South America (Continent) (Geographic Keyword)

826-850 (2,200 Records)

Geology and Governance: Colonial Andean Mercury Mining and the Marroquín Collapse of 1786 (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Douglas Smit.

The study of an event may seem in opposition to the investigation of deep time, yet it is difficult to analyze one temporal scale without invoking the other. This paper examines this paradoxical linkage of events and the longue durée through the case study of a catastrophic event in the Spanish colonial mercury mines of Huancavelica in the Central Andean Highlands. The Marroquín collapse of 1786 claimed hundreds of indigenous lives, and symbolized the late 18th century decline of Spanish...

Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Inca *Aríbalos from the Bandelier Collection, American Museum of Natural History (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. Alan Covey. Robert Z. Selden Jr.. Nicole D. Payntar. Charles S. Spencer.

This is an abstract from the "Geometric Morphometrics in Archaeology" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Found from highland Ecuador to northwest Argentina, the Inca narrow-mouth jar, or *aríbalo, is the most widely distributed marker of the period of imperial expansion across the Andes (ca. 1400–1530s). Hiram Bingham made the first formal description of the *aríbalo more than a century ago, as part of the first formal classification of Inca pottery....

Geometric Morphometric Perspectives on Vessel Shape Hybridity in Inka-Chimú Ceramics (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only R. Alan Covey. Robert Selden. Astrid Runggaldier. Nicole Payntar.

This is an abstract from the "Alfareros deste Inga: Pottery Production, Distribution and Exchange in the Tawantinsuyu" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Inka conquest of the Chimú Empire on what is today the north coast of Peru brought a region with well-established economic and political practices under the rule of a highland polity that developed under distinct social and ecological conditions. Many aspects of Inka rule in Chimú territory were...

Geometric Morphometrics on the Spot: When Artifact Shape Tells Us More of Prehistoric Lithic Variability in São Paulo State, Brazil (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Renata Araujo. Mercedes Okumura. Astolfo Araujo.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This presentation contemplates the application of a method of analysis for the study of artifact shape named geometric morphometrics (GM). GM is a quantitative method originated in the biological sciences with a large application in evolutionary biology for the analysis of organismal form. Evolutionary archaeologists have been employing this approach to...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Magnetic, resistivity, conductivity and radar surveys on Marajo Island, at the mouth of the Amazon River. Magnetic survey was excellent, but radar was poor. Survey for Anna Roosevelt (American Museum of Natural History).

Geophysical Surveys at Three Sites Along the Lower Amazon River (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Magnetic, conductivity, resistivity, radar, SP, and seismic surveys at three very different prehistoric sites; results were excellent at each. Survey for: Anna Roosevelt (Field Museum)

Geophysics in the Hyperarid Atacama: Assessing Features among Fossil Channels, Paleosols, and Lithic Dispersions at Quebrada Mani, Chile (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas Tripcevich. R. Scott Byram. José Capriles. Calogero Santoro.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, dozens of Terminal Pleistocene archaeological sites have been identified in an area that previously held seasonal surface water channels and a riparian landscape. These sites shed light on the early peopling of western South America because the sites have had little disturbance or conflation...

Geospatial Methods at Huaca del Loro (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tyler Rhoads. Jerod Roberts. Bryan Heisinger. Victoria Roberts.

This is an abstract from the "Almost 100 Years since Julio C. Tello: Research at Huaca del Loro, Nasca, Peru" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Throughout the 2019 and 2022 field seasons, geospatial data were collected at Huaca del Loro using a combination of traditional and digital mapping techniques. Sand covers every corner of the site, so in 2019 a ground-penetrating radar was utilized to identify buried structures. This led to the discovery of a...

Getting Creative with Photogrammetry: Adventures in Dos Mangas, Ecuador (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Benjamin Ramirez. Sarah Rowe. Guy Duke. Edward González-Tennant.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Photogrammetry, the science of converting two-dimensional images into immersive 3D models, traditionally adheres to a strict set of guidelines and specialized tools. However, this poster explores the spirited realm of photogrammetry with rule bending and limits to achieve success in Dos Mangas, Ecuador. In this resource-constrained setting, innovators...

