American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Section 110 Compliance Report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, NHPA, Cultural Resources Investigations, Technical Report No. 21, Section 110 Survey of Selected Sites at Stockton Reservoir in Cedar County, Smithville Reservoir in Clinton and Clay Counties, and Longview Reservoir in Jackson County, Missouri


Section 110 Survey of Selected Sites at Stockton Resevoir in Cedar County, Smithsville Reservoir in Clinton and Clay Counties, and Longview Reservoir in Jackson County, Missouri.

This project was conducted under Contract No. W912P9-09-D-0538, Task Order 0007, with the USACE, St. Louis District (MVS). The focus of all work under this contract concerned Section 110 compliance on USACE fee-title land and was, therefore, not subject to State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) review. Standardized report guidelines that meet the Secretary of the Interior’s standards were developed and followed during the preparation of this report. Although not subject to SHPO review, all reporting of cultural resources complied with As a result of archaeological survey at Stockton Lake, Smithville Lake, and Longview Lake, 46 new (previously undocumented) sites and 29 isolated finds (IFs) or historical-period features were located and documented. In addition, 7 previously recorded archaeological sites were revisited, for a total of 53. Both prehistoric and historical-period archaeological sites were recorded in each of the three project areas. Several IFs were recorded in the Stockton Lake and Smithville Lake project areas, but not at Longview Lake.

Between May 20 and September 14, 2010, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at Missouri State University, a subconsultant working for Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), conducted a Section 110 survey of priority-ranked parcels at Stockton Lake (1,308 acres [529 ha]) (Priority 1), Smithville Lake (320 acres [129 ha]) (Priority 2), and Longview Lake (308 acres [125 ha]) (Priority 3) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Kansas City District (NWK). As a result of the survey, 53 sites were inventoried and evaluated using condition-assessment forms created by SRI and guidelines set forth regarding the assessment and nomination process for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Background: This project was conducted under Contract No. W912P9-09-D-0538, Task Order 0007, with the USACE, St. Louis District (MVS). The focus of all work under this contract concerned Section 110 compliance on USACE fee-title land and was, therefore, not subject to State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) review. Standardized report guidelines that meet the Secretary of the Interior’s standards were developed and followed during the preparation of this report. Although not subject to SHPO review, all reporting of cultural resources complied with standards and guidelines set forth by the Missouri SHPO of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers investigation is American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA 2009) funded, and the stated goals of the act are, in part, to preserve and promote employment. This particular investigation employed cultural resource management specialists between February 18, 2010, and June 30, 2011. Forty-two individuals were retained or retained their employment in the course of this investigation. The employee positions included administrative assistants, project managers, principal investigators, project directors, crew chiefs, field technicians, a lab director, a geoarchaeologist, geospatial analysts, cartographers, a publications director, a production manager, a graphics manager, scientific illustrators, production assistants, and technical editor.

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Section 110 Compliance Report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, NHPA, Cultural Resources Investigations, Technical Report No. 21, Section 110 Survey of Selected Sites at Stockton Reservoir in Cedar County, Smithville Reservoir in Clinton and Clay Counties, and Longview Reservoir in Jackson County, Missouri. Jack H. Ray, Marcie L. Venter, Gina S. Powell, Neal H. Lopinot, David I. Cain, Dustin A. Thompson. NHPA, Cultural Resources Investigations Technical Report ,No. 21. St. Louis: US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District. 2011 ( tDAR id: 425659) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8FT8P62

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Contract No.(s): W912P9-09-D-0538, Task Order 0007

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