Chihuahua (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

926-950 (6,178 Records)

A Case Study in Collaborative Research: ECU’s 2019 Marshall Islands Field School (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeremy Borrelli. Nathan Richards. Jason, T. Raupp.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "East Carolina University Partnerships and Innovation with Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The 2019 ECU Program in Maritime Studies Fall Field School was a collaborative research project with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) on sites located at Kwajalein Atoll. The primary focus of the project was the investigation of an archaeological site of interest to DPAA,...

A Case Study in the Use of 3D Modeling for Hypothesis Generation and General Archaeological Illustration (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Beau Murphy. Adesbah Foguth. Hannah Mattson.

Three-dimensional modeling has become increasingly common within the field of archaeology as relevant software has become more accessible and digital media more prevalent. Despite this increase in use, the ultimate utility of the method is often debated, even by its practitioners. This poster explores the practical applications of 3D modeling along two avenues: as a process for developing hypotheses and expectations during the excavation of architectural contexts, and as a tool for use...

A Case Study in the Use of Photogrammetry for Management, Public Outreach, and Research Potential (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adesbah Foguth.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Photogrammetry has become increasingly relevant in the field of archaeology as digital software becomes more accessible, with the increased ease in which archaeological sites can be recorded three-dimensionally, and with the ease in which it can be added to regular field work with minimal monetary costs or time. Despite current interest in 3D technology, the...

Case Study: Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Assess the Accuracy of Historical Maps at a Rice Plantation on the Santee River Delta in South Carolina (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kendy Altizer.

This is a poster submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has revolutionized the way archaeologists explore historical landscapes. Its utility lies in its non-invasiveness and is a way to efficiently target specific areas for archaeological inquiry without destructive and time consuming ground disturbing activities, such as systematic shovel probe survey, prior to large scale excavation. When used in tandem with...

Cast A'Shore: Researching the Fate of Blackbeard's Crew (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Linda F. Carnes-McNaughton. Mark U. Wilde-Ramsing.

In November 1717, at the height of his short-lived career as a notorious pirate, Blackbeard stole a French prize, the La Concorde de Nante. After taking the ship, he kidnapped several crewmembers and slaves, crucially needed to continue his pirating.  In June 1718, the ship was run-aground on a sandbar at Topsail Inlet and life changed once again for the crew and conscripted passengers. As Blackbeard and a few loyal crewmembers fled the scene on a smaller vessel, the rest were put a-shore. From...

Casting a Net into the Chinese Diaspora of the Bay Area (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Laurie A. Wilkie.

Until recently, the archaeology of Chinese immigrants and their descendants has been under-theorized and too often, consciously/unconsciously shaped by contemporary racialized discourses.  In this paper, following the lead of historical archaeologist Kelly Fong, this paper will draw upon bodies of theorizing developed in the fields of Ethnic and Critical Race studies to examine the experiences of diaspora among a community of Chinese and Chinese American shrimp fishermen who worked the waters of...

Castle House Coop: Unmasking an Artist's Space (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Petrich-Guy. Renae J. Campbell.

Self-taught artist, James Castle, lived his entire life in Idaho (1899-1977). From a young age, he created his works from everyday materials, such as mail, matchboxes, pages of siblings’ homework, and found objects. Castle moved to Boise with his family in the 1930s and while at this farm, he used a converted chicken coop/shed as a private workspace and abode. In October 2016, archaeologists from the University of Idaho (UI) collaborated with the James Castle House, Boise City Department of Arts...

The Castro Colonies Heritage Association's Living History Center: An Introduction to the Archaeological Project (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ruth Van Dyke.

In the 1840s, empresario Henri di Castro brought Alsatian settlers from the Rhine Valley to south Texas, where the new arrivals joined established Mexican families, German immigrants, and displaced Apache.  Today, the Castro Colonies Heritage Association (CCHA) is transforming a 19th-century property into a Living History Center, intended as a focal point for Alsatian heritage tourism. In partnership with the CCHA, Binghamton University archaeologists have completed three excavation seasons at...