Getting to the Point: Wari Obsidian Distribution in Southern Peru (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Donna Nash.

This is an abstract from the "Exploring Culture Contact and Diversity in Southern Peru" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent geochemical studies in the Andes have shown that obsidian was moved over long distances throughout prehistory. Yet as Burger et al. (2000) suggested, the mobilization of obsidian during the Middle Horizon was unparalleled in quantity and scope. In this poster, I consider the relationship between lithic source, reduction...

Ghosts and Cyborgs of Landscape Pasts, Presents, and Futures: A Case Study from Sajama, Bolivia (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam Birge.

This is an abstract from the "Living Landscapes: Disaster, Memory, and Change in Dynamic Environments " session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Landscapes are haunted, cyborg stories. They are haunted by pasts that could have been and emergent futures. They are cyborgs as they are assemblages of human and nonhuman entities in emplaced relationships. They are stories because we curate and present a version of a landscape where certain places, voices, and...

GIS Analysis of Domestic Structures at the Late Moche Site of Galindo (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brendon Murray. Patrick Mullins.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The site of Galindo was a major center of the Southern Moche Region during the Late Moche Period (600–900 A.D.) During this period, the Moche Valley center appears to have undergone socio-political change, resulting in a new monumental style. In order to investigate possible changes in the domestic sectors, a series of spatial analyses were completed on the...

GIS Analysis of Monumental Structures at the Late Moche Site of Galindo (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brendon Murray. Patrick Mullins. Brian Billman.

The site of Galindo was a major center of the Southern Moche Region during the Late Moche Period (600-900 A.D.) and represents an important temporal transition between Moche-style polities and the Chimú Empire in the Moche Valley. During Galindo’s occupation, monumental construction shifted from adobe mound complexes to walled administrative centers known as cercaduras, suggesting a possibly larger socio-political change in how political power was being negotiated by elites. Working off of the...

A GIS Analysis of Production Areas, Ritual Spaces, and Socioeconomics at the Mixed Inka-Local Administrative Center of Turi, Northern Chile (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Beau Murphy. Cristián González Rodríguez.

While anthropologists are often concerned with profiling the socioeconomic character of the cultures they study, this task can be challenging for archaeological researchers investigating long-abandoned settlements. Intrasite socioeconomic reconstructions in particular may depend upon such factors as the accurate detection of specific production activities and the partitioning of architectural features into socially informative categories. This paper presents a case study on this topic wherein...

GIS and Drones in the Middle Moche Valley: an Analysis of Huaca Menocucho (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Corey Hoover. Patrick Mullins. Brian Billman.

Huaca Menocucho is a prehistoric monumental center located in the middle Moche Valley on the northern coast of Peru. The site shows evidence of several construction and occupation phases of the Moche Valley cultural sequence (Prieto & Maquera, 2015). Huaca Menocucho and the surrounding area have faced looting and destruction from several sources. In July 2016, MOCHE, Inc. conducted a drone survey combined with a systematic surface artifact survey to record information about activities and...

GIS Applications in the Analysis of Prehispanic Settlement in Cajamarca, Peru (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Harris. Jason Toohey. Kirk Scheffler.

The Cajamarca Valley of northern Peru has seen changing settlement patterns throughout its nearly 12,000 year human occupation. Although several archaeological surveys have taken place in and around the basin over the past 70 years, this is the first project to apply the tools of Geographic Information Systems to this existing settlement data. This region-scale analysis is a significant addition to the traditional archaeological research in Cajamarca which has focused largely on the excavation...

GIS Approaches to Modeling the Shifting Andean Coastline through the Holocene (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chelsea Cheney. Jason Toohey.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The long-term study of changing social and ecological patterns along the Andean coastal strip throughout the Holocene requires the identification of archaeological sites and their data of various ages. The presence of a broad continental shelf offshore of much of the Peruvian Andes has meant that early sites on this shelf have been inundated by early Holocene...

