Arizona (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)
Southwest, Arizona , Arizona , arizona|| alabama , Arizona (State) , American Southwest||Arizona (State / Territory)||North America (Continent)||Phoenix Basin , Arizona (State / Territory) || North America (Continent) , Arizona (State / Territory)
12,026-12,050 (12,479 Records)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Ute Mountain (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Village of the Great Kivas (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Wallace Ruin (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Weber Canyon (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Western Gateway cairn/shrine complex (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Whirlwind Lake (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for White House (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for White Rock (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for White Rock (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Wijiji (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Willow Canyon (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Willow Canyon (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Willow Canyon Herradura (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Willow Canyon Stone Circle NE Mesa (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Wolye Adin (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Woosh Clo Dee Toh (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Wupatki (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Yellow Jacket (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Yellow Point Herradura (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viewshed GeoTIFF for Yucca House (2016)
These are the "robust" viewsheds as calculated for Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016).
Viga Testing Project (2002)
These documents are a series of communications regarding stabilization and testing efforts performed and to be performed on the Great House in Compound A at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. They outline what projects need to be accomplished, special issues and concerns, and what will be necessary to accomplish the projects. A cost analysis is also provided.
Village of the Animal Tracks Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Village of the Animal Tracks site, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The site is comprised of artifact scatter, a nine or more room masonry pueblo, petroglyphs, bedrock metates, and terracing. The files consists of a site data form and Museum of Northern Arizona archaeological survey form.
Village Progress Report (1975)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...
Villages of Tortolita: Phase II Data Recovery at AZ AA:7:500 (ASM) and AZ AA:12:682 (ASM), Town of Marana, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2009)
Phase II data recovery was conducted at AZ AA:7:500 (ASM) and AZ AA:12:682 (ASM) on the Villages of Tortolita property after Phase I data recovery revealed the presence of subsurface cultural deposits. Forty-five features were identified during Phase II data recovery at AZ AA:7:500 (ASM), including pit structures, roasting pits, miscellaneous extramural pits, middens, surface rock concentrations, and cremations. At AZ AA:12:682 (ASM), five highly ephemeral, poorly defined features (charcoal...