Arizona (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

Southwest, Arizona , Arizona , arizona|| alabama , Arizona (State) , American Southwest||Arizona (State / Territory)||North America (Continent)||Phoenix Basin , Arizona (State / Territory) || North America (Continent) , Arizona (State / Territory)

51-75 (12,475 Records)

1979 Great House North ext. elevation (1979)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This image is a 1979 view of the north exterior elevation of the Great House in compound A.

1979 Great House S-N cross section elevation (1979)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This image is a 1979 view of the south to north cross section elevation of the Great House in compound A.

1979 Great House South ext. elevation (1979)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This image is a 1979 view of the south exterior elevation of the Great House in compound A.

1979 Great House West ext. elevation (1979)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This image is a 1979 view of the west exterior elevation of the Great House in compound A.

1979 Ohio State University Architectural Documentation of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains scanned images of Architectural Documentation of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The documents were prepared by the Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation at Ohio State University Columbus under the Direction of the National Park Service. The architectural documentation was prepared using terrestrial photogrammetry and a phototheodolite.

1980 correspondence with Harold Gladwin Casa Grande Ruins (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Harold S. Gladwin.

This document includes correspondence between NPS archeologist John Andresen and Harold Gladwin on the location of Gladwin’s 1927 excavations within Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Due to the disclosure of site locations, this document requires permission to view

1981 Additional Studies of the Architecture of the Casa Grande and Its Interpretation
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains architectural documentation prepared by David Wilcox and Charles for the National Park Service. The sheets and images are also available in Wilcox and Sternberg's "Additional Studies of the Architecture of the Casa Grande and Its Interpretation.

1981 Andresen, John M., Radio Carbon Dates from the Casa Grande
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This document is a report regarding the radio carbon dating of the wooden beams used in the construction of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. It was done through the National Park Service Purchase Order PX 8100-0-0076 P.O.

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas Research Design (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Gregory. Fred L. Nials. Patricia L. Crown. Lynn S. Teague. David A. Philips.

This volume presents the research design constructed to guide both the field work and analysis stages of the Las Colinas Project. It is the first in a series of seven volumes covering the project; the remaining volumes will document and interpret the substantive results of the research. The seven volumes are collectively designated as Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series 162.

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Environment and Subsistence (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald A. Graybill. David A. Gregory. Fred L. Nials. Suzanne K. Fish. Charles Miksicek. Robert E. Gasser. Christine R. Szuter.

This volume is one of several substantive reports detailing the results of the 1982-1984 excavations at Las Colinas. This series of reports is collectively designated Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series 162. The research design constructed to guide the investigations has been published as Volume 1. Other volumes deal with material culture, site structure, and the Mound 8 precinct. This volume presents the results of the environmental studies carried out as a part of project research.

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Environment and Subsistence, Part I: Reconstruction and Interpretation of Prehistoric Salt River Streamflow (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald A. Graybill. David A. Gregory. Fred L. Nails. Suzanne K. Fish. Charles Miksicek. Robert E. Gasser. Christine R. Szuter.

This document consists of Figures 3.2 Reconstructed Flow of the Verde River, 3.3 Reconstructed Flow of the Salt River, 3.4 Reconstructed Flow of the Salt and Verde Rivers, 3.5 Estimated Split Summer Period Flow of the Salt and Verde Rivers, and 5.2 Plots of the Recurrence Intervals for the 631-Year Period of Reconstruction. The remainder of the document (minus figures) is available on tDAR as The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Environment and Subsistence, tDAR ID 4531.

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Material Culture (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David R. Abbott. Kim E. Beckwith. Patricia L. Crown. R. Thomas Euler. David A. Gregory. J. Ronald London. Marilyn B. Saul. Larry A. Schwalbe. Mary Bernard-Shaw.

The analyses of artifacts recovered during the 1982-1984 excavations at Las Colinas are described in this volume. Temporal variation was addressed using the traditional Hohokam chronology and the site-specific chronology defined in Volume 2. Spatial contrasts focused on distinctions between the Mound 8 assemblages and those of the surrounding residential area. A discussion of mortuary practices that emphasizes the nature of associated artifacts is presented in the final chapter.

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Special Studies and Data Tables (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Gregory. Barbara A. Murphy. William L. Deaver. Richard C. Lange. Martha Sullenberger. Christine R. Szuter. Mary Bernard-Shaw. Arthur W. Vokes. R. Thomas Euler. Charles H. Misicek. Marilyn B. Saul.

This is last of the seven volumes collectively designated Archaeological Series 162. In Part I of this volume, the provenience system used during the 1982-1984 excavations at Las Colinas and the computer procedures used in processing the enormous volume of data that resulted from those excavations are explained, and the results of some special analyses are presented. Artifact data are provided in tabular form in Part II. Other volumes in this series provide the project research design (Volume...

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Syntheses and Conclusions (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lynn S. Teague. William L. Deaver.

