Kissimmee River (Geographic Keyword)
26-30 (30 Records)
This report presents the results of a Phase I cultural resource survey of 6,000 contiguous acres on the Avon Park Air Force Range (APAFR) in Polk and Highlands counties, in central Florida. The work was conducted by Parsons Engineering Science, Inc.,under contract with the United States Air Force Air Combat Command acting for the APAFR. The purpose of the activity was to provide a document for use by the APAFR in managing cultural resources in partial fulfillment of its obligations under the...
Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of a Proposed Borrow Pond, Avon Park Air Force Range, Highlands County (2006)
This report presents the results of a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of approximately sixteen acres on Avon Park Air Force Range (APAFR) in Highlands county. Previously, a 45 acre parcel adjacent to the current survey was investigated by Geo-Marine, Inc. for a potential borrow pit. The purpose of this survey was to identify any cultural resources within the project area that had not been previously surveyed which might be affected the excavation of a borrow pit and subsequent...
Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of The Semiannual JIFE Mortar Firing Points, Avon Park Air Force Range, Highlands and Polk Counties (2006)
This report presents the results of a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of approximately fifteen acres on Avon Park Air Force Range (APAFR) in Polk and Highlands counties. The purpose of this survey was to identify any cultural resources within the project area which might be affected by scheduled ongoing training missions at APAFR. Field investigations of the project area consisted of historic documentary research, review of previous survey results, an intensive walkover, and 5...
Phase II Archaeological Site Evaluation: Sites 8HG880, 8HG881, 8HG882, Avon Park Air Force Range, Avon Park, Florida (2001)
In a continuing effort to comply with Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, Avon Park Air Force Range, Florida, conducted Phase II archaeological evaluation of three sites, 8HG880, 8HG881 and 8HG882, located along Kissimmee River. The evaluations were contracted through Air Combat Command, Langley AFB, Virginia, and Moody AFB, Georgia, and fieldwork was conducted in February of 2001. Prehistoric and historic period components are present at each site. Based...
Preliminary Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Avon Park Air Force Range, Polk and Highlands Counties, Florida (1986)
A preliminary cultural resource assessment survey was conducted of the 106,210 acre Avon Park Air Force Range (APAFR) in Polk and Highlands Counties, Florida. The purpose of the survey was to provide base level data on the types, distribution, and potential significance of archaeological and historic period sites located on the APAFR. An extensive literature search and a systematic field survey were conducted by Piper Archaeological Research, Inc. A total of 37 archaeological sites were located...