Republic of Paraguay (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

376-400 (587 Records)

Paleodiet in the Atacama Desert (Arica, Chile) and Andean Highlands (Ayacucho Basin, Peru) Using Stable Isotope Analyses of Dental Calculus (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Simon Poulson. Susan C. Kuzminsky. G. Richard Scott. Tiffiny A. Tung.

Long-considered a nuisance, dental calculus has recently enjoyed attention as a potentially useful alternative biomaterial for a variety of anthropological applications, including stable isotope analysis as a technique to study paleodiet. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of dental calculus have been measured for populations near Arica, Chile in the Atacama Desert (Archaic-Late Intermediate period), and post-Wari (Late Intermediate Period) populations from the Ayacucho Basin, Peru in the...

Paleoindian Site in Central São Paulo State, Brazil: Bastos Site, Dourado County (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Letícia Correa. Astolfo Araujo.

Bastos site, located in central São Paulo State, provided ages between 7,600 and 12,600 cal BP.The lithic industry is composed by flakes on silicified sandstone, with rare unifacial retouch, without formal artifacts. The site probably represents a habitation area in a river terrace, later covered by acolluvial fan. Refitting pieces attest the overall integrity of the spatial positioning of the archaeological materials. The site is the oldest found in São Paulo, and is contemporaneous to sites...

Paleoindian Sites and their Cultural Diversity in Southeast, Brazil: A Case Study from São Paulo State (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Letícia Correa. Astolfo Araujo.

This is an abstract from the "“The South Also Exists”: The Current State of Prehistoric Archaeology in Brazil: Dialogues across Different Theoretical Approaches and Research Agendas" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The archaeological record for the early Holocene in Brazil shows great cultural diversity, suggesting the coexistence of different groups. Recently, we have noticed that São Paulo State does not behave differently. These distinct groups...

Past as Future in Times of Colonialism: Women’s Agroforestry Knowledge and Practices across Generations (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Francisco Noelli.

This is an abstract from the "Weaving Epistemes: Community-Based Research in Latin America" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper explores the Indigenous agroforestry communities from São Paulo and Paraná during the colonial period in Brazil. It highlights Tupiniquim women's practices, encompassing their roles in transmitting knowledge about plant cultivation, fostering food sovereignty, and preserving their language. Using botanical,...

Pastoralisms of the Andes: a southern and central Andean perspective (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin Lane. Jennifer Grant.

In this paper we contrast and compare the development of pastoralism at two opposite yet complimentary geographical locations with a focus on pastoralist impact on the environment. In Argentina we present the evolution and development of pastoralism [c. 3,300-400BP] in the arid highlands of Antofagasta de la Sierra, as societies negotiated the shift from hunter-gathering to a more mixed, but increasingly, pastoralist economy culminating in late complex agro-pastoralist adaptations. Similarly in...

People and food: investigating the diet through isotopic analysis in a pre-colonial group from Piaçaguera shell mound (sambaqui), Brazil (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marina Di Giusto. Murilo Bastos. Veronica Wesolowski.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this study, we aim to present new evidence on the diet of pre-colonial individuals excavated in the Piaçaguera sambaqui (7,151-5,668 years cal. BP), one of the oldest shell mound found on the Brazilian coast. Previous isotopic analysis has shown that, although there is a general preference for consuming marine fish, there are regional variations in the...

The People of the Lagoon: Sambaquis and Ecological Management on the Southern Brazilian Coast (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paulo DeBlasis. Maria Dulce Gaspar.

This is an abstract from the "Human Behavioral Ecology at the Coastal Margins: Global Perspectives on Coastal & Maritime Adaptations" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Sambaquis (shellmounds) are conspicuous structures at ecologically productive and diversified coastal settings along the Brazilian extended seashore. We have studied one of those hot spots in some detail. At Santa Marta lagoon area, on the southern coast, mound builders have long...

People on the move: early peopling of Central Brazilian Plateau, eastern South America (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lucas Bueno. Juliana Betarello.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The aim of this presentation is to discuss the peopling process of the Central Brazilian Plateau through the study of archaeological sites located in the Middle Valley of the Tocantins River. The Central Brazilian Plateau is the region where there are the earliest dates available for the occupation of eastern South America; therefore, it is a crucial area...

PEOPLE3k: Demographic Boom and Bust Cycles of Coastal Hunter-gatherers Cycles Track Shifting Upwelling Conditions in Northern Chile (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claudio Latorre. Calogero Santoro. Ricardo De Pol-Holz. Eugenia Gayó. Mariana Yilales.