This is the sixth in a series of seven volumes reporting results of archaeological investigations at Las Colinas, a predominantly Sedentary and Classic period settlement on the Salt River within the boundaries of what is today urban Phoenix. Excavations at Las Colinas were funded by the Arizona Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration, with the additional support of the University of Arizona during report preparation and publication phases of the project. Work was...

1982-1984 Excavations At Las Colinas: Syntheses and Conclusions (1989)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lynn S. Teague. W. L. Deaver.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: The Mound 8 Precinct (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Gregory. David R. Abbott. Deni J. Seymour. Nancy M. Bannister.

The principal focus of this volume is a reconsideration of the construction history and organization of the Mound 8 precinct at Las Colinas. Seven stages of mound construction were identified, with some changes in construction methods and mound configuration over time. As a consequence, Mound 8 provides a record of the transition from an earlier mound form, similar to some stages of the pre-Classic mound at the Gatlin Site, to a later form similar to patterns evident in other Classic period...

The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: The Site and Its Features (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Gregory. WIlliam L. Deaver. Suzanne K. Fish. Ronald Gardiner. Robert W. Layhe. Fred L. Nials. Lynn S. Teague. W. Bruce Masse.

In this volume the features and deposits discovered and excavated at Las Colinas outside the Mound 8 precinct are described. The nature of the sample recovered from Las Colinas, the chronology and history of the occupation, and the geomorphology and natural stratigraphy of the site area are covered in Chapters 1 through 4, providing the groundwork for the remaining chapters and for the other volumes in the report series. The major classes of features discovered at the site--structures,...

1982-1984 Excavations At Las Colinas; Material Culture (1989)
DOCUMENT Citation Only D. R. Abbott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

The 1986 Archaeological Investigations at Las Canopas, Phoenix, Arizona (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Cable. David E. Doyel.

This report will describe the results of archaeological salvage investigations at the prehistoric Hohokam site of Las Canopas, AZ T:12:16 (PGM), conducted by Pueblo Grande Museum between January 23 and February 28, 1986. Work at the site was initiated in response to notification made by a City of Phoenix, Engineering Department Inspector, Charley Marican, that prehistoric remains had been exposed in sewer line trenches at a construction site. Inspection of the museum site files indicated that...

1990's Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Great House Architectural Documentation - University of Pennsylvania
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains documents created during the University of Pennsylvania's conservation assessment program at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Resources within this project include: condition assessments, reports, architectural drawings, images, and other related documents. Project work began in 1996 and continued through 2000. This project was funded by the National Park Service under a Cooperative Agreement with the University of Pennsylvania #144CA125097001 and 7029-2-0001.

19th Century Chinese Railroad Worker Habitation Structures on the Central Pacific Railroad (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ann Polk. Michael Polk.

This is a poster submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Following the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869, there was an immediate need to provide maintenance crews along the line. The Central Pacific Railroad met this need, largely, through the employment of ethnic Chinese workers in Utah, Nevada and California, a pattern that continued for more than 20 years. These workers were provided with bunkhouses and, sometimes,...

19th Century Clay Pipes from Jacksonport State Park, Arkansas (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only C. Andrew Buchner. Karla M. Oesch.

Excavations at the Jacksonport State Park over the 2014 to 2015 field season have produced over 65,000 artifacts. This material has providing information about the lives of Jacksonport's residents from its prominence and period of historical significance (1852-1892) and on to the subsequent poor house era (1910-1953). Within this extensive collection are several campaign/ president pipes imported from Germany from circa 1830 to circa 1870. The identifiable specimens include presidential...

19th Century Entertainments From A Small Plantation In Alexandria, Virginia: Archaeology At Shuter’s Hill (44AX175) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Terilee Edwards-Hewitt.

The archaeology of childhood is underrepresented in the archaeological literature. Identifying children’s toys can be complex since many recreational objects, such as Frozen Charlottes, dominos, marbles, harmonicas and mouth harps, were used by both children and adults. Other toys found at this archaeological site are solely associated with children, primarily metal military figures and dolls. Shuter’s Hill, located in Alexandria, Virginia, was a small plantation located near Washington, D.C....

19th century industry in the American South: Scull Shoals Mill Village (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stacy J. Lundgren. James Wettstaed.

The shoals of the Oconee River have greatly influenced early American settlement and land use in Georgia, one of the United States’ original thirteen colonies.   Scull Shoals, a major river crossing in what is now Greene County, became the location of a small frontier settlement on the east bank of the Oconee River in the 1790s.  After the turn of the century, industry at the shoals included a water-powered grist mill and Georgia’s first paper mill.  In the following decades, mill operations at...

A 19th Century Military Landscape in Southern Maryland (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Aaron M. Levinthal.

The Maryland State Highway Administration's recent archaeological investigations in Charles County have helped to increase the understanding of a landscape that directly contributed to events that shaped a developing nation. The discovery and study of several War of 1812 and Civil War sites and loci, all within close proximity of one another, the port town of Benedict, and major waterborne and overland transportation corridors, has provided insights on choices made by 19th century military...