Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 3: Hayden Flour Mill Historic Preservation Plan
Author(s): Teresa L. Pinter; Don W. Ryder; Victoria D. Vargas
Year: 2008
The character of a community as expressed in its
prehistory, history, and architecture is different from any
other, and the City is no exception. A comprehensive Plan
for cultural resources within the Hayden Flour Mill Project
area is an essential component of the City’s future plans for
downtown development. The Hayden Flour Mill Plan is a
unique document that responds to Tempe’s goals and reflects
its preservation values. As a forward-looking document, this
Plan is intended to create an agenda for future preservation
activities, and provides a means for measuring progress in
protecting the significant prehistoric and historic resources
in the project area.
The Plan builds upon the recommendations and results of
recent architectural, archival, and archaeological studies (see
Volumes 1 and 2 of this report series). These investigations,
as well as previous efforts of the City, have laid the
foundation for the scope, direction, and priorities reflected
here. The Plan is designed to build upon and be consistent
with previous historic preservation documents prepared by
the City (e.g., Tempe Plan) as well as the Secretary of the
Interior’s Standards for Preservation Planning.
Cite this Record
Hayden Flour Mill: Landscape, Economy, and Community Diversity in Tempe, Arizona, Volume 3: Hayden Flour Mill Historic Preservation Plan. Teresa L. Pinter, Don W. Ryder, Victoria D. Vargas. Cultural Resources Report ,143. Tempe, AZ: Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. 2008 ( tDAR id: 379204) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8KW5FHB
URL: http://www.nathanhallam.com/hayden/hayden3.pdf
Historic Native American
Site Name
Hayden Flour Mill
Site Type
Ancient Structure
Archaeological Feature
Commercial or Industrial Structures
Historic Structure
Non-Domestic Structures
Post Hole / Post Mold
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Heritage Management
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan
Archaeological Resources
Architectural Resources
Development and Disposition Agreement
Federal Incentives
Growing Smarter Act
Heritage Tourism
Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation Plan
Municipal Incentives
National Historic Preservation Act 1966
National Register Candidate
Recovery Project
State Incentives
Tempe Historical Museum
Tempe Historic Property Register
Zoning Regulations
Geographic Keywords
Hayden Flour Mill
Mill Avenue
Rio Salado Parkway
Tempe, AZ
Tempe Butte
Spatial Coverage
min long: -111.963; min lat: 33.404 ; max long: -111.916; max lat: 33.451 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contributor(s): Susan Shaffer Nahmias; Robert Stokes; Thomas E. Jones
Sponsor(s): Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
Prepared By(s): Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.
Submitted To(s): City of Tempe, AZ
Record Identifiers
ACS Project No.(s): 06-028-07
Cultural Resources Report No.(s): 143
Contract No.(s): T06-084-01
File Information
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