This is an abstract from the "Global Perspectives on Climate-Human Population Dynamics During the Late Holocene" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Extensive archaeological shell middens can be found throughout coastal northern Chile, where they span more than 9,000 years. They contain abundant terrestrial plants and shellfish remains and can often accumulate very quickly and/or episodically. We use multiple radiocarbon dates to measure local...

Performing the Moche Feast: Plants, Ritual Practice, and Spectacle in the North Coast of Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Chiou. Luis Jaime Castillo.

The site of San José de Moro in the Jequetepeque Valley of the North Coast of Peru is renowned for the discovery of several "Priestess" burials containing women interred with the material accoutrements of the goddess figure from the Moche pantheon. As a burial ground for the Moche elite, San José de Moro presents an excellent case study for ritual performance with burial-related ceremonies taking place concurrently with feasting. In this paper, we discuss the plant evidence for large-scale feast...

Periphery and Perspective: The View from Late Prehispanic Coastal Ecuador (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Rowe.

The small country of Ecuador is sometimes categorized as part of the Andean cultural region and sometimes included in the Intermediate Area. Located as it is next door to archaeological behemoth Peru, Ecuadorian archaeology has frequently been overshadowed by that of its neighbor. Banal oversights, such as maps that show the Inca Empire stretched across the Ecuadorian coast, serve to emphasize the subordinate position of archaeology in the country to the north. Periphery, however, depends on...

Perishable Technology and the Successful Peopling of South America (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. M. Adovasio. Thomas D. Dillehay.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent research demonstrates that perishable industries―specifically including the manufacture of textiles, basketry, cordage, and netting―were a well-established, integral component of the Upper Paleolithic milieu in many parts of the Old World. Moreover, extant data suggests that not only were these synergistic technologies part and parcel of the...

Persistence and Material Mnemonics in the Cosma Basin: 5000 Years of Ritual Enactment in the Upper Nepeña River, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kimberly Munro.

The Cosma Complex is located in the Cordillera Negra at the headwaters of the upper Nepeña River Valley, Ancash Peru. Fieldwork conducted between 2014-2016 documented repeated reconstruction episodes associated with the reuse of monumental ritual architecture originally dated to the Late Preceramic (3000-1800 BCE). By the Early Horizon infant remains and other offerings were placed into earlier architectural contexts as a final capping episode on at least one mound. As settlement patterns...

Photogrammetry All the Way Down: Multiscalar and Multiplatform Photogrammetry as Primary Spatial Registry in a Large Excavation Project (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jordan Downey. Oliver R. Hegge. Kari Lentz. Steven A. Wernke.

In 2016, a large excavation project was carried out at the site of Mawchu Llacta in the Colca Valley of southern Peru. A colonial reduccíon (planned town), Mawchu Llacta is a large site with plazas, chapels, a parish, and domestic compounds. These spaces all consist of complex standing architecture in varying degrees of preservation. Eleven excavation blocks were opened to better understand ritual and everyday life in the town. The extent and distribution of the excavations, however, presented...

Pigment Mining for Color Meanings: El Condor Mine from Atacama Desert (A.D. 300-1.500) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Benjamín Ballester. Marcela Sepúlveda. Francisco Gallardo. Gloria Cabello. Estefanía Vidal.

The mineralogical richness of the Atacama Desert allowed for the development of an important set of mining-extracting and metallurgic, lapidaric and pigmental productive activities, which became significant activities in the sociocultural dynamics of desert dwellers. El Cóndor mine, an important hematite source located in the middle section of the Loa River, was exploited from the Formative Period (~A.D. 300) until Inka times (~A.D. 1500). In contrast to other mining sites in Atacama, El Cóndor...

The Pinta Ceramic Phase. Explaining a Paracas ceramic phase from Cerro del Gentil (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Henry Tantaleán. Alexis Rodríguez Yábar. Kelita Pérez Cubas. Charles Stanish.

During the last five years, we have developed an archaeological research program in the southern Peruvian coastal valley of Chincha. This project focuses on the rise of the Paracas society ca. 800-200 BCE. We excavated the monumental Paracas site of Cerro del Gentil located in the Chincha mid-valley where we recovered an important ritual context in a sunken court related to the Pinta phase. The Pinta phase was defined by Dwight Wallace in 1950´s but not has been systematically described. In...