GIS in Vertical Spaces: An Examination of Location and Clustering of Mortuary Contexts at the Cliff Site of La Petaca, Peru (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Armando Anzellini. J. Marla Toyne.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Geographic Information Systems are often applied to archaeological contexts to analyze spatial patterns within a site and ascertain social structure and identity. Vertical sites, however, pose a problem for GIS since most analyses must occur on the horizontal plane. This is particularly troublesome for studying the Chachapoya, a Late Intermediate Period group...

A GIS-Based Digitization of Archaeological Field Survey Data from the Central Peruvian Andes (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Victoria Schwarz. Emily Milton.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological survey began in the central Peruvian Andes in the mid-1960s through the 1970s but was brought to a halt in the 1980s due to political unrest. Investigations into some of the early highland sites continued in the 2000s; however, there are still areas that have yet to be systematically surveyed. Digitization of the existing field survey data...

Giving Form to Flow: Modeling Paleohydrology in North-Central Coastal Peru (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Leclerc.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In coastal Andean archaeology, long-standing interest in water and cultural dynamics is intensifying, especially with diminishing glacial water supplies in the coast’s headwater regions. However, archaeologists who have hinged their hypotheses on the availability or management of water resources have frequently overlooked or disregarded the non-linear ways...

The Greater Chiriquí Fringes: A Perspective from the Coiba National Park Islands on the Pacific Coast of Panama (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ilean Isaza. Eric Vrba.

The islands of the Coiba National Park (CNP) are located on the continental platform of Panama and the southeastern fringes of the Greater Chiriquí cultural region. During the period of the earliest human migrations to the isthmus (ca. 13,000 - 10,000 a.P.) these islands were connected to the mainland, although the current state of research cannot provide evidence of being inhabited earlier than ca. 1800 B.P. Multidisciplinary research aimed to study the long-term impacts of human on the insular...

Greater Nicoya Metates and the Art Market: A Case Study (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alanna Radlo-Dzur.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A distinctive tradition of intricately sculpted metates—commonly known as grinding stones—flourished along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua and Costa Rica circa 300-900 CE. The Greater Nicoya burials that contain carved metates often include grave goods made of precious materials such as jade and gold. As a result, these sites have been subject to looting since...

Green Epidote: Painting the Past in Cerro de Oro, a Chemical and Mineralogical Analysis of the Green-Yellowish Ceramic Pigment (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adrián González Gómez De Agüero. Francesca Fernandini Parodi. Luis Ortega-San-Martín. Patricia Gonzales Gil.

This is an abstract from the "Developments through Time on the South Coast of Peru: In Memory of Patrick Carmichael" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The following study proposes to analyze one of the most characteristic pigments of the Cañete Valley during the Middle Horizon period; specifically, the green-yellowish color in the Cerro de Oro ceramic repertoire. Defining the origin and use of this pigment allows for a better understanding of the...

Gruta do Gentio II: data on the new excavations and isotopic signals from the site (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Francisco Pugliese. John Krigbaum. Kenneth Sassaman. Luis Cayón. Michael Heckenberger.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Gruta do Gentio II is an iconic site in the archaeology of Central Brazil because of its early occupation and rich excavation history. Situated in the interfluvial region of the Central Plateau, renewed investigation (after 35 years) offers new perspectives for the site. Data produced during the 1970s and 1980s revealed a wide variety of remains dating...

Habitar la diversidad: la transformación del paisaje y la construcción del territorio en el antiguo Perú (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jose Canziani.

La diversidad de zonas ecológicas que caracterizan a los Andes Centrales, dio lugar desde los procesos iniciales de poblamiento al despliegue de diferentes modos de vida, que se generaron en la interacción de los grupos humanos con estas distintas condiciones de existencia. El territorio es una construcción social que incorpora la historia de las transformaciones del paisaje, y las sociedades modelan su identidad cultural, memoria y cosmovisión en este profundo proceso de habitar el paisaje....