JBSA-Sam Houston (Geographic Keyword)

451-475 (726 Records)

Programmatic Agreement, Privatization of Family Housing at Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Garry F. Atkins.

Fort Sam Houston, pursuant to the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, has determined to privatize family housing at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, through the Residential Communities Initiative (RCI). Under the RCI the Fort Sam Houston Family Housing, LP will be a separate legal entity known as a Limited Partnership that will be formed after Congressional review of the Fort Sam Houston RCI project.

Property Photograph Form, Building 179 The Eisenhower House, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1970)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Burns.

The National Register of Historic Places Property Photograph Form, with accompanying photographs, for Building 179 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

RCI Survey Footprint, Survey Areas, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Teresa Elhabr.

Detailed drawing of all the survey areas within the boundaries of Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

Reassessment of Building 6104 and Building 6284, Camp Bullis Military Reservation, San Antonio, Texas (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joe C. Freeman. Daron Duke. Victoria Green Clow.

Building 6104 and 6284, located at Camp Bullis Military Reservation, San Antonio, Texas, were inspected on February 18, 2000 by Joe C. Freeman, Historic Architect, as part of ongoing cultural resources management at Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis. These buildings had been previously assessed and determined to be potentially eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Eligibility determinations for the buildings were based on condition and integrity under various...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Construction of a Mail Distribution Facility, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Project is to construct a 2600 Square Foot Mail Distribution Facility in the METC Dormitory Area. The anticipated date and/or duration of the proposed action is fiscal year 2010.

Record of Environmental Consideration, Construction of an Elevated Troop Walk, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

REC for proposed construction of an elevated troop walk over Garden Avenue at Harney, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The anticipated date and/or duration of the proposed action is fiscal year 2010.

Record of Environmental Consideration, Old Austin Road 0.531 Acre Parcel Acquisition, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rotary C. Green.

A Record of Environmental Consideration for the 0.531 Acre Parcel on Old Austin Road, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The description of the proposed action is the swapping of a 0.531 acre parcel on Old Austin Road for the perpetual non-exclusive use easement acquired from the City of San Antonio, to facilitate the realignment of the entrance into the installation. This document is part of a group of correspondence concerning a 0.531-acre parcel at Old Austin Road on the north-central portion of Fort...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renewal of a Lease for Fort Sam Houston Independent School District, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Action is to renew an existing lease to use .75 acres of land to the Fort Sam Houston Independent School District at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The site will be utilized for the placement of a 4,600 square feet portable building. Grantee is the Fort Sam Houston Independent School District. Action will result in no deviation from the existing use of this area. Grantee’s mission and functional use of the land remains the same. There is no change to the occupant’s mission requirements. The previous...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renewal of Outgrant to the Society for the Preservation of Historic Fort Sam Houston, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Action is to renew an existing outgrant for occupancy of building 259 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Grantee is the Society for the Preservation of Historic Fort Sam Houston. Action will result in no deviation from the existing use of this facility. Grantee’s mission and functional use of the space remains the same. There is no change to the occupant’s mission requirements. The previous out grant dates from 2008. The anticipated date and/or duration of the proposed action is fiscal year 2010.

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renewal Outgrant to San Antonio Credit Union, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Action is to renew an existing outgrant for the installation and operation of automatic teller machines at various locations. Each location impacts less than 20 square feet in Buildings 2900, 2792, 1462, 1387, 1395 and 3600 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Grantee is the San Antonio Credit Union (SACU). Action will result in no deviation from the existing use of the areas in these facilities. Grantee’s mission and functional use of the space remains the same. There is no change to the occupant’s...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renewal Outgrant to the Defense Civilian Personnel Service, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Action is to renew an existing outgrant for occupancy of 5673 gross square feet of the first floor of building 2059 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Grantee is the Defense Civilian Personnel Service. Action will result in no deviation from the existing use of this area of the facility. Grantee’s mission and functional use of the space remains the same. There is no change to the occupant’s mission requirements. The previous out grant dates from 2006. The anticipated date and/or duration of the...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renewal Outgrant to the Defense Civilian Personnel Service, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Action is to renew an existing outgrant for occupancy of 5673 gross square feet of the first floor of building 2059 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Grantee is the Defense Civilian Personnel Service. Action will result in no deviation from the existing use of this area of the facility. Grantee’s mission and functional use of the space remains the same. There is no change to the occupant’s mission requirements. The previous out grant dates from 2006. The anticipated date and/or duration of the...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renewal Outgrant to the Department of the Navy, Defense Printing Service, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Action is to renew an existing outgrant for occupancy of 4517 gross square feet in building 4190 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Grantee is the Department of the Navy, Defense Printing Service. Action will result in no deviation from the existing use of this area of the facility. Grantee’s mission and functional use of the space remains the same. There is no change to the occupant’s mission requirements. The previous out grant dates from 2006. The anticipated date and/or duration of the proposed...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renewal Outgrant to the U.S. Customs Service, Fort Sam Housotn, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer. James H. Graham.

