Republic of Chile (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1,351-1,375 (1,633 Records)

Shark Interactions in Early Times: A Comparison of Some Sites from Colombia and Panama (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Diana Carvajal Contreras.

This is an abstract from the "Past Human-Shark Interactions" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The data obtained from the zooarchaeological remains of some Panamanian Pacific sites and Colombian Caribbean Sites allowed for unprecedented discussions about the role of sharks in the lifestyle of precolumbian inhabitants on the intermediate area. People captured and processed sharks, using their body parts both as a food source and for ornaments. These...

Shell Fishhooks on C. chorus Mussel Shell (7500 to 4500 Years BP) from the Atacama Desert Coast (Chile) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carola Flores-Fernandez. Veronica Alcalde. Laura Olguin. Jimena Torres. Diego Salazar.

Fishing was a crucial aspect in the lifeway of ancient coastal societies. Along the Pacific Coast, the appearance of shell fishhooks has been interpreted as part of different contexts of growing population, economic specialization, and social complexity, among others. Along the coast of the Atacama Desert (18° to 26° Lat. South), fishhooks on Choromytilus chorus shells (mussel) appear in archaeological sites located along 1.6 thousand kilometers of coast with dates around 7500 years BP. Around...

Shifting the paradigm of coastal archaeology in Latin America (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andre Carlo Colonese. Cecile Brugere. Rafael Brandi. Arkley Bandeira. Alpina Begossi.

How might knowledge of past fisheries contribute to the future sustainability of modern coastal societies? Small-scale coastal fisheries provide a crucial source of food and livelihood to millions of people living in South America. Such coastal economies are founded on long-established knowledge that is deeply rooted in the past. Whilst marine conservation, dwindling fish stocks and environmental sustainability have driven the research agenda in recent years, government and international...

The Shipwreck of the French Fleet in Las Aves de Sotavento, Venezuela: A Seventeenth-Century Maritime Disaster (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jose Miguel Perez Gomez.

This is an abstract from the "Underwater and Coastal Archaeology in Latin America" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This presentation underlines the importance of Venezuela’s underwater cultural heritage through continued research into the shipwreck of French King Louis XIV’s fleet, which struck reefs in the Las Aves de Sotavento, in Las Aves Archipelago, Venezuela, the night of May 11, 1678. The fleet consisted of 30 vessels. At least 12 ships...

The Sican Capital: Neighborhoods and Urban Organization in Pre-Columbian Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gabriela Cervantes.

Cities which become capitals of large states provide unique information on the sociopolitical political organization and the nature of power, as they are home to a society’s leaders and central institutions. In the Andes, scholars have highlighted the existence of cities dominated by a centralized single governing institution, like the Moche capital of Pampa Grande; while others have drawn attention to the empty ceremonial centers, such as Cahuachi, main settlement of the Nazca society. A...

Sicán Political Economy: Converting Regional Productivity to Interregional Prestige Economy and Religious Eminence (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Izumi Shimada.

This is an abstract from the "Political Economies on the Andean Coast" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Within a matter of a few generations, during the late tenth century AD, the Middle Sicán polity with its geospatial focus in the extensive Lambayeque Complex on the north coast attained seemingly unprecedented material wealth and established an interregional sphere of trade and influence primarily along the coast of Peru and Ecuador. The truly...

Sicán Politics and Population: Nuclear Genomic Perspective (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Izumi Shimada. Ken-ichi Shinoda. Hideaki Kanzawa-Kiriyama.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Why are there clustered and dispersed Middle Sicán (900-1100CE) monumental mounds in the Lambayeque region of northern coastal Peru? What do these mounds reveal about Sicán politics and demography? As one investigative avenue to answer these questions, DNA was extracted from 15 human burials excavated at three mounds of the Sicán capital: Ventanas, Loro,...

