Jalisco (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

1-25 (433 Records)

The Acolman Cross and the Maize God (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Manuel Aguilar-Moreno.

This is an abstract from the "Bringing the Past to Life, Part 1: Papers in Honor of John M. D. Pohl" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The monastery of Acolman founded by the Augustinian order is located near Teotihuacan. The most astonishing tequitqui (Amerindian-Christian art of the sixteenth century) monument in Acolman is the atrial cross made in 1550. Although open-air crosses existed in Europe, the Mexican crosses have a different iconography...

Activity Areas and Political Economy at Teotihuacan’s Plaza of the Columns: Investigations in Front E (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Carballo. Daniela Hernández Sariñana. Maria Codlin. Gina Buckley. Jorge Ortiz Hernández.

Front E of the Project Plaza of the Columns Complex comprises the southern sector of this large civic-administrative complex, located in the heart of Teotihuacan. In initial project planning, its surface topography suggested the presence of open spaces and low structures that could have been used for activities of economic significance and/or as residential spaces for individuals not of high elite rank. Excavations over two seasons in Front E prioritized horizontal exposures in order to assess...

Acumulación de metales y procesos tecnológicos vinculados a las escorias presentes en el sitio arqueológico de Jicalán Viejo (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Luis Velázquez-Maldonado. Berenice Pedroza. David Larreina-García. Mario A. Retiz-García. Blanca Maldonado.

This is an abstract from the "Technological Transitions in Prehispanic and Colonial Metallurgy: Recent and Ongoing Research at the Archaeological Site of Jicalán Viejo, in Central Michoacán, West Mexico" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. El sitio arqueológico de Jicalán Viejo (posclásico tardío - colonial temprano) presenta una elevada concentración en superficie de escorias de metalurgia, relacionadas con los procesos de beneficio del cobre. El...

The Adoption of Agriculture in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico: Stable Isotope Data for 10,000 Years of Environmental and Dietary Change (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Somerville. Isabel Casar. Pedro Morales.

This is an abstract from the "Subsistence Crops and Animals as a Proxy for Human Cultural Practice" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. An enduring focus in anthropological research concerns the causes for adoption of agriculture in multiple regions across the globe near the onset of the Holocene. The Tehuacan Valley of Puebla, Mexico, represents a unique location to explore long-term trends of human-plant coevolution as the dry climate of the valley...

Advances in the Study Archaeological Ceramics of the Epiclassic-Early Postclassic Basin of Mexico (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Destiny Crider.

This is an abstract from the "The Legacies of The Basin of Mexico: The Ecological Processes in the Evolution of a Civilization, Part 2" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Basin of Mexico survey and related archaeological projects in the region provided not only a ceramic chronology, but also a legacy of archaeological materials available for continued research. Two key goals of the Basin of Mexico survey focused on relations among settlement...

Advances in World-Systems Analysis in Mesoamerica (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Peter Jimenez.

This is an abstract from the "World-Systems and Globalization in Archaeology: Assessing Models of Intersocietal Connections 50 Years since Wallerstein’s “The Modern World-System”" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. With the refinement of world-systems analysis into the nested network model (i.e., bulk goods, political/military, prestige goods, and information), Chase-Dunn and Hall (1997) have proposed a research strategy that is applicable to ancient...

An Agate Basin Point from Michoacán, Mexico (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brigitte Faugere. José Luis Ruvalcaba.

This is an abstract from the "Late Pleistocene Stemmed Points across North America: Continental Questions and Regional Concerns" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A complete black obsidian Agate Basin Point was found in a rockshelter in the state of Michoacán, Mexico, during the excavations realized by the CEMCA team. Despite the fact that the stratigraphy of the shelter had been completely disturbed, this point was found associated with a complete...

Almenas and Architecture (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexa Rose. Michael E. Smith.

Almenas, roof ornaments comprised commonly of ceramic or stone in Teotihuacan that most archaeologists toss aside unknowing of their identity, have been a source of research in archaeology recently after Michael E. Smith and Clara Paz Bauista’s paper "Las almenas en la ciudad Antigua de Teotihuacan" in 2015. Continuing Dr. Smith’s original research, I have compiled a database of complete almenas from museums and published resources to make new categories for the artifacts. Although many whole...

