Central Andes (Geographic Keyword)
1-7 (7 Records)
Participants in the workshop have been instructed to prepare position papers to share with other members in a discussion of worldview and cosmology in North and Meso-America. I have the exciting task of presenting a South American perspective, focused on the cultures of the Central Andes. As I quickly re-reviewed much of the most pertinent material I found myself increasingly attracted to a position that I would not have articulated previously, and that rather surprised me. I emphasize that...
Cosmology in the New World
This project consists of articles written by members of Santa Fe Institute’s cosmology research group. Overall, the goal of this group is to understand the larger relationships between cosmology and society through a theoretically open-ended, comparative examination of the ancient American Southwest, Southeast, and Mesoamerica.
Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Dillehay Sites (2021)
An Excel spreadsheet containing the zooarchaeological data from Pacasmayo reported in Dillehay 2011. Sites include CA-09-52 and CA-09-77. While some human remains were uncovered during excavation, that data is excluded from this dataset.
Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Stackelbeck Sites (2023)
An Excel spreadsheet containing the zooarchaeological data from Pacasmayo reported in Dillehay 2011. Sites include JE-431, JE-439, JE-790, JE-908, JE-983, JE-993, JE-996, JE-1002, JE-1004, JE-1006, and JE-1007.
Pacasmayo Paper Copy Scans Stackelbeck Sites (2004)
This file is a PDF scan of the original handwritten documents of zooarchaeological data for the Stackelbeck sites of the Pacasmayo Project. This data was created in 2004 at the University of Arizona by Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman. In 2023, this data was digitized into an Excel database entitled "Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Stackelbeck Sites" which is included on tDAR with this project. No paper copy scans exist for the Pacasmayo Dillehay sites.
Pavao-Zuckerman Pacasmayo Fauna
This project consists of zooarchaeological data from the Pacasmayo and Jequetepeque valleys in the Pacasmayo District of Northern Peru. Sites date from the early to mid holocene, or the Preceramic period (c. 11,000-4000 14C BP) Sites: Several sites in the Pacasmayo and Jequetepeque valley are included in this data. See Stackelbeck 2008 and Dillehay 2011 for detailed site descriptions. Sites include: • CA-09-52, CA-09-77, JE-431, JE-439, JE-790, JE-908, JE-983, JE-993, JE-996, JE-1002,...
Preceramic Period Vertebrate Use in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2004)
Faunal remains from the Proyecto Pacasmayo provide the opportunity to examine vertebrate subsistence strategies of inland communities during the transitional Preceramic period. Proyecto Pacasmayo excavations at Middle Preceramic sites in the Jequetepeque Valley in northern Peru reveal evidence for increasing complexity, localization, and aggregation. The Pacasmayo sites are all located within the vegetated lomas areas of two alluvial fans, Quebrada del Batán, and Quebrada Talambo. Of...