Gila Valley (Geographic Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Northland Research, Inc. has conducted an archaeological impact analysis of the proposed site of the Florence Water Treatment Plant, and its two associated delivery lines. The plant will repose on three acres (1.2 hectares) of land south of the City of Florence, in Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 9 East (Figure One). In that place, the plant site is hard by the north bank of the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, where it runs along the high Pleistocene terrace overlooking Florence and the broad Gila River...
Archaeological Investigations: Arizona Nuclear Power Project, BLM and Private Land, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Waste Water Conveyance System (1977)
This report attempts to document, assess, and develop a plan for conserving archaeological resources along the waste water conveyance system for the Arizona Nuclear Power Project. The paper describes 13 sites which were discovered during an intensive survey of the proposed facility, evaluates these sites in relation to the archaeological resource base of the Lower Gila River Valley, and recommends procedures for mitigating the adverse effects of construction on these cultural remains. The survey...