Alternative Mexico: A Mobile Application for the Preservation of Mexico's Heritage (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sandra Lopez Varela.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. "México Alternativo" is a mobile application for iOS and Android platforms, drawing from the need to preserve and promote contemporary heritage resources that are of great value to Mexico’s citizens. Infrastructure building and promotion of urban lifeways to modernize and strengthen Mexico’s economy, has resulted in the appropriation by its citizens of modern...

Analyses of Pastes and Polychromy of Chupícuaro Pottery: A Diachronic Comparison Using a Noninvasive Approach (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carlos López Puértolas. José Luis Ruvalcaba-Sil. Eliseo Padilla. Edgar Casanova-González. Véronique Darras.

This is an abstract from the "Reassessing Chupícuaro–Cuicuilco Relationships in Light of Ceramic Production (Formative Mesoamerica)" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Pottery is one of the hallmarks of the societies that emerged in the present-day Acámbaro Valley known as the Chupícuaro culture (ca. 600–100 BC). The aesthetic features of Chupícuaro ceramics range from complex forms of monochrome ware to polychrome varieties based on three main...

Analysis and Implications of Post-Depositional Bias in the Basin of Mexico (BOM) Surveys: A Preliminary Case Study of the Texcoco Survey Region (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rudolf Cesaretti. Carlos Cordova. Charles Frederick.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Basin of Mexico (BOM) regional surveys have been a cornerstone of archaeological inferences about Prehispanic demography, political and economic organization over the long-term. However, recent geoarchaeological fieldwork in the BOM has indicated patterned geomorphological biases in the regional surveys, notably the repeated phases of Holocene alluvial...

Ancient Migrations in the Aztatlán Region: aDNA Analyses (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Patricio Gutiérrez Ruano. Ava Godhart. Meradeth Snow. Michael Mathiowetz.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. While mounting evidence suggests that the Aztatlán tradition in west Mexico was a major cosmopolitan region during the Postclassic period (AD 900-1521), archaeologists have characterized items and beliefs as being culturally distinct from the rest of Mesoamerica. Recently, endogenous and exogenous material culture distribution has been interpreted as the...

Ancient Mitochondrial DNA and Genetic Variation in Northwest Mexican Populations (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ingris Pelaez-Ballestas. Natalia Delgado-Machuca. Mariano Guardado-Estrada. Jakob William Cedió. José Luis Punzo Díaz.

This is an abstract from the "Looking to the West: New insights into Postclassic Archaeology in Michoacán" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The development of genetic sequencing technology has allowed for the recovery of ancient DNA from bone samples belonging to individuals who lived thousands of years ago, opening a window to the past and to better understand the dynamics of ancient civilizations. This study describes the genetic variation found...

Ancient Tula and Its Interactions with Other Areas of Mesoamerica (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dan Healan. Blanca Paredes Gudino.

This is an abstract from the "Interactions during the Epiclassic and Early Postclassic (AD 650–1100) in the Central Highlands: New Insights from Material and Visual Culture" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the course of time, archaeological investigations at Tula, Hidalgo, have recovered increasing evidence of systematic exchange with other areas of Mesoamerica spanning Tula’s initial growth in the Epiclassic period and its Early Postclassic...

Animal Imagery in the Postclassic Yearbearer Pages of the Codex Borgia (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Milbrath.

This is an abstract from the "Animal Symbolism in Postclassic Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Cecelia Klein" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Animals are prominent in annual rituals performed at the end of the year, as seen on page 49-52 of the Codex Borgia. Animals attacking each other and scenes of struggle involving animals and anthropomorphic gods are related to sequences in the yearbearer cycle that define the Calendar Round. Yearbearer...

Análisis morfológico y químico de escorias de cobre del sitio Jicalán Viejo, en el Occidente de México (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Berenice Pedroza. Luis Velázquez. Fernando May. Blanca Maldonado. David Larreina.

This is an abstract from the "Technological Transitions in Prehispanic and Colonial Metallurgy: Recent and Ongoing Research at the Archaeological Site of Jicalán Viejo, in Central Michoacán, West Mexico" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Este trabajo presenta los avances de la clasificación morfológica, caracterización química elemental (pXRF), y microscopía estereoscópica y óptica de las escorias de cobre recuperadas entorno a las áreas productivas...

Aportes de la prospección geofísica para entender los asentamientos en medios lacustres de la cuenca de Zacapu, Michoacán, México (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gregory Pereira. Jorge Blancas. Agustin Ortiz.

