Republic of El Salvador (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

851-875 (2,860 Records)

Engaging the Past for a Warming World (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Scott Ingram.

Increasing the public benefits of archaeology involves more than increasing our assertions of relevance. Relevance is a vague term that is easy to assert because it is difficult to disprove. Likewise, archaeology is not a predictive science and promoting "lessons from the past" creates unrealistic expectations of archaeologists and our work. If we are to connect the past to efforts to address climate change, we need to provide specific, archaeologically-informed examples that demonstrate how the...

Engaging the Present by Uncovering the Past: Community Archaeology and the Legacy of Enslavement, Resistance, and Emancipation, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Meredith Hardy.

This is an abstract from the "To Move Forward We Must Look Back: The Slave Wrecks Project at 10 Years" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Since 2014, the National Park Service, as a partner in the Slave Wrecks Project, has conducted a community archaeology program as part of multiyear effort combining underwater and terrestrial archaeology with public engagement activities. Christiansted National Historic Site, and the Danish West India and Guinea...

Engaging Veterans in North American Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Trimble.

This is an abstract from the "Touching the Past: Public Archaeology Engagement through Existing Collections" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As professional archaeologists who are charged with carrying out meaningful research and long-term collections care, one of our ethical and professional obligations is to inform and engage the public in what we do and why it is interesting and important. Our attempts at this are often uneven, but we recognize...

Engaging with NAGPRA at the Veterans Curation Program (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan Schwalenberg.

This is an abstract from the "In Search of Solutions: Exploring Pathways to Repatriation for NAGPRA Practitioners (Part IV): NAGPRA in Policy, Protocol, and Practice" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Veterans Curation Program (VCP) is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) funded program with a dual mission to rehabilitate USACE administered artifact and document collections and provide temporary employment and vocational training to veterans....

Engendering Ballajá: A 1910 Case Study from San Juan, Puerto Rico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yuitza Rojas Fernández.

In the northwest corner of the capital city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, formal urban blocks were proposed and constructed in the 19th century in an area known as Ballajá. As part of a larger investigation, documentary research was carried out, and quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed to study the presence of women using the 1910 census. Germane to that investigation, were specific variables such as professions, trades, race, nationality, age and civil status, therefore providing...

Engineering an Ecosystem of Resistance: Late Intermediate Period Farming in the South-Central Andes (A.D. 1100-1450) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only BrieAnna Langlie.

In the 15th century, the Inca built the largest pre-colonial empire in the western hemisphere. In southern Peru near Lake Titicaca, an ethnic group known as the Colla violently resisted conquest by the Inca for several years. Because of their military prowess, the Inca named one quarter of their empire, Collasuyo, after this group. The Colla’s ability to resist Inca subjugation was facilitated by their decentralized economy evident in their construction and management of a new agricultural...

Enriching Archaeological Interpretations with Tales from the Rez: Braiding Indigenous Knowledge into Archaeological Praxis (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ora Marek-Martinez.

This is an abstract from the "Hood Archaeologies: Impacts of the School-to-Prison Pipeline on Archaeological Practice and Pedagogy" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. “In order to know yourself and find your way in this life, you need to know where you and your People come from and understand their relationship with the land.” This insight formed critical foundational knowledge that guides my Indigenous archaeological praxis. My experience and...

Entangled Ideologies on the Pacific Coast: the Teotihuacan-style Maya censers from the Department of Escuintla, Guatemala (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dorie Reents-Budet. Annabeth Headdrick. Ronald Bishop.

Teotihuacan-style censers from the Pacific Coast of Guatemala are seminal markers of "international" interaction and ideology during the Early Classic Period (250-550 CE). But the paucity of archaeological data for this artifact class and the lack of recent in-depth analysis of their iconographic narratives leave unexplored a potential body of material concerning interaction, identity, and ideological shifts in this gateway region of southern Mesoamerica. Data from archaeological investigations,...

Entanglement and Colonial Power: A Geophysical Case Study of Settlement Patterns at Ciudad Vieja, El Salvador (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rosemary Lieske Vides.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. As the Spanish entered Guatemala in AD 1523, they did so with the aid of thousands of Indigenous warriors. Though often ignored in history, the role of these Indigenous allies was fundamental in colonizing and maintaining new territories for the Spanish Crown. These Indigenous conquistadors settled alongside the Spanish in the peripheries of their newly...

The Entanglement of Health, Race, and Resistance at the Mount Pleasant Indian Industrial Boarding School (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Surface-Evans.

