South America (Continent) (Geographic Keyword)

51-75 (2,200 Records)

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

Ten peat samples recovered from high elevation bogs in Bolivia were submitted for AMS radiocarbon dating.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

A total of fifteen peat samples from multiple sites near La Paz, Bolivia were submitted for AMS radiocarbon dating. Samples were collected from the Charquini (Glacier Charquini) site, as well as Escalerani 2 and Escalerani 1, HP 2 and HP 1, Punto 2 and Punto 1, Rio La Paz (La Paz River), TC 1, and Tuni-condoriri.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

Three vegetation samples recovered during 2009 and 2010 field work in Peru were submitted for radiocarbon dating. The samples included two unidentified hardwood shrub twigs and a clump of grass associated with the margin of a receding glacier.

An Analysis of Botanical Remains from the Site of Quilcapampa (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Biwer.

This is an abstract from the "Wari and the Far Peruvian South Coast: Final Results of Excavations in Quilcapampa" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper presents the results of the recovery and identification of plant remains from the site of Quilcapampa La Antigua. Located in the Department of Arequipa, Peru, Quilcapampa provides evidence of cultural material associated with the Wari Empire (AD 600-1000). This presentation focuses on the plant...

An Analysis of Ceramic Compositions from Canchas Uckro, Ancash, Peru: Implications for Trade in the Formative Andes (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rachel Johnson. Jason Nesbitt.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Canchas Uckro (ca. 1100-850 BC) is a large monumental platform situated above the Puccha River approximately 25 km north of Chavín de Huántar. Recent excavations have revealed monumental features that suggest the Canchas Uckro played an important role within the political landscape. Ceramic analysis has likewise linked the site to broader economic spheres of...

Analysis of Cuchimilcos from Coastal Peru (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stacy Dunn. Abigail Bennett.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Cuchimilcos are small painted clay figurines and are one of the most recognized artifacts from ancient coastal Peru. They are associated frequently with the Chancay culture (1100-1400 AD) but are found throughout the central and north coast. Although most museums have one, little is certain about their purpose in society. To address the questions of function...

Analysis of Physical Activity Pattern of Women from the Castillo de Huarmey Mausoleum, Peru (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Monika Lis.

This is an abstract from the "A Decade of Multidisciplinary Research at Castillo de Huarmey, Peru" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper seeks to test the hypothesis that the elite individuals from the main chamber in the mausoleum in Castillo de Huarmey, Peru, functioned as specialized weavers. The sources available for the precolumbian Middle-Andes indicate the presence of aqllacuna (chosen women) who dedicated themselves to luxurious...

Analysis of the Ancient Built Environment of the Millo Complex, Vitor Valley, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hans Barnard. Maria Lozada. Augusto Cardona Rosas.

The Vitor Valley is an alluvial oasis linking the Arequipa highlands to the Pacific coast of southern Peru. The northern limit of the valley hosts a dense archaeological landscape of interspersed fieldstone structures and cemeteries known as the Millo Complex. This cluster comprises three principal segments referred to as Millo 2, Millo 3, and Millo 4; each of which preserves extensive architecture. Surface ceramics from across the Millo Complex and radiocarbon analysis of charcoal samples...

Analysis of the Lithic Assemblage from Canchas Uckro (1100–800 BC), Eastern Ancash, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Schroll. Jason Nesbitt. Rachel Johnson. Sadie Weber.

Canchas Uckro is a large platform situated above the Puccha River, and approximately 25 km to the north of Chavín de Huántar. Recent excavations recovered a lithic assemblage consisting of 245 artifacts from stratigraphic layers dating between ca. 1100 and 800 BC. This poster describes the analysis of this lithic assemblage, including raw materials utilized, technological organization, and patterns of tool design in relation to possible subsistence activities. Expedient flakes from locally...

Analyzing Highland and Coastal Ceramic Techniques of Production in the Middle Horizon Period (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sally Lynch.

This is an abstract from the "Bridging Time, Space, and Species: Over 20 Years of Archaeological Insights from the Cañoncillo Complex, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru, Part 2" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The relationship between coastal and highland cultural groups during the Middle Horizon remains widely debated and still not fully understood. Scholars have argued that “Coastal Cajamarca” plates found in Moche sites on the coast are local imitations...

Analyzing Prehispanic Textile Technology at the Site of Santo Domingo. Huarmey Valley, Peru (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Singletary. José Peña.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This research presents an analysis of the textile technology excavated at the site of Santo Domingo, Huarmey Valley, in coastal Peru. Previous research suggests that the site was inhabited during the Late Intermediate period (AD 1150–1280). This study is accomplished primarily through the examination of the textile remains and additional perishable fiber...

Analyzing Stone Fish Net Sinkers in the North Coast of Peru: Inquiring its Functional and Symbolic Aspects. (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sophia Emmons. Gabriel Prieto.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Maritime communities flourished along the northern coast of Peru for thousands of years due to the abundance of marine life, which inspired these communities to create specialized tools to aid in the fishing process. One of these tools was cotton fishing nets of which the attached stone sinkers are more commonly found in midden deposits. This study...

Anarchy in the Trenches: Perspectives on Buen Suceso (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Guy Duke. Sarah Rowe. Sara Juengst.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In many ways, Buen Suceso is a unique archaeological site. Not only is it a multicomponent site, with evidence for occupation throughout almost the entirety of the ~2,200-year Valdivia sequence and specialized use by the much later Manteño culture, but it exhibits an occupational...

Anarchy, Heterarchy, and the Bioarchaeological Evidence of Labor in the Tiwanaku “State” (AD 500–1100) of Bolivia and Peru (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sara Becker.

