Department of Guadeloupe (Country) (Geographic Keyword)
1,251-1,275 (1,625 Records)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The period in American history from 1924 to the 1940s represents a pivotal time for transcontinental aviation, making it possible for mail to travel from New York City to San Francisco in 30 hours. Transcontinental aviation is a feat that had not been possible prior to the establishment of a system of lighted beacons and concrete navigational arrows. The...
Remembering Valdivia through a Unique Manteño Burial at Buen Suceso (2023)
This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Burials have long been considered primary sources of information regarding social ranking and inequality, social understandings of ancestors, conceptions of death, diverse representations of identity and agency, and emotional expressions of mourning and loss (see Baitzel 2018; Buikstra...
Remodeling the Liturgical "Backstage" of the Parish of Santa Cruz de Tuti, Colca Valley (Arequipa, Peru) (2017)
The Toledan resettlement during late decades of the 16th century in the viceroyalty of Peru involved a series of changes in the territory for Andean people at different levels, from household to the public and religious spheres. In the case of the reducción (planned colonial town) of Santa Cruz de Tute, the religious sphere was transformed and materialized into a new core of buildings and spaces: the church, its parish, and plazas. The parish and casa cural (rectory) was a liminal space in terms...
Remote Sensing Survey at Spring Lake, San Marcos, TX (2024)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Spring Lake forms the headwaters of the San Marcos River. The area surrounding the lake has hosted prehistoric peoples since the Paleoindian era and remains a place of cultural reverence for contemporary Indigenous communities. In the early 20th century, an amusement park, hotel, and golf course were built around the lake which brought thousands of patrons...
Remote-sensing Prospection of Recuay Architecture in the Jancu Region, Callejón de Huaylas, Peru (2017)
The Recuay tomb of Jancu has contributed significantly to our understanding of Recuay mortuary practices and ancestral veneration. This subterranean tomb, which housed the remains of several elite individuals and finely-crafted offerings, is typically discussed in isolation from its broader context. To date, no formal archaeological research has been conducted in the surrounding region, but recent preliminary surveys by the authors revealed numerous Recuay and Post-Recuay residential and...
Reorganización socio-política entre lago y montañas: El sitio de Los Naranjos y la cuenca de Yojoa durante el Postclásico Temprano (2021)
This is an abstract from the "Postclassic Mesoamerica: The View from the Southern Frontier" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Durante la transición entre Clásico y Postclásico (siglos IX-XII dC), se observan notables cambios en las dinámicas de ocupación y la organización socio-política de los sitios del Noroeste de Honduras, así como en las redes de intercambio a larga distancia con la Zona Maya o la Gran Nicoya. Sin embargo, debido a las...
Repatriation at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (2018)
Repatriation at the National Museum of Natural History is conducted under the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) Act of 1989, as amended in 1996, and involves the return of affiliated human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony. In the 28 years since the passage of the NMAI Act, the museum has affiliated over 6,000 individuals and thousands of objects and completed over 120 repatriations to Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian and Native American...
Repeated Hunter-Gatherer Intensification and Population Decline Events (2023)
This is an abstract from the "The Socioecological Dynamics of Holocene Foragers and Farmers" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We test a general hypothesis that may explain large population decline events among human populations: the intensification of production generates a cross-scale tradeoff between individuals generating a surplus of energy to maximize their fitness and the vulnerability of a population as a whole to large decline events, known...
Repensando la verticalidad en tiempos del Inca: El caso de Zapahuira, Sierra de Arica, Norte de Chile (2017)
A mediados de 1970 surgió la conocida discusión si el dominio incaico en el norte de Chile había sido directo o indirecto, a partir de la aplicación que se hizo del modelo sobre la "verticalidad" andina de John Murra. De acuerdo con esta propuesta, la situación se dirimía en términos de que cuán abundante era la materialidad del Inca en los territorios conquistados, especialmente arquitectónica y cerámica, y cuánto ésta se atenía al estilo original del Cusco. De acuerdo con las incipientes...
