Torrance County (County) (Geographic Keyword)

601-625 (635 Records)

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Department of Defense (DOD) Range Complex M-60 Range Expansion, Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

Survey was conducted of an area 57.3 acres in size on Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest for construction for additional facilities at the M-60 Range, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Two separate areas were surveyed. No evidence of cultural resources was found. Cultural Clearance is recommended.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Department of Defense High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF) Powerline and Communication Line (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

A project to construct a powerline and communication line to serve the Department of Defense High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF) Site was found to be out of compliance viz, construction having been initiated prior to obtaining Cultural Clearance. A cultural resources survey was done on approximately 15 acres. Two prehistoric sites and one historic site were encountered for which project plans were changed to avoid. Cultural resources clearance is recommended.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Department of Defense Range Complex (M-60 Range Expansion) (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

Survey was conducted of an area 57.3 acres in size on Sandia RD, Cibola National Forest for construction of additional facilities at the M-60 Range in SW/4, Sec 29 and the central portion of Sec 32; T9N, R5E, NMPM, Bernalillo Co. NM, (Mount Washington 7 1/2 min Quad.) Two separate areas were surveyed. No evidence of cultural resources was found. Cultural clearance is recommended.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Department of Energy (DOE) Foxholes 11/92 (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

A cultural resources survey was done on approximately 6.7 acres on the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest on the Department of Energy (DOE) Withdrawal for a project involving digging fox holes for military maneuvers. The area was part of two previous surveys and nothing was found. This survey also found no cultural remains. No cultural resource will be effected.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Department of Energy (DOE)/Central Technical Authority (CTA) Live Fire Range Expansion (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joan Wilkes.

The results and recommendations for the live fire range expansion project at Kirtland Air Force Base.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF) Buried Cable (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joan Wilkes.

A survey was done on 6 acres of the Sandia District of the Cibola National Forest on the Military Withdrawal for a project to install a fiber optic cable. Two Sites were relocated, AR-03-03-05-218 and AR-03-03-05-219 and the project was route~ around them. The Sites will not be impacted by the project. Two isolated finds were located and described: IF-1 and IF-2.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF) Microwave Fence and Communication Line, A Cultural Resource Survey, Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, Bernalillo County (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

This report documents the performance and findings of a cultural resource clearance survey for the temporary installation of a fence and communication (buried) line adjacent to the High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF). The project involves the fencing of both sides of an existing native surface roadway for safety and to prevent entry by animals. A trench approximately 1' wide x 1' deep x 200' long will be excavated for a buried communication line. A series of experiments will be...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Laser Tracker Site Relocation (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Hayden.

Results of a survey for potential laser tracking sites. No archaeological sites were found.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites Present: Aerial Cable Site Fireline (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support the proposed Aerial Cable Site Fireline construction project.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites Present: Military Withdrawal Fuelwood/Burning (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Liz Agpaoa.

Completed USDA Forest Service 'Inventory Standards and Accounting: Negative Report - No Sites Present Form' (R3-FS-2300-4a) in support of a prescribed burn project entitled, Military Withdrawal Fuelwood/Burning. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites: ADT Battlelab Phase III Demonstration (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tom Cartledge. Jon Lutz.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Form completed for a survey in support of an Air Force Research Lab experiment. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites: Coyote Canyon Pole Replacement, Kirtland Air Force Base (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tom Cartledge. Christopher B. DeWitt.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Form completed for a survey in support of the replacement of 18 existing power poles in the vicinity of Coyote Canyon. Includes response from Kirtland Air Force Base Environmental Management Division with suggested modifications on the project.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites: New Firing Range (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert Dello-Russo.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Form completed for a survey in support of the delineation of a hazardous waste area. Because no significant cultural resources of any kind were located in the project area, the Escondida Research Group recommended an archaeological clearance for this undertaking proposed by the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Environmental Restoration Project.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Negative Report - No Sites: Rebuilding Feeder Lines, Kirtland Air Force Base (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tom Cartledge. Sam Gooch.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Form completed for a survey in support of replacing and adding eight new powerline poles on Kirtland Air Force Base. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: No Sites, Temporary Building Placement Near High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF), Kirtland Air Force Base (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John D. Schelberg.

