South America: Andes (Geographic Keyword)
701-725 (1,096 Records)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Gallinazo sociopolitical organization is rarely considered outside the Virú Valley heartland. My recent work in the Lambayeque region of northern coastal Peru brings to light several anomalies that force reevaluation of long-standing ideas. Today, there are several persistent yet mistaken observations that continue to skew the perception of prehispanic Andean...
Not Becoming Inka: Anarchism as a Set of Human-thing Relationships (2018)
Power depends on certain modes of relation between people and things; a fact archaeologists have recognized for some time. Thus there can be no states or rulers without monuments, elite regalia, official iconographies and the like—although traditionally it is only the human component that has been seen as the active element in this equation. More recently, archaeologists have sought to reconsider humans not as the users of things, but as their partners and co-participants in the social. In this...
Not Something to Grind Your Teeth Over: Experimental Mounting of Enamel for Stable Isotopic and Microscopic Analysis (2019)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. While preparing a set of zooarchaeological materials for microscopic and high-resolution stable isotopic studies, we found ourselves gritting our teeth to produce a set of mounts that met the standards for the intended lab analyses. Our target specimens were camelid teeth from the Terminal Pleistocene levels of Cuncaicha, a highland rockshelter in Southern...
Nuevos datos sobre Moche Temprano y Tardío en Huaca Cao Viejo, Complejo Arqueológico El Brujo, valle de Chicama, Perú (2021)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recientes excavaciones en la Huaca Cao Viejo proveen de información valiosa acerca de los orígenes de la ocupación Moche en el valle bajo de Chicama, así como de las fases constructivas más tardías del edificio. Las nuevas investigaciones han muestreado y fechado los bloques de adobe tramado, típica técnica arquitectónica en las construcciones monumentales...
Nuevos hallazgos de la Sala del Imaginario Moche en Pañamarca (2024)
This is an abstract from the "Paisajes Arqueológicos de Pañamarca: Findings from the 2018–2023 Field Seasons" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Durante las excavaciones realizadas en los años 2022 y 2023 en la Sala Hipóstila, ahora llamada Sala del Imaginario Moche, ubicada en la parte oeste de Pañamarca, se identificaron seis pilares, cinco de ellos, por lo menos, conteniendo representaciones de personajes humanos, animales y mitológicos, los cuales...
Nutritional Stress and the Maternal-Infant Nexus: Insights from Isotopes and Paleopathology in the Ancient Chilean Atacama (ca 9000–1500 BP) (2018)
The Atacama Desert is a remarkably marginal environment. Children are vulnerable individuals and the perinatal and weaning periods are high-risk even under ideal conditions. Investigation of stress during early life is therefore vital to the characterisation of human adaptation in this region. We compared isotopic evidence for infant diet and stress with paleopathological data to assess potential changes in maternal and infant health between the pre-agricultural Archaic Period (9000 – 3500 BP)...
Objects of Power and Power of Objects: Tiahuanaco Burial Assemblages in Cundisa (Copacabana, Bolivia) (2018)
This paper explores roles played by objects in forging and cementing local and state identities at a Tiahuanaco cemetery at Cundisa in Copacabana, Bolivia. The cemetery consists of 98 Tiahuanaco burials excavated by the Yaya-Mama Archaeological Project. The majority of tombs contain a single individual. Most of the complete objects associated with these burials belong to classic Tiahuanaco style of decorated pottery, but there is also another peculiar pattern of unfired clay miniatures and large...
Obsidian Procurement and Exchange in Peru: A Social Network Analysis (SNA) (2018)
Wider accessibility to analytical instruments has resulted in the rapid expansion of geochemical datasets useful to trace archaeological materials such as obsidian to their geologic source. While these findings are useful on a site-to-site basis, this paper utilizes Social Network Analysis (SNA) as an exploratory tool to investigate broad-scale patterns of obsidian procurement and exchange in prehistoric Peru. Alongside visualizations of this large dataset, centrality measurements allow us to...
Obsidian: Status Marker or Household Item? The Use of Obsidian throughout Time in Manabi, Ecuador (2023)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The use of obsidian in the Andes is widespread and constant starting during the Formative period. Through the morphological analysis of lithic artifacts recovered during excavations in northern Manabi, Ecuador, this poster reveals the importance of obsidian in the area and how it changed throughout time. The Matapalo site, the focus of this research, shows...
The Offerings to the Ceremonial Center of Chavín de Huántar: New Perspectives from the Explanada Canals (2024)
This is an abstract from the "Chavín de Huántar’s Contribution to Understanding the Central Andean Formative: Results and Perspectives" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The ceremonial center of Chavín de Huántar (1200–500 BCE) stands out for its extensive network of hydraulic canals. The excavations carried out by the Chavín de Huántar Archaeological and Conservation Research Program in the Explanada sector allowed these subterranean structures to...
Old Tomb, New Ancestors: Investigating the Role of a Preceramic Burial in Huarás Community Formation (2019)
This is an abstract from the "Cooperative Bodies: Bioarchaeology and Non-ranked Societies" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The social and physical history of a place often plays a crucial role in people’s decisions regarding where to establish a community. In the ancient Andes, burial monuments offered powerful connections to landscape and shaped community identity by demonstrating claims to a shared ancestry and legitimizing access to ancestral...