Casualties, Corrosion, and Climate Change: USS Arizona and Potentially Polluting Shipwrecks (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeneva Wright.

USS Arizona, a steel-hulled battleship sunk in Pearl Harbor, HI on 7 December 1941, is an iconic American shipwreck, a war grave and memorial, and is among many shipwreck sites that contain large amounts of potential marine pollutants. Unlike most similar sites, however, USS Arizona has been the subject of long-term and ongoing corrosion studies aimed at understanding and modeling the nature of structural changes to the hull. Gaining a detailed understanding of the interaction between the marine...

Catalogue of Microfilm of Selected Documents from the Municipal and Church Archives of Janos, Chihuahua, Mexico (1955)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rex E. Gerald. M. Virginia Gerald.

This catalog refers to some 3,000 pages of historical documents microfilmed in Jano, Chihuahua, by the authors who were members of the 1954 Archaeological Expedition into Northwestern Chihuahua, sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. Janos is a small town of about 800 people located in the northwestern corner of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. The town grew up around the Spanish presidio or garrison of San Felipe y Santiago de...

Catawba Foodways at Old Town: Loss and Discard of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rosemarie T Blewitt.

This paper analyzes botanical remains recovered at the Old Town site, a late 18th century occupation of the Catawba Nation, and integrates those data with faunal and ceramic analysis along with ethnographic and ethnohistorical sources to describe Catawba foodways. The Old Town occupation was defined by wars and a major epidemic, and was one of the places where the devastated Catawba peoples reformed and reconstituted their new identity. I examine the foodways at Old Town as part of the changing...

Catawba Foodways: Exploring Native and Colonial Influences (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Peles.

In the 18th century the Catawba held a key position in the Southeast, drawing a number of groups from the North Carolina Piedmont down to South Carolina to join them; ultimately these groups coalesced into the Catawba Nation.  Projects undertaken by the Research Laboratories of Archaeology at UNC have investigated some of these previous 17th century communities in the North Carolina Piedmont, as well as a number of 18th-19th century Catawba households in South Carolina.  This paper uses...

Categorizing and Analyzing Age: Historical Bioarchaeology and Childhood (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Meredith A.B. Ellis.

While bioarchaeologists are able to estimate age from the remains of children into narrow ranges, they often avoid dividing childhood into categories based on these age estimates.  Children then end up lumped under just a few categories, or even a single category, "child."  While this is prudent in cases where chronological and cultural age cannot necessarily be matched, historical bioarchaeology gives us a unique opportunity to examine historical records and further refine how we categorize,...

Catholic Health Care in the Wild West: A Case Study of Saint Mary’s Hospital in Virginia City, Nevada (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lisa Machado.

Virginia City, Nevada was a thriving mining boomtown in the late nineteenth century. Saint Mary’s Hospital provided quality health care to the citizens of Virginia City from 1875 to 1897. Administered by the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, this private medical institution was greatly influenced by the Catholic Church. Considering its pivotal role as both a religious and social institution, the hospital site can provide great insights into the civic life of a community that was...

Catholic Parishes and Colonization: A Frontier Parish in Grand Bay, Dominica (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Lenik.

The Catholic parishes that were established as units of ecclesiastical jurisdiction are among the range of institutions, including chartered companies, missions, and military installations, deployed by nation-states in the Americas to exert control over the daily lives of African, European, and indigenous peoples. As administrative units in the colonization of newly acquired territories in the Caribbean islands, parishes introduced administrative boundaries and religious personnel who intended...

Catoctin Furnace: Academic Research Informing Heritage Tourism (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth A. Comer.

For more than 42 years, the Catoctin Furnace Historical Society, Inc. has maintained heritage programs in the village of Catoctin Furnace. These activities balance the needs of the ongoing village lifestyle with those of the received visitor experience. Updating traditional seasonal events while adding leisure amenities involves constantly balancing funding sources and message.  However, the tourism experience must be rooted in solid academic research.  Current research on the African-American...

Cats and Dogs in Late 18th Century Philadelphia Society (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marie Pipes.

