates were compared to the original Southwest curve estimates,...