Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.
No description specified.
Alternate Names: Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd , Archaeology Consulting & Services, Inc. Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting & Services, Inc. Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd., Tempe, Arizona , Archaeological Consulting Services, Tempe, AZ , Archaeological Consulting Service , Archaeological Consulting Services, Tempe , Archaeology Consulting & Services, Inc., Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services, LTD. , Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. , Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc., Verona, Wis , Archaeological Consulting Services, Verona, WI , Archaelological Consulting Services, Ltd. , Archaeological Consulting Services , Archaeological Consulting Services Ltd. , Archaeological Consulting & Services, Inc., Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc., Verona, WI , Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd., Tempe, A , Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc. , Archaeological Consulting & Services , Archaelogical Consulting Services, Ltd. , Archaeoloigcal Consulting Services
Institution Members
1-50 (524 Records)
- An Addendum Class III Cultural Resources Survey and Treatment Plan for the Papago Road Extension of the San Xavier Farm Extension Project , San Xavier District Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona (2018)
- Addendum Report to the Class III Survey Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation: Report (2014)
- Addendum To Cultural Resource Overview for the Arizona Portion of the All-American Pipeline and Brenda Alternative: the Modified Brenda Alternative (1984)
- Addendum to the Report, Historical Archaeology at the Hunters Hill Residential Development, Chino Hills, San Bernardino County, California (1992)
- Addendum: Ancillary Cultural Resource Investigations for Cultural Resources on John Konings Feed Lot, Chino Hills, San Bernardino County, CA (1992)
- Additional Cultural Resources Survey within the Fannin-McFarland and Tucson Aqueducts, Central Arizona Project Canal, Maricopa, Pinal, Pima Counties, Arizona (2017)
- Analysis of Historic Artifacts and Faunal Material From Yuma Territorial Prison State Historic Park (1999)
- Aravaipa Creek Fish Barrier Project: Archaeological Monitoring of Fence Installation at the Apache Burial Site (BOR-ARV98-l) and a Supplemental Cultural Resources Survey for Activities Associated with Fish Dam Construction on Aravaipa Creek (2000)
- Aravaipa Creek Fish Barrier Project: Survey and Mapping of an Apache Site along Aravaipa Creek, Pinal County, Arizona (1999)
- An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Photo Log (1997)
- An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Report (1998)
- Archaeological Assessment of 16 Sites at Lake Pleasant Regional Park: Photo Log (2008)
- Archaeological Assessment of a Parcel Proposed for Agricultural Development on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation Maricopa County, Arizona: Report (1993)
- Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Borrow Area Adjacent to Avra Valley Airport, Marana, Pima County, Arizona (1996)
- An Archaeological Assessment of the Florence-Quail 69 Transmission Line, Pinal County, Arizona (1989)
- An Archaeological Assessment of the Queen Valley and Florence Junction-Superior Transmission Lines, Pinal County, Arizona (1989)
- Archaeological Assessment of Three Power Pole Locations Along the Coolidge-Hayden 115kV Powerline East of Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (1994)
- Archaeological Data Recovery at Locus S of AZ U:15:46(ASM) Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (1994)
- Archaeological Data Recovery for the Santan Mountains Land Exchange (1989)
- Archaeological Excavation of Isolated Human Remains at the Tres Rios Wetlands Demonstration Site in Southwest Phoenix, Maricopa County (1995)
- Archaeological Excavation of Isolated Human Remains at the Tres Rios Wetlands Demonstration Site in Southwest Phoenix, Maricopa County: Report (1995)
- Archaeological Excavation of Three Historic Burials at Tonto Basin Ranger Station, Tonto National Forest, Gila County (1994)
- Archaeological Excavations at Pueblo Blanco: The MCDOT Alma School Road Project, Volume 1 (1995)
- Archaeological Excavations at Pueblo Blanco: The MCDOT Alma School Road Project, Volume 2 (1995)
- Archaeological Inspection of an Excavated Ramp Along Grand Canal near Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Maricopa County (1993)
- Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:13:16 (ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O'Odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Pima County, Arizona (2001)
- Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:13:16(ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O'Odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Pima County, Arizona (2001)
- Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:13:16(ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Pima County, Arizona: Report (2001)
- Archaeological Investigations at AZ U:6:87, U:6:105, and U:6:253(ASM) on the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community, Maricopa County, Arizona: Report (1997)
- Archaeological Investigations at La Ciudad de Los Hornos: Lassen Substation Parcel (1990)
- Archaeological Mitigation of the Kennedy Park Site (21OT83) In Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County, Minnesota (1983)
- Archaeological Monitoring and Surface Collection at Two Sites in Tonto Natural Bridge State Park, Gila County, Arizona (1991)
- Archaeological Monitoring for Geotech Bores Drilled Along the Center Runway, Taxiways, and Turnouts, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (2001)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Realignment of the El Paso Natural Gas Santan Line, Gilbert, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Construction Activities along El Paso Natural Gas Company Pipeline Rights-of-Way across the Gila River below Gillespie Dam, Maricopa County, Arizona (1992)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Four Well Field Sites on Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe Lands Near Leupp, Navajo County, Arizona: Photo Log (2005)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Four Well Field Sites on Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe Lands Near Leupp, Navajo County, Arizona: Report (2004)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Geological Test Trenches on the San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona. San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project (1995)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Sinkhole Repair Excavations for the San Xavier Farm, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation (1998)
- An Archaeological Reassessment and Evaluation of Eight Site Clusters Around Horseshoe Reservoir, Tonto National Forest (1993)
- Archaeological Reassessment and Evaluation of Eight Site Clusters Around Horseshoe Reservoir, Tonto National Forest, Yavapai and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (1993)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of Two Project Areas Associated With the Cuyahoga River Restoration Project, Cuyahoga County, Ohio (1986)
- Archaeological Recovery of Human Remains for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Santa Cruz River Bank Stabilization Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'Odham Nation, Tucson, Arizona (1998)
- Archaeological Recovery of Skeletal Remains for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Santa Cruz River Bank Stabilization Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation, Tucson, Arizona (1998)
- Archaeological Survey and Testing of Lands Proposed for Agricultural Development on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (1992)
- Archaeological Survey at Three Proposed Substations in Phoenix, Mesa, and Tempe, Arizona (1987)
- Archaeological Survey in Districts 6 and 7, Gila River Indian Community (1997)
- An Archaeological Survey in the Blackwater Area, Volume 1: The History of Human Settlement in the Blackwater Area (1994)
- An Archaeological Survey in the Blackwater Area, Volume 2: Site Descriptions and Related Data (1994)
- Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Boat Ramp Site On Lake Wisconsin in Columbia County, Wisconsin (1990)