Arizona (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)
Southwest, Arizona , Arizona , arizona|| alabama , Arizona (State) , American Southwest||Arizona (State / Territory)||North America (Continent)||Phoenix Basin , Arizona (State / Territory) || North America (Continent) , Arizona (State / Territory)
10,851-10,875 (12,479 Records)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Tamarisk Site, comprised of lithic and sherd scatter, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The file consists of a site data form, map of the site location, and a page of field notes, including a hand drawn site map. The earliest dated document is from 1997.
Taming the Wild Through Enclosure: Boundaries within the Pioneer Landscape (2016)
Frontiers are often perceived as dangerous and harsh peripheries pioneers adapted to, or replete with resources and ripe for settlement. Based on accounts of environmental stress and warfare in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the former perception pervades depictions of the Eastern frontier. To distinguish notions of frontier life from actual lived experiences of pioneers, I analyze enclosure – the continuous bounding and cultivation of the landscape – which structured frontier...
Taming Wild Plants: How Hard (or Easy) Can It Be? (2017)
Ancient diets in the Hohokam area of central and southern Arizona included indigenous domesticates. Evidence for domesticated Little Barley (Hordeum pusillum), Mexican crucillo (Condalia warnockii), and amaranth (Amaranthus) rests on morphological changes. Range extensions into higher/lower areas are cited for management of agaves (Agave) and cholla (Opuntia) plants. Here I consider the process of domestication, and suggest that one or more mutations in nature plus one observant human may be all...
The Tanapag Coronado: A Case Study in Site Formation Processes (2016)
The study of submerged aircraft, while not new, is a relatively unexplored area of maritime archaeology. Receiving even less attention is the study of site formation processes as they apply to submerged aircraft wreck sites—what processes affected the site between the time it crashed and now? These studies are becoming increasingly important, especially for cultural resource managers who are responsible for managing submerged aircraft. This paper summarizes the results of a case study of a...
The Tanapag PBM Mariner: Aircraft Identification through Site Formation Processes (2020)
This is an abstract from the session entitled "Strides Towards Standard Methodologies in Aeronautical Archaeology" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. During the Second World War, flying boats were crucial in the roles of reconnaissance, patrol, rescue, and transportation. This was especially true in the Pacific Theater. One such flying boat, a United States Navy (USN) PBM Mariner, has rested on the bottom of Tanapag Harbor, Saipan since the waning days of...
Tannic Planet: The Development of a Maritime Heritage Trail on a Blackwater River (2016)
ABSTRACT: With its headwaters in Alabama and terminus in Blackwater Bay, the Blackwater River is the major river of Santa Rosa County, Florida. For centuries this river has played an integral role in the development of northwest Florida as the primary avenue for transporting resources, goods, and people in and out of the interior of this area. In 2013 the Bagdad Waterfronts Florida Partnership, Inc., contacted Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) Northwest Region office seeking assistance...
The Tanque Verde High School Archaeological Project: Excavations at a Hohokam Limited Activity Site in the Northeastern Tucson Basin (2005)
Archaeological testing and data recovery at AZ B:9:360 (ASM), a Hohokam limited activity site in the northeastern Tucson Basin, resulted in the discovery of two roasting pits, an associated activity surface, and two large trash-filled pits. Botanical data suggest that the site was used for processing locally procured upper bajada wild plant resources as well as domesticated crops (maize). Chronometric data indicate a likely span of site use from the Rillito phase of the Colonial period to the...
The Tanque Verde Wash Site Revisited: Archaeological Excavations in the Northwest Locus (2011)
The Tanque Verde W ash site, AZ BB:13:68 (ASM), is a small agricultural village located in the eastern Tucson Basin, approximately 25 km east of the large riverine settlements along the Santa Cruz River. The northwest locus of the site was investigated during the current project for the City of Tucson prior to residential development, complementing previous investigations in the southeast locus. Including all work at the site, 57 pithouses have now been sampled or completely excavated, in...
Tantaran’ny Velondriake (2020)
This is an abstract from the session entitled "Historical Archaeology in the Indian Ocean" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In this paper we describe a collaboration between environmental archaeologists and Vezo historians from the Velondriake region of southwest Madagascar. The project aims to integrate archaeological data from surveys and excavations and oral histories pertaining to Vezo livelihoods, settlements and migrations, in order to reconstruct...
Taphonomic Analysis with Multisite Big Data in the Central Mesa Verde Region (2024)
This is an abstract from the "Interdisciplinary Approaches in Zooarchaeology: Addressing Big Questions with Ancient Animals" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Understanding taphonomic patterns across large spatial scales can greatly enhance archaeological interpretation. However, standardized data curation across many sites is a significant challenge. Thus, opportunities for taphonomic analyses that employ big multisite datasets are rare. Data...
Tarantula Arizona Site Steward File (1994)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for Tarantula, comprised of rock art, located on Kaibab National Forest land. The file consists of a site data form. The earliest dated document is from 1994.
Targets: Cultural Resources Sample Survey of the East Tactical Range, Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range, Southwestern Arizona (1994)
Luke AFB and the BLM have teamed up in the past to assess the cultural resources contained within the Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range. This study was designed to further that effort, and specifically to provide data that can augment the Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) for the Gila Bend (eastern) segment of the Goldwater Range, a document that was prepared by the BLM, and which is regarded as "in-progress."
Task Force Dagger Foundation and ECU: Development of the Joint Recovery Team (2020)
This is an abstract from the session entitled "East Carolina University Partnerships and Innovation with Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper details the development of the Task Force Dagger Foundation’s partnership with East Carolina University and the Department of Defense MIA/POW Accounting Agency (DPAA). It outlines the vision these leaders forged in creating a joint university and special operations veteran...