This is an abstract from the "A New Horizon: Reassessing the Andean Middle Horizon (AD 600–1000) and Rethinking the Andean State" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Early explorers thought that Tiwanaku was a ritual or pilgrimage center because of its heartland location in the high-altitude, seemingly inhospitable altiplano of Bolivia. Years after “progressing” beyond a ceremonial center, Tiwanaku was fit into the “state” category within a political...

Ancestor Veneration or Funeral Practices? An Examination of Recuay Mortuary Variability in the Basin of Puccha (Ancash) between AD 200-900 (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bebel Ibarra Asencios.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Mortuary studies have followed different perspectives, such as ancestor veneration mostly based on intrasite analysis. This paper examines the regional distribution of Recuay's funeral practices and its implications for ancestor worship studies. Radiocarbon dates available for the valley show an occupation between AD 200-900, and it correlates with the...

Ancient Andean Scalarity (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Kosiba. Bruce Mannheim.

This is an abstract from the "Beyond the Round House: Spatial Logic and Settlement Organization across the Late Andean Highlands" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Scholars of the Andes often assume that the social units they study—residence, community, and region—are monotonically scaled, nested from smaller to larger. This suggests universal correspondences between the analytical and observational objects through which social units are known; hence...

Ancient DNA of Camelids from Far Southern Peru: Whole Genome Enrichment Methods Reveal Breeding History at Tiwanaku and Inca Sites (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan deFrance. Neeka Sewnatha. Nicolas Delsol. Robert Guralnick.

This is an abstract from the "Recent Advances in Zooarchaeological Methods" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Prior to Spanish colonization, the indigenous peoples of Andean South America (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina) incorporated domesticated camelids (Camelidae), llamas (Lama glama), and alpacas (Vicugña pacos) into their economic and ritual life and were skillfully adept at breeding and rearing camelids for different utilitarian and...

Ancient Human-Animal Interactions in Chachapoyas Region: Isotopic Analysis of Zooarchaeological Remains from Kuelap, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha Michell. Jennifer Marla Toyne. Alfredo Narvaez. Victor Vasquez.

This study uses isotopic analysis of fauna remains as a proxy for reconstructing the ancient Chachapoya environment of the northeastern highlands in Peru. Large middens have been excavated at the monumental center of Kuelap (900-1535 CE), yet there is little previous research focused on the fauna remains at this or other archaeological contexts in the region. The goal of this project was to reconstruct animal resource exploitation and provide insight into dietary variation and environment at...

Ancient Landscapes of Amazonia: A Study of Pre-Colonial Processes and Contemporary Use at Macurany, Brazil (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Grace Ellis. Anna Browne Ribeiro. Filippo Stampanoni.

We analyze settlement organization and landscape modification at Macurany, a pre-Colonial terra preta site on the Middle Amazon River in Parintins, Brazil, within local and regional contexts. Pre-colonial land modifications dot the contemporary landscapes of Amazonia. Many such landscape features, such as anthrosols, elevated platforms, mounds, ramps, and riverine ports, are used today by contemporary inhabitants of Amazonia. New data gathered at Macurany reveals that ancient Amerindians altered...

Ancient Manganism in the Andes: A Bioarchaeological View (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bernardo Arriaza. Juan Pablo Ogalde. Leonardo Figueroa. Vivien Standen. Sian Halcrow.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The ancient Chinchorro people of northern Chile used manganese as part of their mortuary rites (7000–3000 BP). Chinchorro artifacts (n = 12) reveals the presence of manganese up to 64% measured with portable X-ray fluorescence. In addition, bone chemistry analysis from Chinchorro mummies (n = 68) using atomic absorption spectrometry reveals for the first...

The Ancient Maya Settlement of Waybil, Belize: Middle-Level and Hinterland Settlement Investigations (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pete Demarte. Scott Macrae. Gyles Iannone.

The Classic Maya, with their towering jungle temples and sprawling cities have been the focus of archaeological studies since the mid-1800s. Although numerous investigations have fostered considerable insights, important questions remain regarding the circumstances in which these settlements originated, interacted, developed, and were ultimately abandoned. The organization of Maya settlements is best conceptualized as a continuum consisting of three basic, but variable types, including:...

The Ancient Occupation of the East Terrace at Cerro San Isidro, Moro District, Peru (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Itzamara Ixta. David Chicoine.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This poster reports on the results of archaeological excavations carried out at the ancient human settlement of Cerro San Isidro located in the Moro region of the middle Nepeña Valley, north central coast of Peru. In particular, we expose and analyze stratigraphic, architectural, and material data recovered in the unidad de excavación 5 (UE5) at the East...

Ancient Oral Metagenomes from La Real: Insights into Health and Infectious Disease Across the Middle Horizon Period (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katie McCormack. Jada Benn Torres Ph.D.. Tiffiny Tung Ph.D..

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. La Real is a site located in the Majes Valley of southern Peru associated with two chronologically distinct burial contexts dated to the early and late Middle Horizon periods. Previous analysis of these funerary assemblages has shown similarities in the demographic profiles and incidence of trauma between burials from the two periods. Documented increases...

Ancient Population History in the Palenque Region: The Problem of the Selection of Population Proxies (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rodrigo Liendo.

This is an abstract from the "Ancient Mesoamerican Population History: Demography, Social Complexity, and Change" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Proyecto Regional Palenque (PREP) has recorded a total of 653 sites within an area of 650 km2. Regional population ranges from 28,000 to 32,000 inhabitants. Mapping efforts and household excavations undertaken as part of the Proyecto Especial Palenque during the seasons of 1992–1994 identified 1,480...

Ancient waorani fiber technologies (2003)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miguel (Ömmene) de la Iglesia. David Wescott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...