Mesoamerica (Geographic Keyword)

1,851-1,875 (2,459 Records)

Quantifying the Exploitation of Faunal Remains by Preceramic Societies in Southern Belize (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Asia Alsgaard. Carolyn Freiwald. Stephanie Orsini. Douglas J. Kennett. Keith M. Prufer.

Beyond occasional reports of Pleistocene megafauna, there is a paucity of faunal data from the Mesoamerican Paleoindian and Archaic periods. This poster presents faunal data from three rockshelters in southern Belize located in two distinct environmental regions. Tzib’te Yux, is located in the Rio Blanco Valley in the foothills of the Maya Mountains and has an intact deposits from Cal. 14,000 to 6,000 BP. In contrast, Maya Hak Cab Pek and Saki Tzul, are both located in the interior of the Maya...

Quarries Shapefile (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This shapefile is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the shapefile...

Quarry Locations Final Map (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This final map project is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. The files contained in this record include an .mxd map project and an image of the...

A Quarter-Century of Exploring the Three Rivers Watersheds in Belize (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach. Timothy Beach. Nicholas Dunning. Vernon Scarborough. Fred Valdez, Jr..

The Programme for Belize Archaeological Project is situated in the heart of the Three Rivers Watersheds, drained by the Rio Bravo, Booth's River, and Rio Azul/Blue Creek in Northwestern Belize. These three river systems, along with groundwater, springs, and wetlands, nurture what is today the tropical rainforest refuge of the Rio Bravo Conservation Management Area, active farming communities, and long ago sustained multiple ancient Maya communities such as La Milpa, Dos Hombres, Chawak But'o'ob,...

Que Linda Vista! The first glance at LiDAR from Northwestern Belize. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thomas Guderjan. Sara Eshleman. Justin Telepak. Samantha Krause. Timothy Beach.

In this paper, we offer a first look at the results of a LiDAR survey of northwestern Belize performed by the National Center for Aerial Laser Mapping in July, 2016. Three survey blocks were defined – one centered on the site of Xnoha near the Mexican border and another along the Rio Hondo corridor from near its headwaters to Chetumal Bay. The third and largest, covers the sites of La Milpa and Blue Creek as well as numerous ditched agricultural areas. At the time of submission, only the first...

Queens and Statecraft: Royal Women as Agents of Kaanul at El Perú-Waka’ (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Olivia Navarro-Farr. Michelle Rich. Stanley Guenter.

Recent research has shed tremendous light on the impact of two generations of royal women of Kaanul on the classic Maya city of El Peru-Waka’. Lady Ikoom and Lady K’abel facilitated royal bonds through marriages to Waka’ rulers, and reigned there during the Early Late and Mid-Late Classic periods, respectively. In this paper, we address the wide ranging sources of evidence from Waka’ that speak to these linkages, including monuments with preserved texts, and royal burials from three of the...

Queer and Complex: Everyday Life and Politics in Mesoamerican Prehistory (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chelsea Blackmore.

When we speak of complex societies, archaeologists focus primarily on broad systems of power, socio-political access, and economic control. These discussions, both explicit and implicit, continue to be framed by heteronormative, androcentric and classist assumptions. Elites and men (as conceptual and literal heads of households) remain the primary frame of reference for how states operate and who and what matters in our discussions of complexity. In this paper, I explore how notions of...

Quien ocupo mi casa? (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jose Huchim.

¿QUIEN OCUPÓ MI CASA? Arqlgos José Huchim H. Lourdes Toscano H. Gustavo Novelo R. Centro INAH Yucatán Durante 1998 en Uxmal, ciudad localizada en el Puuc yucateco, se inició el estudio de estructuras de carácter doméstico que fueron construidas en los principales espacios abiertos del asentamiento, patios, plazas y explanadas, obstaculizando sus funciones originales. Además el patrón de organización del espacio interno difería grandemente de los observados en los períodos anteriores. Como...

Quimicho: a Classic Site in Northeast Tlaxcala, Mexico. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashuni Romero. Ramón Santacruz.

Through an archaeological salvage project, the Quimicho archaeological site was explored for the first time. During the Prehispanic period there was a system of circulation of natural, human, and ideological resources, which different groups in different moments took advantage of. For this system to work, different routes of distribution of wealth were established, generating a cultural exchange between diverse ethnic groups. The Quimicho archaeological site, situated in the Northeast region of...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Veronica Perez Rodriguez.

Radiocarbon AMS analyses on 10 samples.

Radiocarbon Analysis Report, Beta Analytic (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This file contains the report from Beta Analytic regarding their analysis of 10 charcoal samples collected during the 2010 project. For more information on sample provenience and collection methods, please read the Project Report for 2010

Radiocarbon Analysis Report, Center for Applied Isotope Studies, UGA (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Ronald Faulseit

This file includes the radiocarbon analysis report for 18 charcoal samples collected during the 2015 field season on Terrace S25, Cerro Danush. Because the lab did not conduct the calibrations, I conducted them using the program Calib v. 7.1, which uses the program intcall13.14c, (Stuiver and Reimer 1993).

Radiocarbon dates from Baño Negro and Cerro Quiotepec, Chilapa, Guerrero (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul Schmidt. Eliseo Padilla.

Recent dates from two sites in the Chilapa area of the Montaña Baja of Guerrero state, Baño Negro and Cerro Quiotepec-Oxtotitlan, throw light on the Formative horizon temporality in the area, including the Oxtotitlan rock shelter. Baño Negro ceramics indicate continuous Early through Late Formative occupation, and the radiocarbon dates confirm Early Formative occupation, perhaps earlier than previously thought.