This is an abstract from the "2024 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of Luis Barba" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Hace más de tres décadas, Luis Barba y su equipo del laboratorio de prospección arqueológica del IIA, UNAM iniciaron una colaboración fructífera con investigadores del CEMCA en la cuenca de Zacapu (Michoacán) que continúa hasta nuestros días con instituciones francesas como el CNRS y la Universidad Paris 1/Panthéon-Sorbonne. En...

Approaching the Iconography of Epiclassic Censer Ornaments, a Typology from Los Mogotes, Estado de México (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Edgar Alarcón Tinajero. Christopher Morehart. Angela Huster.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Censers are a subset of Mesoamerican ceramics interpreted as ritual vessels used to burn incense. In ancient central Mexico, censers tend to feature mold made or handmade clay ornaments that were possibly part of iconographically composite vessels. A challenge in their interpretation, however, is that these complex vessels are often found in isolated...

An Approximation Towards the Function of Candeleros in the Plaza of the Columns Complex, Teotihuacan (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yolanda Peláez Castellanos. Nawa Sugiyama. Agustín Ortíz.

Candeleros are ceramic artifacts that are almost exclusively found at Teotihuacan and appear in the archaeological record during the Late Tlamimilolpa, Xolalpan and Metepec phases. Their unconventional shape led scholars to propose different hypotheses regarding their specific function (i.e. "candle holders", incense burners, lighting devices, domestic ritual paraphernalia). This paper studies 368 candeleros (fragments and complete pieces) recovered from the 2015 and 2016 excavations carried out...

Archaelogical Analysis of a Colonial Copper Smelting Furnace from Santa Clara del Cobre, Michoacan, Mexico. (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andres Francisco Sanchez Guerrero. José Luis Punzo Díaz. Lissandra González González. Juan Julio Morales Contreras.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology in South Central Michoacán México, Ongoing Studies" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 1788 the Spanish Crown wanted to evaluate the mining industry in New Spain in order to start the implementation of new technologies, change the domain and administration of the mines, and create new foundries that would help the mining industry to have more eficiency in all the processes related to this activity. That is...

Archaeological Prospection at Cerro Coyotepetl, Tepeticpac, Tlaxcallan: Preliminary Results from the 2017 Field Season of the Proyecto de Arqueología Cotidiana de Tepeticpac (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jorge Blancas. Lisa Overholtzer. Luis Barba. Agustín Ortíz. Eos Lopez.

In this paper we present the preliminary results of our field season this past summer in the Cerro Coyotepetl neighborhood of Tepeticpac, a señorío of Tlaxcallan. Archaeological prospection methods and remote sensing included magnetometry, electrical resistivity and photogrammetry by drone. Though our work is ongoing, and another geophysical survey season is planned, results were confirmed by excavations on one domestic terrace. These excavations revealed the remains of four rooms whose...

Archaeological Research in the Historical Center of Xochimilco (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rosa Alcántara. Sandra Santiago.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. One of the fundamental tasks of archaeology in Mexico is to investigate, conserve, restore, and recover the archaeological monuments; likewise, it is interested in disseminating its studies, for this reason, the results of the analysis of the prehispanic materials found during an archaeological rescue that took place in the historical center of Xochimilco, in...

Archaeological Survey in Delimited Units: The Altépetl of Ixmiquilpan in the Sixteenth Century (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Fernando Aguilar.

This is an abstract from the "Regional and Intensive Site Survey: Case Studies from Mesoamerica" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological surveys at a regional scale have faced the dilemma of concordance between the archaeological sampling units, normally defined by physiographic elements of the landscape, and the use of significant components of the studied societies, for example, political units or symbolic landscapes. Research undertaken...

The Archaeology of the Western Region of the National Park Service
PROJECT Uploaded by: Sophia Kelly

WACC reports summarizing archaeological projects and management plans in the Western Region of the National Park Service.

Archaeomagnetic Dating Results of PPC Project (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ana Soler-Arechalde. Cecilia Caballero-Miranda. Ma Carmen Osorio. Itzayana Bernal.

Archaeomagnetism is a dating technique whose application has been rising. This technique originally required burned materials, but in certain Mexican archaeological sites, volcanic products with magnetic minerals were added to the stucco mix, enhancing the geomagnetic field record and allowing us to determine it in non-burned samples. Thanks to this the number of dating events increased, improving the detail of the chronologies; a clear example of this happened in Teopancazco's neighborhood. A...