Sicán Sociopolitical Organization in Lambayeque, Peru: Ceramic Compositional and Distributional Perspective (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brandi MacDonald. Izumi Shimada. Marco Fernandez. Rafael Valdez. Ursula Wagner.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We report the results of a recent chemical compositional analysis (INAA) of ceramic samples from multiple Middle Sicán (ca. 1000 CE) sites in the Lambayeque region on the north coast of Peru that offer important insights on the Middle Sicán sociopolitical and territorial organization. The analysis is an integral part of our cross-disciplinary testing of the...

The Signaling and Inheritance of Cooperation: Artificial Cranial Modification among Altiplano Foragers (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Randy Haas. James Watson. Carlos Viviano. Mark Aldenderfer.

We report on the recent archaeological discovery of a 7000-year-old population of hunter-gatherer burials and discuss the key insights they offer into how hunter-gatherer societies may have maintained cooperative structure against evolutionary odds. Sixteen human burials interred at the site of Soro Mik'aya Patjxa in the Andean Altiplano of Peru consistently exhibit intentional artificial cranial modification (ACM)—the irreversible shaping of human crania during infancy. Our analysis of cranial...

Signs of History, Signs in History: Confronting the Past in Antiquity in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Giles Spence-Morrow.

As architectural interventions on the landscape, structures considered to have ceremonial or ritual significance provide a means to regulate the temporalization of practice in material form. As built objects, monumental huaca structures in the Andes served to mark the longue dureé, as their existence mediated and legitimized political order linked to the deep cosmological history framing mythic time, ordering the present and planning for the future. As physical and subjectified artifacts...

Silver Production and Inka Expansion in the South Central Andes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carol Schultze. Colleen Zori.

Silver was an important component of the Andean prestige economy with bestowal and display of silver and silver-alloyed objects constituting a vital tool of Inka statecraft. The quest for mineral wealth was thus a motivating factor for Inka conquest of the South Central Andes. Nonetheless, the impacts of imperial incorporation on the organization and technology of metal production differed across this region of the empire. Focusing on the purification of silver ores, we present two case studies...

Sistemas de arquitectura local e incaica durante el Periodo Tardío en las tierras altas de Arica y valle de Lluta, Chile (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alonso Binimelis.

Durante el Periodo Intermedio Tardío en las tierras altas de Arica, las influencias altiplánicas se encontraban en la sierra y valles altos, caracterizados por arquitectura funeraria (chulpas) y la cerámica, representando relaciones de poder y estatus social dentro de las comunidades locales. Durante el Periodo Tardío, con la introducción de elementos incaicos al altiplano boliviano, el área dominada por los pueblos altiplánicos fue influenciada por la cosmovisión y tecnología incaica, lugares...

Site-seeing: Aeriality, Archaeological Survey and Objectivity in Coastal Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Parker VanValkenburgh.

Far from being mana from the future, aerial imagery has been integral to both the practical and conceptual dimensions of archaeological survey almost from its inception. In this presentation, I argue that aerial photography captured via private and state-funded reconnaissance in the 1930’s and 40’s played a transformational role in the emergence of regional approaches in Peru’s desert coast in the mid 20th century. I discuss how the use of aerial imagery has both enabled and constrained the...

Skilled Craftsmen, Ancestors Cult, and Hegemonic Strategies of the Wari Empire (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Krzysztof Makowski. Roberto Pimentel.

The comparison of new evidence obtained from Pachacamac and Castillo de Huarmey sites sheds new light on the character of Wari presence on the Peruvian Coast. Both sites are contemporary (Late Middle Horizon, ca. 800 - 1100 AD) and most new information comes from funerary contexts. In both cases, imitations of foreign styles, originated in the south coast and highlands, as well as the local ones are present in the iconography found in the offerings. Recent analyzes lead us to the conclusion that...

Small-scale Maya lime making in Belize: ancient and modern (1990)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J J Mckinnon. E M May.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Smoky places: archaeology of smoking practices on public parks of a capital city (Santiago, Chile, South America) (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amalia Nuevo Delaunay. Javiera Letelier Cosmelli. Rodolfo Quiroz Rojas.