Radiocarbon dating uncertainty constrains our ability to identify cyclical human-environment dynamics (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Carleton. Mark Collard. Dave Campbell.

Archaeologists have long been interested in cyclical human-environment dynamics. This interest is indicated by the dozens of published studies that refer to "adaptive cycles" and by the fact that one of the highest cited papers in the history of archaeology focuses on the impact of cyclical drought on the Classic Maya. Unfortunately, recent work suggests that identifying cycles in archaeological and palaeoclimatological time series data can be challenging when the observations are dated with...

DOCUMENT Citation Only Aurora Montúfar López.

This paper examines two ritual expresions: the offering 102 of the Aztec Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (1436-1502) and the "promise" to the Santa Cruz or rain petition ceremony in Temalacatzingo, Guerrero, Mexico (2007, 2008 and 2010). It analyzes the consumption of botanical materials, such as copal resin, amaranth seeds, ahuehuete branches, yauhtli flowers, guajes and beans in both rituals. It identifies similarities in the way those materials were used, and proposes that this fact demonstrates...

Rainfall and conflict among the Lowland Classic Maya (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Carleton. Mark Collard. Dave Campbell.

Determining the causes of conflict in the Maya region during the Classic Period is an important undertaking. Conflict was a prominent feature of relationships among Classic Maya polities and has been implicated in the collapse of Classic Maya society. Recently, Kennett et al. (2012) have argued that reduced rainfall led to increased conflict in the Lowland Maya region between ca. 300 and 900 CE. They arrived at this conclusion after comparing epigraphic records of conflict and variation in δ18O,...

Ramparts and Channels: Defensive and Hydraulic Architecture at Muralla de León (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Justin Bracken.

The ongoing project at Muralla de León is investigating the relationship between defensibility, water control, and emergent social complexity in the Petén Lakes Region. Located on the shores of Lake Macanché, recent excavations at the site have zeroed in on the imposing rampart which encircles it, providing evidence for the chronology, as well as the nature, of its construction. Mapping of the site has turned up strong indications of hydraulic architecture both within and outside of the rampart....

Ranking Estimation of Maya Archaeological Sites using Topographic Parameters (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Britt Lonneville. Cornelis Stal. Edy Barrios. Antolin Velasquez Lopez. Philippe De Maeyer.

The position of an archaeological site in a transport network is a critical parameter for its prosperity. Large collections of alien relics were excavated on various sites of the Copán region, indicating the importance of inter-site relations and trading. The importance of a particular site accordingly influenced the political, social and religious life of its surrounding sites. In order to evaluate the theoretical rate of prosperity in comparison with other sites in a region, a reconstruction...

Raw Artifact & Chemical Data - Community Identity and Social Practice during the Terminal Classic Period at Actuncan, Belize (2015)
DATASET Kara Fulton.

Raw Artifact & Chemical Data

(Re)integrating Cultures at Cacalchen: Recent Excavations at Two Rral Chapels in Central Yucatan (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Julie Wesp. Traci Ardren. Melissa Haun. Harper Dine. Roger Sierra.

The arrival of Europeans to the Americas in the sixteenth century forever changed processes of cultural integration. This paper explores how small Maya communities in Central Yucatan navigated the process of integration of new religious practices and the use of pre-existing structures in the landscape. This examination stems from recent excavations of two different rural chapel structures at the site of Cacalchen, located in the greater Yaxuna region between the towns of Yaxcabá and...

Re-discovering the Copan Sub-Stelae Caches: A Collection Stewardship and Re-Identification Project (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexis Hartford. Katherine Brunson. Barbara Fash.

Beginning in 2013, the authors have engaged in an archaeological collection stewardship project at the ceramic artifact repository in the Centro Regional de Investigaciones Arqueológicas at Copan, Honduras. Responding to a request from the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia to address a serious concern that the contextual information had become separated from hundreds of objects, we initiated a re-identification process to ensure the long-term care, access, and use of the ceramic...

Reading memories of past practices in the landscapes of poverty domination: an ethnoarchaeological study in Morelos, Mexico (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sandra Lopez Varela.

In eradicating poverty through infrastructure building and welfare policies in the State of Morelos, the commodification of the landscape is causing people to forget the social practices of distant pasts. Memory is intimately linked with the landscape, as it creates a sense of place that legitimizes the many identities and social worlds that have existed through time. By exploring current human practices in the landscape, this study illustrates how habit memory translates and maps fragmented...

Readings on Ancient Mesoamerica (1959)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Paddock.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

"The Real and Only True Documents": German Naturalists and the Systematic Observation of Antiquities in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Central Veracruz, Mexico (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Werner.

This paper examines a small network of amateur naturalists who were among the first to document archaeological remains in central Veracruz, Mexico. Carl Christian Sartorius (1796-1872), Karl Hermann Berendt (1817 - 1878), and Hugo Finck (ca. 1824 - 1895) shared backgrounds as German expatriates living and working as professional farmers and physicians in Veracruz. Their detailed knowledge of the peoples and landscapes of Veracruz, as well as their frequent trips to the field, enabled their...

A Reappraisal of Postclassic Maya Effigy Censers in the Cave Context: Evidence from the Central Coastal Region of Quintana Roo, Mexico (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dominique Rissolo.

Like the subterranean construction and use of ancient Maya shrines and altars, the presence of incense burners in caves provides unequivocal evidence of ritual practice. Effigy censers, particularly those of the Chen Mul Modeled ceramic type, were locally produced and widely used across the northern lowlands and have been reported in contexts within architectural precincts at a number of Postclassic Maya centers. The use of such censers in ceremonies involving deity veneration was most likely,...