Representation Matters: Disabled Professorship and a Move Toward a Higher Standard of Accessibility in the Office and the Field (2019)
This is an abstract from the "What Have You Done For Us Lately?: Discrimination, Harassment, and Chilly Climate in Archaeology" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. While workplace affecting disabilities are covered by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), oftentimes universities struggle with how to accommodate faculty with disabilities. When conversations between faculty and chairpersons occur, they may cover only the bare minimum that must be...
Representation Matters: The Importance of Local Participation in Archaeological Projects in Belize (2023)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Belize has and continues to be an important locus for the training of the next generation of archaeologists, hosting several international field schools annually. While Belizeans play a role in these projects, many simply fulfill the role of hired field/lab assistants. In recent years, Belizean students from Galen University (Belize) have taken an active...
Rescue Excavations at a Medieval Fishing Station in Western Iceland (2019)
This is an abstract from the "Celebrating Anna Kerttula's Contributions to Northern Research" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2008 an eroding midden along Iceland’s western coast was discovered to be part of a large 15th century commercial fishing station - the first of its kind to be found in Iceland. The site was clearly endangered by coastal erosion and with support from the National Science Foundation rescue excavations were carried out over...
Research and/or Stewardship of Tribal Collections? (2024)
This is an abstract from the "Ideas, Ethical Ideals, and Museum Practice in North American Archaeological Collections" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Research and/or stewardship? Native American cultural materials excavated or collected by archaeologists, particularly at research universities, have focused on Western-defined “scientific” and educational values of these collections. Tribal members increasingly are challenging such ideas. They...
Research on a Dog Burial from Rio Muerto, Peru (2015)
This poster presentation examines the place of the dog in the ancient Andean society of Tiwanaku. The mummified remains of a small dog were recovered from a domestic context at the Rio Muerto site, located in the Osmore River drainage of far southern Peru. Although dog burials in Peru are not unusual, they appear mostly in high-status contexts in art and in mortuary practice. Offerings of young camelids and dogs have been found buried beneath floors and entryways of houses at Rio Muerto M43 and...
Residue Analysis of Clay Tobacco Pipes from an Eighteenth-Century St. Eustatius Plantation (2021)
This is an abstract from the "NSF REU Site: Exploring Globalization through Archaeology 2019–2020 Session, St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This study examines clay smoking pipes recovered from an eighteenth-century plantation sugar works (SE095) on the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Eustatius. The pipes are used to date the assemblage and gain a better understanding of acquisition, smoking, and discard practices of...
Residues analysis of bedrock mortars of the Limarí river valley (IVth region, Chile): evaluating plant exploitation among Late Holocene hunter gatherers (2017)
For an integral understanding of bedrock mortars, as a product and producer of social practices, we have carried out research in the Limarí River valley (Chile) (Fondecyt Grant N°1150776). One dimension of this research was directed to answer the following questions: were these cupules used to grind plants? And if so, what plant resources were used by these hunter gatherer groups? Do these include cultivate domesticated plants? And how does it relate to the association "initial...
Respecting the Sacred Power of Indigenous Collections and Museum Staff (2024)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Indigenous cultural protocols impact consultation with museums in numerous ways. Tribal perspectives on feminine power that is most evident during menstruation can challenge non-Native ways of working with museum collections. This poster will discuss ways in which museum staff negotiate unfamiliar cultural practices during tribal consultation. Respect for...
Resultados preliminares del Proyecto Moqi (Peru): explorando la administracion inkaica en el departamento de Tacna (2017)
Moqi es un asentamiento Inca ubicado entre las cuencas de los ríos Cambaya y Borogueña, a 2,8000 msnm, en la cabecera del río Locumba (Tacna, Peru). Las investigaciones (2012-2014) buscaron ampliar el conocimiento de las características arquitectónicas de Moqi Alto y Moqi Bajo, la producción del sitio arqueológico, las relaciones entre su población y el vínculo económico, social y cultural con el Estado Inca. Los primeros resultados, en el contexto de la hipótesis planteada (que propone que Moqi...