On the Frontiers of Empire: Inka Hegemony in Chachapoyas, Peru (2019)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Previous studies on the Inka conquest of Chachapoyas (AD 1470) have largely focused on an epic conflict between the invading Inka empire and warlike Chachapoya natives. Little attention has been directed towards understanding the processes by which the region was incorporated into the empire – how the landscape became naturalized as Inka, and how its...
The Once and Future Sindaguas of Barbacoas: A Reflection (2024)
This is an abstract from the "The Barbacoan World: Recognizing and Preserving the Unique Indigenous Cultural Developments of the Northern Andes" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper revisits frontier wars in southwest Colombia in the first half of the seventeenth century. Some debate has arisen regarding a bellicose Barbacoan group known as Sindaguas. Were they a long-established people or "nation" as their Creole-Hispanic conquerors claimed,...
One Hundred Years of Research at Huaca del Loro, Nasca, Peru (2023)
This is an abstract from the "Almost 100 Years since Julio C. Tello: Research at Huaca del Loro, Nasca, Peru" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. It has been almost 100 years since Julio C. Tello, the father of Peruvian archaeology, and his team first investigated the site of Huaca del Loro in Nasca, Peru. During this time the site has been interpreted as a cemetery, a settlement with both elites and commoners, a possible highland Huarpa site, the...
One Settlement, Many Communities . . . (2021)
This is an abstract from the "Developments through Time on the South Coast of Peru: In Memory of Patrick Carmichael" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Research centered in the prehispanic urban settlement of Cerro de Oro, in the Peruvian South Coast, is showing a wide variety of cooking techniques, disposal arrangements, and even culinary preferences that seem to reflect possible different social groupings within the settlement. This paper will...
Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment: Flexibility versus Standardization (2019)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this first season of excavations by the Corral Redondo project in southern Peru, a database was needed to capture excavation, conservation, and survey data in the field and later respond to the reporting standards set by the Peruvian government. The Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment (OCHRE) proved to be a powerful tool for this data...
Open Obsidian Geochemistry Visualization with an example from the Andes (2019)
This is an abstract from the "2019 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of M. Steven Shackley" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The open science movement is growing in archaeology, and raises fundamental questions about data and who it belongs to. In this talk, we outline a protocol for sharing data on obsidian sources to facilitate replicable research. While in obsidian sourcing a direct calibration is preferable (e.g., measuring source...
The Origin and Dispersion of the Bow in the Andes (16–37°S) Based on a Controlled Database of Projectile Point Metrics (2024)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We present a discriminant metric study of stone projectile points (n=422) from 21 archaeological sites in the Andes of South America (16–37°S). We make a critical use of comparative datasets, which suggest that darts may have been smaller than previously thought. We assess the use-life of each point and tie them to reliable chronological sequences, in...
The Origins of the Capacocha Victims: Results of Stable Isotope Analyses of Individuals Sacrificed at Ampato, Misti, and Pichu Pichu Volcanos (2024)
This is an abstract from the "Ritual Violence and Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Andes: New Directions in the Field" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Capacocha was one of the most important rituals performed in the Inca Empire and involved the sacrifice of children and young women. The victims were selected from the provincial elite based on their beauty and health. They were gathered from across the Empire and brought to the capital, Cusco, in...
The Ostra Collecting Station Site: A Virtual Reconstruction (2021)
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Virtual reality is a tool that can be used to enhance archeological analyses. My research explores using excavation data to develop a 3D immersive and interactive simulated environment representative of an archaeological site. Incorporating virtual reality in site analyses provides an interface where data can be used to test various hypotheses and can be...
The Outside of the Illuminated Temple: Chamber Constructions in the Early Monumental Architecture in the Andes, Kotosh (Huanuco) and Mosquito (Tembladera) (2019)
This is an abstract from the "Illuminated Communities: The Role of the Hearth at the Beginning of Andean Civilization" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Through the recent excavations at Kotosh, Tsurumi and Sara successfully reconstructed the whole architectural complex of the late Archaic Period. It is composed of complicatedly connected platforms and supposedly each of the platforms was made for the purpose of supporting "temple" constructions...
Over the Andes, and Through their Goods: Integration Period Relations in Northern Ecuador (2018)
While highland Peru’s Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000-1400) is characterized by community isolation, regional violence and shrinking exchange networks, the contemporary northern Ecuadorian Late Integration Period was a time of large-scale interregional activity that saw the flourishing of market economies. The northern Ecuadorian Andes demonstrated highly diverse cultural practices amongst an intimately connected Barbacoan world that stretched from between the highlands of northern Ecuador and...
Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Dillehay Sites (2021)
An Excel spreadsheet containing the zooarchaeological data from Pacasmayo reported in Dillehay 2011. Sites include CA-09-52 and CA-09-77. While some human remains were uncovered during excavation, that data is excluded from this dataset.
Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Stackelbeck Sites (2023)
An Excel spreadsheet containing the zooarchaeological data from Pacasmayo reported in Dillehay 2011. Sites include JE-431, JE-439, JE-790, JE-908, JE-983, JE-993, JE-996, JE-1002, JE-1004, JE-1006, and JE-1007.
Pacasmayo Paper Copy Scans Stackelbeck Sites (2004)
This file is a PDF scan of the original handwritten documents of zooarchaeological data for the Stackelbeck sites of the Pacasmayo Project. This data was created in 2004 at the University of Arizona by Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman. In 2023, this data was digitized into an Excel database entitled "Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Stackelbeck Sites" which is included on tDAR with this project. No paper copy scans exist for the Pacasmayo Dillehay sites.