This is an abstract from the "Zooarchaeology, Faunal, and Foodways Studies" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Cats and dogs have lived with humans for thousands of years. Our relationship with both species evolved and changed over time as their social importance in Euromerican culture shifted from being working animals to status symbols, especially during the 18th century. Unlike other domesticated species, their remains tend to be poorly...

Cattle Husbandry Practices at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest: the Relationships Between Environment, Economy, and Enslavement (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jenn Ogborne.

Cattle were not the primary focus of Thomas Jefferson’s Bedford County plantation, but he did maintain a small herd, divided between the quarter farms that comprised Poplar Forest, for various purposes. These included dairying, some meat production, and manure. Cattle were also driven in small numbers to Monticello, herded by enslaved individuals living at Poplar Forest. In addition to live animals, dairy products were also sent regularly to Monticello. While herding and dairying activities are...

Cattle In Charleston And South Carolina's Lowcountry (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Martha Zierden. Elizabeth J. Reitz.

When colonists settled Carolina in the late 17th century they encountered a bountiful land.  They immediately planted cattle, that thrived in the pinewoods, canebreaks, and marshes of the lowcountry.  Most of these cattle were raised under free-range conditions.  Three decades of archaeological research in Charleston, South Carolina, show that the flourishing cattle herds influenced the city's economy and diet. Measurements of cattle bones and analysis of recovered horn cores indicate that the...

Cattle Power: From Domestication to Ranching (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nerissa Russell.

I argue that, in contrast to other early animal domesticates, cattle domestication in the Near Eastern Neolithic was motivated largely by the symbolic value of wild cattle (aurochsen).  Already the centerpieces of feasts and ceremonies, subject to ritual treatment, and probably playing a key role in Neolithic religion, domestication brought these powerful animals under human control, and ensured a ready supply for ceremonies.  I suggest that this pre-existing symbolic and spiritual power shaped...

Cattle Ranching and O’odham Communities in the Pimería Alta: Zooarchaeological and Historical Perspectives (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman. Nicole Mathwich.

Cattle and other European livestock were important to the economic and cultural development of western North America; however, the celebrated cowboy and vaquero cultures of the region emerged out of a complex Spanish colonial tradition that began with missionized native peoples who became adept at ranching. The Pimería Alta, what is today northern Sonora and southern Arizona, provides an excellent case study of the many ways that the cattle introduced at missions became rapidly intertwined with...

Caught on Camera: Recognizing Archeological Artifacts in Historic Photographs (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Costello.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Meanwhile, In the NPS Lab: Discoveries from the Collections" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The National Park Service preserves collections of archeological artifacts recovered at Civil War battlefield sites. The advent of photography just before the Civil War revolutionized the way soldiers’ experiences were documented and shared. These historic photographs also provide modern day scholars and researchers...

Cavates and Roomblock Pueblos: A Reexamination of Site Types on the Pajarito Plateau (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha Linford. Kelsey Reese. Danielle Huerta.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cavates and mesa top pueblo roomblock sites on the Pajarito Plateau have generally been studied as separate site types. This paper aims to explore what archaeologists can learn by studying mesa top pueblos and cavates as one community based on seasonal living. Ethnographic accounts have mentioned how communities would live in the cavates in the winter and...

Cave du Pont and the Western Basketmaker World (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karen Harry. Michael Terlep. William Bryce.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeology of the Virgin Branch Puebloan Region" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the last two decades, new archaeological findings have challenged traditional ideas about the Western Basketmaker culture. We now know that the processes involved in the origin and spread of early farming in the western Puebloan region were much more complex than previously recognized. Rather than resulting from a single wave of...

Cave du Pont Revisited: New Excavations a Century after Nusbaum (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael L. Terlep. William Bryce. Karen Harry.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cave du Pont is a Far Western Basketmaker shelter located on private lands within Cave Lakes Canyon, six miles north of Kanab, Utah. Originally excavated in 1920 by Jesse Nusbaum, with artifact analyses by Alfred V. Kidder and Samuel J. Guernsey, Cave du Pont provided the first clear evidence that the Basketmaker archaeological culture extended west of the...