This is an abstract from the "Archaeologies of Health, Wellness, and Ability" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Childhood illness and death at Federal Indian Boarding Schools are one of the most tragic aspects of these failed institutions. Preventable communicable diseases spread like wildfires in the close-quarters and overcrowded conditions of dormitories. Racist policies maintained poor nutrition and hard physical labor also contributed to illness...

Entre dos épocas: Laguna de los Cerros y la transición del Preclásico Temprano al Preclásico Medio (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alfredo Saucedo.

Laguna de los Cerros enclavado dentro de la región Olmeca, ha figurado al lado de tres grandes centros: San Lorenzo, La Venta y Tres Zapotes, aunque su posición en la jerarquía regional durante el Preclásico nunca se equiparó a ninguno de ellos. San Lorenzo y La Venta se han considerado como las grandes capitales del sur de la costa del Golfo, representativas del Preclásico temprano y medio respectivamente. En este sentido, Laguna de los Cerros tuvo una ocupación continua e importante durante...

Entre genes y memes: estudios de paleogenética de poblaciones en el México antiguo (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Diana Bustos-Ríos. Ana Itzel Juárez-Martin.

El centro de México ha sido una región de convergencia y tránsito de ideas y mercancías desde la época prehispánica. Los grandes centros urbanos del Clásico y del Posclásico se caracterizaron por un constante trasiego que alcanzó desde el actual centro de México hasta Centroamérica. La intensidad de este intercambio desde épocas muy tempranas consolidó el complejo cultural mesoamericano principalmente identificado por la iconografía. Sin embargo no sólo las ideas y las mercaderías viajan,...

Entre los Andes y la Selva: Una aproximación al desarrollo prehispánico en el valle del Alto Upano, Ecuador (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Estanislao Pazmiño.

Localizado en la alta amazonía ecuatoriana el entorno geográfico del valle del río Upano acoge una amplia diversidad ecológica y de suelos que, sin duda, resultaron atractivos para los diferentes grupos humanos que se asentaron en la región durante la época prehispánica. Por otra parte la ubicación estratégica hizo que el valle sin duda constituya un nodo importante en la interacción cultural entre los altos valles andinas y las tierras bajas amazónicas. Ambas situaciones fueron favorables para...

Entre Mesoamérica y el Área Intermedia, Patrón de Asentamiento Arqueológico en la Costa Nororiental de Honduras (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Oscar Neill.

La zona nororiental de Honduras en la época prehispánica, y su interacción con Mesoamérica al oeste, ha sido poco abordada. El patrón de asentamiento regional así como interno de cada sitio es igual poco conocido y muchas veces confundido con el área vecina al este. Los reconocimientos de superficie en esta década nos han brindado resultados preliminares sobre el patrón de asentamiento regional y de sitio de la costa nororiental, concretamente en la Cuenca del Río Cangrejal, el Bajo Aguan en el...

The Environmental Conquest of West Mexico: The Lake Pátzcuaro and Malpaso Valley Case Studies (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Fisher. Michelle Elliott.

Though the next century will bring great environmental challenges the impact of global warming pales in comparison to the dramatic environmental changes associated with European Colonialism, beginning in the late 15th century. Chief among them is the Conquest of the Americas involving the breakdown of millennial-aged systems of land engineering and tenure, compounded by depopulation, and the introduction of the Euro-agro suite. Throughout Central Mexico the initial century of Conquest...

The Environmental Effects of Indigenous Smelting in the Southern Andes: A Look at the Source (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Van Buren.

Air pollution caused by pre-industrial metal production in the Andes has been reported by scholars using data collected from lake sediments and ice cores. An important source of this pollution, which consists primarily of lead dust, is Potosí, Bolivia, a mining center that produced large quantities of silver during the early colonial period and, perhaps, during prehispanic times as well. This paper examines the environmental effects of indigenous silver production by investigating the operation...

Environmental Influences on the Prehistoric Movement of Modern Humans through Wallacea (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alvaro Montenegro. Scott M. Fitzpatrick.

Archaeological evidence for early population dispersals from Sunda to Sahul extends back to at least 50 kya in Australia and between 42–40 kya in Timor-Leste and Sulawesi. An increasing number of sites dating to between ca. 41–14 kya on these and other islands such as Halmahera suggest that modern humans were becoming more proficient and spatially expansive than once believed. What were the prime variables environmentally, socially, or climatically that may have influenced these movements during...