TaskForce Dagger Foundation’s Joint Recovery Team Training and Implementation (2020)
This is an abstract from the session entitled "East Carolina University Partnerships and Innovation with Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. With East Carolina University (ECU) as a partner and gaining DPAA’s partnership, the third leg of the Joint Recovery Team (JRT) was in place. The first JRT mission took place in Saipan in July/August 2018. This meant implementing an archaeological training and diving plan to insure...
"A Taste for Being Well Lodged After Their Decease:" Preliminary Thoughts on Jamaican Cemeteries (2018)
This paper provides a brief introduction to Jamaica's 18th and 19th century burial grounds using select examples from Port Royal, Falmouth, Spanish Town, and plantation burial grounds, especially the Orange Valley estate. Documentary sources relating to burial and commemoration are also examined. The paper argues that Jamaican gravemarkers clearly reflect the social stratification present in colonial Jamaica, and highlight the great wealth that sugar planting brought to the island. Jamaican...
Tastes for New and Old: Fish Consumption in the Market Street Chinatown (2016)
The Market Street Chinatown was a bustling Chinese community in nineteenth-century San Jose, California, and its residents mixed the traditional and novel throughout their lives. This is especially the case in food practices, where Market Street’s residents consumed Chinese foods alongside new ingredients from North America. In this paper, I explore how fish consumption among Market Street’s residents was driven by notions of taste in nineteenth-century Southern China, where fish played a...
Tastes on the "Tight Little Island": Dietary Choices in St. George's, Bermuda (2013)
British colonists in the New World employed a variety of strategies to cope with their new surroundings. In eighteenth- and nineteenth-century St. George's, Bermuda, settlers embraced the natural abundance of the marine environment while maintaining their reliance on Old World domesticates. Market access, personal preference, and socioeconomic standing greatly influenced the nature of this balance of Old and New World foodstuffs. Faunal assemblages from the Henry Tucker House in St. George's...
Tavern Archaeology in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, Virginia (2018)
Taverns in eighteenth-century Williamsburg, Virginia ran the gamut from the refined to repugnant, from those catering to the delicate needs of politicians and colonial elites, to those offering basic room and board to road-weary travelers seeking to escape the elements. As elsewhere, Williamsburg’s varied taverns were central places within the community where people regularly gathered to transact business, argue over politics, exchanged news of the day, plot political action, or just enjoy a...
Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks: New Technology for Heritage Conservation (2018)
With millions of acres under their care, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) must address woodlots, resource extraction, and other energy and recreation-related tasks. Cultural resources and their management are often forgotten or ignored, yet several technologies are available that all state land management agencies and employees can and should learn to implement in order to address this void in overall land and heritage conservation. This poster will focus...
Teaching Hidden Histories: A VRchaeology Experience of the Miller Grove Community (2019)
This is an abstract from the "Silenced Lifeways:The Archaeology of Free African-American Communities in the Indiana and Illinois Borderlands" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Free African American communities in southern Illinois have complex social histories underwritten by ideas of freedom, slavery and resistance. The compelling dynamics of church, community, and negotiated inter-ethnic experiences faced by our nation’s first generation of free...
Teaching With and For the Recent Past: Applying Contemporary Archaeology Pedagogically (2015)
From abandoned council flats to the World Trade Center site, scholars are attempting to understand the material remains of the very recent past by using the methodology of archaeological "excavation." These archaeologies of the contemporary past make familiar items unfamiliar as they explore material residues of late capitalist, post-industrial societies and beyond, participating in what Holtorf calls the merging of "archaeology in the modern world with the archaeology of the modern world." The...
Teaching Without a Wreck: Using Museum Collections in the Classroom (2017)
Spring 2016 marked the first time maritime archaeology was taught to undergraduates at Harvard University. No diving was required for this introductory class, so in order to give the students the experience of researching and identifying a "wreck site" the class partnered with the Peabody Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology. The museum collection contained a number of models that were not on display due to space constraints. The class therefore used the museum ship models as substitutes for an...
A Teardrop Shaped Foundation In Fairfax County, Virginia (2016)
The Old Colchester Park and Preserve, located in southern Fairfax County, Virginia consists of approximately 145 acres along the Occoquan River. This natural and cultural resource Park was acquired by Fairfax County Park Authority in 2006. Located within the Park along the Occoquan River was the ca. 1754-1830 tobacco port town of Colchester. Systematic and targeted testing over the past four years by Colchester Archaeology Research Team (CART) has yielded numerous artifacts and features. ...
Teasing Out The Details: Re-examining A 19th-Century Boardinghouse Site In Lowell, MA (2016)
Archaeological sites excavated under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 provide scholars a wealth of data at their fingertips. Due to the time and financial constraints of excavation, many collections are initially analyzed, stored in state and local repositories and forgotten. However, both academic and cultural resource management (CRM) collections are an invaluable source of new data. The re-examination of these assemblages can tease out more detailed or nuanced...
Technical Appendices: Ambrosia-Coronado 230kV Transmission Project Alternatives Evaluation and Macro Corridor Analysis (1991)
This document describes the study methods and results of the regional environmental baseline studies conducted for the Ambrosia-Coronado 230kV Transmission Project between November 1989 and March 1990. The focus of the regional data collection effort was to identify environmental resources and features that would assist in developing locations for alternative transmission line corridors within the defined study area. The purpose of this section is to describe the regional scale visual resources...