Hayden Flour Mill (Geographic Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 2: Archaeology, Project Synthesis, and Management Summary (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert Stokes. Victoria D. Vargas.

The ability to integrate archaeological findings with extensive archival and oral history resources is often a rare occurrence in cultural resource management. The Hayden Flour Mill project afforded us just such an opportunity, the benefits of which are demonstrated throughout this and the following chapters of this volume. In many instances, the archival data suggested where we might find buried features beneath caps of fill or asphalt on the property (e.g., the Calaboose/jail, hereafter...

Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 1: Introduction, Historical Research, and Historic Architecture (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Victoria D. Vargas. Thomas Jones. Scott Solliday. Don W. Ryden.

This document, the first volume of a series of reports created by Archaeological Consulting Services, covers the restoration and preservation of the Hayden Flour Mill; voluntarily undertaken by the City of Tempe. This project surfaced in recognition of the importance of the Hayden Flour Mill and its resources, a desire for its complete documentation, and the development of recommendations for preservation priorities. The City decided to have the cultural resources investigation completed prior...

Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 3: Hayden Flour Mill Historic Preservation Plan (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Teresa L. Pinter. Don W. Ryder. Victoria D. Vargas.

The character of a community as expressed in its prehistory, history, and architecture is different from any other, and the City is no exception. A comprehensive Plan for cultural resources within the Hayden Flour Mill Project area is an essential component of the City’s future plans for downtown development. The Hayden Flour Mill Plan is a unique document that responds to Tempe’s goals and reflects its preservation values. As a forward-looking document, this Plan is intended to create...