The Epi-Olmec Conundrum: Looking for Answers in All the Wrong Places (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephanie Strauss.

Epi-Olmec is a nebulous term, adrift in both time and space. Weakly defined by a set of slippery contrasts - isolated from what came before and what comes after - the descriptor lacks robust categorization of its own. And yet in spite of this hollow terminology, the words "Epi-Olmec" themselves are so politically fraught that certain scholars have adopted the even more obfuscatory term "Isthmian", a label growing in popularity within the literature. This paper begins the process of defining...

Establishing the nature and scale of ritual behavior at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrea Torvinen.

The northern frontier region of Mesoamerica is partially defined by its ceramic traditions (i.e., red-on-buff, incised-engraved, and resist); however, observed variation in the types belonging to decorated wares suggests these types are likely local materializations of a regional ideology. Testing this hypothesis requires first determining the provenance of decorated ceramics recovered from a northern frontier site and then exploring the intrasite distribution of local and nonlocal ceramics...

Estelas y Calendarios de la Plaza del Sol de Copán, Honduras (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maria-Cristina Pineda De Carias. VIto Véliz. Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Presentamos un estudio arqueoastronómico del patrón de distribución espaciotemporal de seis estelas que Waxaklaju’n U B’aah K’awiil colocó en la Plaza del Sol de Copán, Honduras, entre y Realizamos observaciones astronómicas en la Plaza del Sol entre 2000 y 2010; revisiones históricas, epigráficas e iconográficas; y un análisis...

Estimating Sex from Bones of the Hands and Feet: A Bioarchaeological Study of the Ancient Maya Site of Blue Creek, Belize (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Seth Winstead. Katherine Miller Wolf. Hannah Plumer.

For bioarchaeologists, biological sex estimation based off of skeletal indicators is a crucial element when creating a biological profile for human remains. While there are several ways for estimating sex, primarily involving examining cranial and pelvic morphology, one useful method that remains underutilized is metric analysis of bones from the hands and feet. Since males and females are sexually dimorphic, the ability to discriminate biological sex from hand and foot bones is possible and is...

Estimating the Effect of Endogenous Spatial Dependency with a Hierarchical Bayesian CAR Model on Archaeological Site Location Data (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Harris. Mary Lennon.

This is an abstract from the "Novel Statistical Techniques in Archaeology II (QUANTARCH II)" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This research presents a method to test the endogenous spatial correlation effect when modeling the landscape sensitivity for archaeological sites. The effects of endogenous spatial correlation are inferred using a Hierarchical Bayesian model with an Conditional Auto-Regressive (CAR) component to better understand the...

Estimating the pre-Columbian population of southwestern Amazonia. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Umberto Lombardo.

Estimates of population density in pre-Columbian Amazonia have been based on calculations of the carrying capacity of the environment, generally classified as varzea, terra firme and savannah. These estimates, however, have been criticized because they overlook the fact that i) the Amazonia environment is far more diverse in terms of soils, vegetation and climate than this simplistic classification and ii) pre-Columbians increased, both intentionally and unintentionally, the productivity of the...

Estudio comparativo de la cerámica epiclásica de la región de Tula – Cerro Magoni, Tula Chico, y La Mesa (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jorge García Sánchez. María Elena Suárez Cortés. Destiny Crider.

El presente trabajo se enfoca en un estudio comparativo que se enfoca en los atributos formales de la cerámica proveniente de contextos arqueológicos en tres sitios epiclásicos de la región local de Tula, Hidalgo conocidos como La Mesa, Tula Chico, y el Cerro Magoni. El objetivo del estudio es obtener un primer acercamiento a las pautas de interacción entre los sitios y entender el panorama social que prevalecía en la región local. En este ensayo, consideramos las particularidades del tipo...

Estudio cronológico de Chalchuapa, El Salvador a través del análisis cerámica del período Preclásico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Misaki Fukaya. Nobuyuki Ito.

La cronología cerámica de Chalchuapa fue presentada en 1978 y actualmente se utiliza para reconocer los períodos chalchuapanecos. Sin embargo, se precisa la revisión de la cronología del mismo sitio, ya que en 2014 con gran cantidad de los datos por radiocarbono y análisis cerámico, se presentó una nueva cronología de Kaminaljuyu, la cual tiene una referencia importante con Chalchuapa. En el área de El Trapiche, Chalchuapa, con la tipología y estratigrafía se ha analizado la cerámica del período...