USDA - Forest Service "Inventory Standards and Accounting Negative Report - No Sites Present" form (R3-FS-2300-4a) and correspondences related to the construction of a temporary building to house test equipment for research conducted at the nearby High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF). An ARMS database records search revealed the proposed project area had been surveyed seven times in the recent past, with the closest archaeological site located 0.8 miles (1.2km)...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Otero Meadow Restoration (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Liz Agpaoa. Cheryl Clark.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support of the Otero Meadow Restoration Project. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Peace Keeper 92 (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joan Wilkes.

A Cultural Resources Survey was done on acres on the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest on the Military Withdrawal for a project involving digging fox holes for military maneuvers. The area was part of two previous surveys and nothing was found. This survey also found no cultural remains. No cultural resource will be effected. Cultural resource clearances recommended.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Prescribed Burning and Fuelwood Sale Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 2 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Jeanine A. Derby. Eric Petersen.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support of a prescribed burn, the Prescribed Burning and Fuelwood Sale Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 2. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Proposed Road Rehabilitation and Obliteration on the Military Withdrawal for the Ecosystem Management Plan Phase 5 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form for a survey in support of an Ecosystem Management Plan. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Report 1998-03-062 Archaeological Survey of 2,070 Acres for the Armijo and David Canyon Prescribed Burns Cibola National Forest, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey L. Fredine. Robert Wick.

Archaeologists with Lone Mountain Archaeological Services, Inc. conducted a Class III Cultural Resource Survey on November 23 and 24, 1997, and April 20 through May 18, 1998 for the Cibola National Forest (NMCRIS # 60888). The survey was conducted as part of a proposed prescribed burn. This project area consists of two blocks within the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest and totals 2,070 acres. Twenty-seven sites and 82 isolated occurrences were recorded during the survey....

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Survey in the Vicinity of the Sandia National Laboratories Burn Site, Kirtland Air Force Base (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

Survey was conducted on 1,447 acres in the vicinity of the Burn Site on Kirtland Air Force Base. The survey was conducted for Sandia National Laboratories in Lurance and Sol se Mete Canyons and the surrounding hill slopes. The survey yielded 40 archaeological sites and 80 isolated occurrences. One previously recorded site in the area was also included in the survey results. Another site was not relocated. The archaeological remains document Archaic, Anasazi, and historic use of the area. With a...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Thirty Nine Helicopter Landing Zones for Kirtland Air Force Base (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard B. Sullivan.

Ogden Environmental Consultants conducted cultural resource survey of 39 helicopter landing zones (HLZs) at various locations in central New Mexico on behalf of Kirtland Air Force Base. Three HLZs are located on the Sandia Ranger District; one is on the Mountainair Ranger District; and one is on the Magdalena Ranger District. The remainder are not on Forest Service land. No sites were located at any of the five Forest Service locations, so there will be no effect to historic properties on Forest...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Trails, Fuels, Habitat, Recreation, and Roads Project in Manzanita Mountains Phase 4 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia B. Benedict.

A total of 315 acres were surveyed for Phase 4 of a LA rge ecosystem management project. Of these 3156 acres, 2188 were newly surveyed, and 968 were previously surveyed. There are a total of 26 sites in the project area. 14 of the sites are new, 12 are previously recorded. Sites AR 05-50 (LA 13283), AR 05-67 (LA 77130), AR 05-220 (LA 78483), AR 05-340 (LA 107707), AR 05-349 (LA 108122), AR 05-361 (LA 114781) are considered eligible for the National Register under criterion D. Sites AR 05-337...

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form: Trails, Fuels, Habitat, Recreation, and Roads Project in the Manzanita Mountains Phase 4 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Buttery Benedict.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Form and Cultural Resource Report in support of an Ecosystem Management Plan at Kirtland Air Force Base. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is also included.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Heritage Resource Survey/Literature Search - No Sites Form: Prescribed Burn Rifle Range #2 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Benedict. Jeanine A. Derby.

USDA Forest Service Inventory Standards and Accounting Heritage Resource Survey/Literature Search - No Sites Form in support of a prescribed burn of Rifle Range #2 at Kirtland Air Force Base. An intensive survey of the 3 area parcel was conducted. Parallel pedestrian transects were walked, spaced no more than 15m apart. No heritage sites were recorded within 1/4 mile of the project area. New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurrence is included.