Moqui Canyon (Geographic Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

1959 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William D. Lipe. Floyd W. Sharrock. Keith M. Anderson. David S. Dibble. Dee A. Suhm.

During 1959, the University of Utah conducted two excavation programs in the Glen Canyon area: 1) at the Coombs site, at Boulder, Utah (Lister, 1959, 1960). and 2) at a number of sites in the Glen Canyon reservoir area proper. This report presents the results of the latter program. The work was part of the Upper Colorado River Basin Archeological Salvage Project, sponsored by the National Park Service. The history of this project has been summarized in another paper in this series (Jennings...

Aboriginal Lithic Raw Material Procurement in Glen Canyon and Canyonlands, Southeastern Utah (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alan J. Osborn. Susan Veter. Jennifer Waters. Steve Baumann.

This report presents the results of two archeological studies of prehistoric lithic procurement locations: the Halls Crossing site (42SA14829) in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and the White Crack site (42SA17597) in Canyonlands National Park in southeastern Utah. Both studies suggest that these lithic sources were exploited by mobile hunter-gatherers who produced bifacial cores that they transported throughout their ranges. These thin bifaces served as multipurpose implements,...

The Dan Canyon Burial, 42SA21339, a PIII Burial in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steve Dominguez. Karl J. Reinhard. Kari L. Sandness. Cherie A. Edwards. Dennis Danielson. F. A. Calabrese. Chris Kincaid.

The Dan Canyon burial was discovered at a time when the philosophy, ethics, and legislation concerning the study of human remains are in a state of flux. A number of important sensitive issues germane to managers, archeologists, and American Indians are discussed in the introduction. The subsequent analysis provides a detailed scientific account of these remains and a glimpse of a segment of a people's past lifeway while remaining sensitive to the wishes of the American Indians.

Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna in Glen Canyon (1959)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Angus M. Woodbury. Seville Flowers. Delbert W. Lindsay. Stephen D. Durrant. Nowlan K. Dean. Albert W. Grundmann. James R. Crook. William H. Behle. Harold G. Higgins. Gerald R. Smith. Guy G. Musser. Donald B. McDonald.

The Glen Canyon Reservoir, a part of the Colorado River Storage Project authorized by federal Public Law 485, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, represents a step in the development of the water resources of the Colorado River Basin which is planned to transform a flooding public menace into a national water conservation resources. The flora and fauna of the Glen Canyon region are only partly known. The canyon has been traversed by scientific explorers and adventuring boat men; its geological...

Glen Canyon Archeological Survey, Part III (1959)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Don D. Fowler. Florence C. Lister.

Prior to 1957 little was known of the archeology of the area in and near the Glen Canyon of the Colorado River in southeastern Utah and northern Arizona. Difficulties of logistics and access limited a thorough survey and study in the area. Archeological sites were recorded, however, as early as 1869. John W. Powell (1875) noted the ruins at both White and Red canyons during his pioneering explorations of the river. In 1932 Julian H. Steward, then at the University of Utah, recorded 25 sites...