Hamilton, MA (Geographic Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey, Sagamore Hill New Antenna Run, Hamilton, Massachusetts (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steve Willan. Suzanne Glover.

In December 1993 The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc. conducted an archaeological reconnaissance survey at the Sagamore Hill/Solar Observatory in Hamilton, Massachusetts. The property encompasses 30 acres in the northeastern corner of the town less than one-half mile east of Essex. The reconnaissance survey consisted of background research and a walkover/surface inspection to determine the prehistoric and historic cultural resource potential of the property. This two-step process resulted in...

Archaeological Sites Record Notebook for Hanscom Air Force Base, Middlesex County, Massachusetts (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Timelines, Inc..

Since 1993 eight archaeological surveys have been conducted within Hanscom Air Force Base (HAFB). As a result of those surveys two prehistoric and two historic period sites have been identified. This report is a summary of the investigations and findings for these archaeological surveys conducted within Hanscom Air Force Base.

Architectural Building and Inventory Survey, Hanscom Air Force Base, Volume I (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joanna M. Doherty. Matthew A. Kierstead. Christine M. Longiaru. Jeffrey D. Emidy. Virginia H. Adams.

PAL, under an on-call services contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), New England District (NED), completed a historic inventory survey and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility evaluation of properties at Hanscom Air Force Base (AFB) in Bedford, Concord, Lexington, and Lincoln, Massachusetts, and at four off-base facilities in Hamilton, Ipswich, Stow, Sudbury, and Waltham, Massachusetts. Hanscom AFB occupies approximately 1,100 acres of land, approximately 400...

Consulting with American Indians at Hanscom Air Force Base: A Plan for American Indian Orientation to HAFB, Air Force Orientation to Consultation Laws and Reasons for Consultation and a Recommended Consultation Process (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael E. Roberts.

This document presents information and procedures for consulting with American Indians in the course of project planning, project implementation, inadvertent discoveries and other Air Force/American Indian interactions at Hanscom Air Force Base and its satellite facilities. The report draws heavily on material prepared for the Department of Defense through the Legacy Resource Management Program as well as the Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan prepared for Hanscom AFB by John Milner...

Phase 1 Archaeological Survey of Sagamore Hill Antenna Complex, Hamilton, MA and Eagle Hill Anteena Facility, Ipswich, MA (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean Fitzell. Susan Hathaway. Cynthia Auman.

As part of ongoing cultural resources management work at Hanscom Air Force Base (AFB), the Headquarters Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (HQ AFCEE) contracted Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. (Parsons) to perform Phase I archaeological surveys at the Sagamore Hill Antenna Complex (AC), Hamilton, Massachusetts and the Eagle Hill Antenna Facility, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Both facilities are GSUs (Geographically Separate Units) affiliated with Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts. The 66...