Pisanay and the Endangered Rock Art Traditions of Arequipa, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jo Burkholder.

Drawing on the archaeological excavations at the site of Pisanay, located in the Sihuas Valley of Arequipa (southern) Peru, this paper will situate the rock art at the site within the broader contexts of multiple rock art traditions in the region. These traditions include both painted and pecked images on rock surfaces, a wide variety of geoglyphs, mobilary art, and sacred offerings made to particular rocks and geographic landmarks that represent huacas (loosely ‘holy places’). Within the...

Plants in Ancient Pots: A Comparative Study of Paleoethnobotanical Results from Unwashed and Washed Ceramics (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sophie Reilly.

Paleoethnobotanists study human-plant interactions in the past, including the role of plants in ancient foodways. Microbotanical remains (phytoliths and starch grains) enable the identification of many plants because their morphology can be diagnostic to the family, genus, and species. Microbotanical samples can be extracted from specific artifacts, such as ceramics, enabling a better understanding of their use. Paleoethnobotanists can thus discern associations between certain vessel types and...

The Political Ecology of Camelid Pastoralism by Wari and Tiwanaku Colonists in the Moquegua Valley, Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan deFrance.

The Moquegua Valley in southern Peru was the locale where the rival early imperial states of Wari and Tiwanaku established provincial colonial centers. Both Wari and Tiwanaku colonists concentrated their settlements in the low to mid-sierra elevations of the valley, elevations that are not modern zones of camelid husbandry. The political ecology of imperial settlement at this elevation fostered the development of local systems of camelid pastoralism that were significant economic components for...

Population-area scaling in contacted and uncontacted Amazonian indigenous groups (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marcus Hamilton. Robert Walker.

Sublinear population-area scaling relations have been documented across a range of human societies, from hunter-gatherers to both ancient and modern cities. As such, these scaling patterns seem to capture a common statistical feature of human spatial ecology. In this talk we examine the spatial ecology of both recently-contacted and uncontacted groups in the Amazon Basin. Using a combination of census data, government estimates and imagery we find sublinear scaling between the size of villages...

The Potential of Games, Gamefication, and Virtual Reality in Public Archaeology (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Vitória Estrela. Rosicler Silva.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Social-cultural changes and the growth of digital media have lead to new broadcasting methods in archaeology and public archaeology, using computer games, gamefication and virtual reality, as these encourage the user to solve problems and construct social relations that enable personal development and reflections on the past. The purpose of this paper is to...

Pottery Production and Social Complexity: Ceramic Paste Analysis at the Site of El Campanario, Huarmey Valley, Peru (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephan Valade. J. Eduardo Eche Vega. Jose L. Peña.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The analysis of ceramic pastes can be used to study exchange networks, social identities, and technologies. The variations in the composition of ceramic pastes are related to the selection of clay, and non-plastic materials from ancient ceramists. The choice of these procurement areas is often influenced by technological traditions, social complexities,...

Pre-Columbian ballgame handstones: rejoinder to Clune (1964)
DOCUMENT Citation Only S F de Borhegyi.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Pre-Columbian diet and subsistence strategies in the Aconcagua Valley of central Chile, from the Early Ceramic to Late Periods: Evidence from stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic analyses. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jaime Swift. Rick Schulting. Juanita Oyanedel Perez. Violeta Abarca Labra. Nicole Fuenzalida Bahamondes.

This research documents past diet and subsistence strategies of the pre-Columbian ceramic societies in the Aconcagua Valley of central Chile. We aim to characterize the late Holocene cultural, social and economic interactions of this geographically strategic zone between the semi-arid north and more fertile central Chile. Dynamic changes over the past two millennia include the establishment of culturally heterogeneous enclaves from the north alongside local populations. The broader region of...

Pre-Columbian Introduction of Legume Trees Prosopis Algarobia Section and Geoffroea decorticans into the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile during the Late Holocene (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Virginia Mcrostie. Eugenia M. Gayo. Claudio Latorre. Calogero Santoro. Ricardo De Pol-Holz.

Our recent research in the Atacama Desert (18-27°S) proposed that Prosopis trees, Algarobia section (Algarrobo) were introduced during the late Holocene by humans and dispersed through cultural and natural factors. At least 41 direct AMS on seeds and pods retrieved from archaeobotanical and paleoecological contexts (rodent middens and leaf litter deposits) show that the earliest presence occurred ~4200 cal BP but most dates fall over a thousand years later, during and after the Formative period....