Action is to renew an existing outgrant for occupancy of 2477 gross square feet in the basement of building 2059 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Grantee is the U.S. Customs Service. Action will result in no deviation from the existing use of this area of the facility. Grantee’s mission and functional use of the space remains the same. There is no change to the occupant’s mission requirements. The previous out grant dates from 2006. The anticipated date and/or duration of proposed action is fiscal...

Record of Environmental Consideration, Renovation of Building 1002, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Building 1002 is a 5 story dormitory building constructed in 1957. Project is needed to repair extensive mold, an inefficient building envelope and failing air conditioning systems. Project repairs building 1002 to a condition suitable for use as an Advanced Individual Training Barracks providing 380 bed spaces.

Record of Treatment for Band Building 646 Restoration, Phases I and II, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gary H. Glidewell.

This report documents work completed by the Williamsport Preservation Training Center (WPTC) on the Band Barracks, Building #646, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The objectives of the project were to restore the porch and cornice as part of an ongoing restoration project. All items identified in the task directive were completed with the exception of repairs and painting of the west elevation cornice; installation and painting of the grill work for the verandas, and installation and painting of the...

References, List of Cultural and Archaeological Publications, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

An assorted bibliography of references related to Fort Sam Houston. The papers and publications range from 1974-2002.

Replace Windows, Building 2792, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Mark Sloop

Window replacement comparisons for building 2792 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Building 2792 was originally built as a barracks building around 1940. It is of solid concrete and masonry construction with stucco veneer. The roof consists of wood framing on top of a solid concrete deck, approx 5:12 slope, supporting a mission barrel clay tile roof. The south face of the building was originally open porches for three floors with the basement floor enclosed. Several wings protrude from the south face...

Reservation Boundary and Land Use, Master Plan, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1955)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This map is the master plan of Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, as of December 1955. TheReservation boundary and land use are visually explained in detail and include: Headquarters Fourth Army, Brooke Army Medical Center, National Cemetery, Post Activities, Wherry Housing, Officer Housing, N.C.O. Housing, Enlisted Personnel Housing, Magazine Area, Warehouse and Shop Area, Elementary School, and U.S. Army Reserves. The San Antonio Air Force Station is also indicated, but in brief overview....

Response from Caroline Wright to James Graham, Proposed Deconstruction of Building 293, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Caroline Wright.

This letter serves as comment on the proposed undertaking to deconstruct Building 293 from the State Historic Preservation Officer, the Executive Director of the Texas Historical Commission. The review staff concurs that the deconstruction will have an Adverse Effect on the historic district.

Response from Claudia Nissley to Richard Booher, Proposed Cleaning and Stabilization of Building 614, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Claudia Nissley.

The Council has received and reviewed Fort Sam Houston’s letter and documentation supporting their determination that the stabilization of Building 614, a structure gutted by a previous fire, would have no adverse effect to the building or to the historic district. While the Council commends the Army for retaining the perimeter walls of a building that contributes to the district's historic character, they find the documentation insufficient to permit comment at this time.

Response from Demetrio Jimenez to John Brenneman, Building 131 50 Percent Level Plans, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission has received and reviewed plans at the 50% level for the rehabilitation of Building 131 at Fort Sam Houston. It appears from the plans that a determination of "no adverse effect" will be determined, after a tour of the site by the Commission.

Response from Demetrio Jimenez to John Brenneman, Building 2194 Water Plant, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Demetrio Jimenez.

Fort Sam Houston submitted to the Texas Historical Commission a proposal to renovate the interior of the Water Plant, Building 2194. This letter outlines the steps required to mitigate the proposed undertaking that would allow a determination of "no adverse effect." Copied to this correspondence is Mike Hilger (Preservation Architect, Fort Sam Houston) and David Brigham (Fort Sam Houston).

Response from Demetrio Jimenez to John Brenneman, Building 2792 Wallpaper and Paint, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission has received and reviewed Fort Sam Houston's proposal to wallpaper and paint the hallways in Building 2792. The Commission concurs with the determination of "no effect" on the historic structure.

Response from Demetrio Jimenez to John Brenneman, Buildings 122, 124, and 125, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Demetrio Jimenez.

The Texas Historical Commission received and reviewed Fort Sam Houston's alterations to Buildings 122, 124, and 125. All of the Commission's recommendations have been followed. The Commission concurs with Fort Sam Houston's determination of "no adverse effect" in accordance with Section 106 Guidelines. Copied to this correspondence is Mike Hilger, Preservation Architect, Fort Sam Houston.