Cigarettes are the most numerous, ubiquitous, and tolerated form of trash on the urban landscape (Graesch & Hartshorn 2014:1). This statement has special meaning in Chile, leading country in cigarette consumption in the continent and highly ranked at a global scale. On this basis, it has became a critical public health issue.  Current approaches in the study of this phenomenon are based on interviews, but no material study has been conducted. Considering the differences between people´s...

So bauten die Inka (1979)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Armin Bollinger.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

So bauten die Inka: Strassen - Brücken - Bewässerungsanlagen - Häuser - Städte im alten Peru (1986)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Armin Bollinger.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

So nährten sich die Inka (1986)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Armin Bollinger.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Sobre "actores sociales", "comunidad" y otros términos esquivos: Reflexiones desde el complejo arqueológico Mateo Salado, Lima, Perú (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pedro Espinoza.

This is an abstract from the "Arqueología colaborativa en los Andes: Casos de estudios y reflexiones" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. "Actores sociales", "comunidad", "arqueología comunitaria", "patrimonio arqueológico" y otros términos que se aplican en la gestión de los sitios arqueológicos muchas veces fluctúan entre la ambigüedad o la relativización, o entre el esencialismo y el paternalismo. Las críticas que se les han hecho se han enfocado en...

Social Differentiation and Hierarchy at a Central Place in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrea Cuellar.

This paper focuses on the development of a central place in the Quijos Valley, Eastern Andes of Ecuador. Based on an intensive survey of the site complemented by small excavations, I offer a spatial, demographic, social and economic characterization of this central place with the goal of discussing and contrasting views on the development of social differentiation, hierarchy, and centralized political authority in ancient chiefdoms. Contextualizing this in a body of regional settlement pattern...

Social Dynamics of the Past through the Body of the Camelid: Utilizing Evidence from Late Moche Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only María José Culquichicón-Venegas. Aleksa Alaica.

Assessing social dynamics in the past through archaeometry is more readily possible by constructing questions that more actively engage with issues beyond subsistence and technology. As archaeologists we are capable of reaching these higher-level interpretations of the past. In this paper, the use of camelid age profiles will bring insights into the kinds of value placed on the camelid body and the kinds of constrains and affordances that camelid herds would have placed on the Late Moche...

Social Inequality and Polity Organization in Prehispanic Southern Andean Populations (Argentina and Bolivia, 500 BCE–1500 CE) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pablo Cruz. Valeria Franco. Jordi López Lillo. Julián Salazar.

This is an abstract from the "To Have and Have Not: A Progress Report on the Global Dynamics of Wealth Inequality (GINI) Project" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this communication we will focus on inequality and the forms of social organization in those Andean societies that developed in northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia during the Formative (500 BCE–600 CE), Regional Development (1200–1450 CE) and Late (1450–1550 CE) periods. Our...

Social inequality as reflected in dietary and mobility practices of South American maritime chiefdom societies: Contextual and isotopic analysis of burials excavated in La Tolita, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jorge Garcia.

This project explores social inequality in relation to dietary and mobility practices of maritime Pacific polities in La Tolita (600 BC-200 AD) of Ecuador and Colombia. The research question driving this project aims to identify: How is social inequality reflected in the diet and spatial mobility as practiced by maritime chiefdom societies through time and space? A cross-site comparison between the dietary and mobility practices of individuals buried in mounds associated with the chiefly class...

Social Memory and the Development of Monumental Architecture in the Southern Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Warner. Edward Swenson.

Numerous theoretical concepts associated with social memory have been employed by archaeologists working throughout the world as a means of explaining continuities and discontinuities in the archaeological record. These social memory-based approaches are varied and include specific avenues of inquiry such as how social memories were actively manipulated for political gain; the role played by monumental architecture in the coalescing of shared memories; and the interrelationship between social...