Longview Reservoir (Geographic Keyword)
1-1 (1 Record)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Section 110 Compliance Report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, NHPA, Cultural Resources Investigations, Technical Report No. 21, Section 110 Survey of Selected Sites at Stockton Reservoir in Cedar County, Smithville Reservoir in Clinton and Clay Counties, and Longview Reservoir in Jackson County, Missouri (2011)
Section 110 Survey of Selected Sites at Stockton Resevoir in Cedar County, Smithsville Reservoir in Clinton and Clay Counties, and Longview Reservoir in Jackson County, Missouri. This project was conducted under Contract No. W912P9-09-D-0538, Task Order 0007, with the USACE, St. Louis District (MVS). The focus of all work under this contract concerned Section 110 compliance on USACE fee-title land and was, therefore, not subject to State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) review....