Results from a Bone Surface Modification Analysis of Sloth Bones from Padre Nuestro Cavern, Dominican Republic (2017)
Between 2005 and 2010, scuba diving teams from the Indiana University Bloomington Center for Underwater Science performed surface collections of the entrance chamber to Padre Nuestro Cavern, a submerged freshwater limestone cavern located in the East National Park in the southeastern peninsula of the Dominican Republic. They extracted Chican ostionoid ceramics indicating use of the cave by the Taino culture (ca. AD 1000-1492), Casimiroid lithics indicative of the Archaic culture (ca. 6000-500...
Results of Survey and Analysis of Manteño Archaeological Sites with Stone Structures in the Las Tusas River Valley, Rio Blanco, Ecuador (2017)
The Manteño (1500 BP–1532) of coastal Ecuador are known for their long distance maritime trade networks along the Pacific coast of the Americas; they occupied a large territory that was geographically and environmentally diverse. This diversity allowed the Manteños to exploit a multitude of resources from each unique environment resulting in distinct settlement patterns for each region. One of the least known of these occupied environments and the focus of this paper is the cloud forest of the...
Results of Survey and Analysis of Manteño Archaeological Sites with Stone Structures in the Upper Río Blanco River Valley, Manabí, Ecuador (2018)
This paper will present the results of a three-year effort to survey and document Manteño archaeological sites with stone structures within the limits of the Upper Río Blanco River Valley in Southern Manabí. The region is home to 40 known Manteño sites with more than 100 stone structures across the river valleys of La Encantada, Las Tusas and La Mocora that carve the foothills of the Bola de Oro mountain. The Florida Atlantic University Archaeological Fieldschool in Ecuador, directed by...
Rethinking Assemblages in the Digital Age (2017)
Archaeologists have long drawn on technological advances from other disciplines to create new ways of visualizing and classifying data. Relational databases in particular have been a cornerstone of archaeological inquiry into material assemblages, whether sets of artifacts and their attributes or constellations of sites across regions. But how have new technologies (e.g., spatial, three-dimensional, mobile, and digitally collaborative platforms) enhanced achaeologists' ability to trace, and...
Rethinking Deodoro Roca Rockshelter (Ongamira, Córdoba, Argentina). Seventy years of archaeological ideas (2015)
The hunter-gatherer archaeology of the Ongamira Valley has been a landmark in the archaeology of Argentina’s Central Region. The cultural sequence built in the 1950s is still used by many archaeologists to interpret regional peopling, subsistence, land use and mobility. However we believe it is time to review the use of rockshelter-generated data under a new approach that embraces landscape archaeology. Stable isotope-based paleo-environmental reconstructions create a baseline and permit...
Rethinking Site Significance to Improve Preservation and Protection (2019)
This is an abstract from the "New Perspectives on Heritage Protection: Accomplishing Goals" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The archaeological record is under attack. Whether from willful destruction at the hands of religious extremists, vandalism aimed at destroying the heritage of minority populations, looting for fun and profit, development in the name of progress, ill-considered agency actions, or climate-driven fire and erosion, the tangible...
Rethinking the Formative Stage: A reconsideration from two archaeological sites on the Colombian Caribbean lowlands (2017)
The concept of formative in Colombia is traditionally framed as a transitional period within the unilineal cultural evolution in the Americas, characterized for several indicators such as sedentary life, diversity of socio-economic forms and the emergence of new technologies such as pottery. In this paper, we revised two archaeological sites: Monsu and Puerto Hormiga, incorporating zooarchaeological analysis, technological and use–wear analyses to provide understanding into past human behavior...