Melrose Air Force Range (Geographic Keyword)
651-675 (742 Records)
Hand written notes and collector interviews for NMCRIS 19151
Original Codes for NMCRIS Number 19151 (2023)
Original Codes for NMCRIS Number 19151
Phase II Survey Data for NMCRIS 19151 (2023)
Phase II Survey Data for NMCRIS 19151
Photo Log for NMCRIS Number 132701 (2015)
Photo Log for NMCRIS Number 132701
Photologs for Melrose Bombing Range Survey (1993)
Photo log of 1993 Melrose Bombing Range Survey
A Pre-1946 Architectural Survey of Cannon Air Force Base (2021)
A HABS Level IV survey of the pre-1946 architectural features of Cannon Air Force Base (CAFB) was conducted from April 23 to April 26, 1996, by Joe C. Freeman, AIA Architect for Geo-Marine, Inc. The work was a part of fieldwork associated with the preparation of a Cultural Resources Management Plan for the installation.
Preliminary Results of National Register Eligibility Assessment of Evaluated Cultural Reource Properties (LA 66375, LA 57466, LA 57455, and LA 57454), Melrose Air Force Range, Roosevelt County, New Mexico (2008)
From April 14 through April 19, 2008, archaeologists from Geo-Marine, Inc., conducted limited subsurface testing at three prehistoric sites (LA 66375, LA 57455, and LA 57466) and one historic farmstead (LA 57454) located on Melrose Air Force Range (MAFR).
Programmatic Agreement Between Cannon Air Force Base and the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding Implementation of the Melrose Air Force Range Comprehensive Range Plan (2021)
Programmatic Agreement regarding the implementation pf the Melrose Air Force Ragne Comprehensive Range Plan.
Projectile Point Descriptions and Discussions (2023)
Projectile Point Descriptions and Discussions for NMCRIS Number 49679
Report on Geoarchaeological Analysis and Landform Characterization of the Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico (1997)
Report on Geoarchaeological Analysis and Landform Characterization of the Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico. Third Quarterly Report, April 1, 1996 - April 1, 1997
Scope of Work for the National Register Eligibility Assessment of Unevaluated Cultural Resource Properties (LA 105899, LA 105902, LA 105904, and LA 111536) Melrose Air Force Range (2009)
This Scope of Work outlines the work necessary to assess unevaluated cultural resource properties (LA 105899, LA 105902, LA 105904, AND LA 111536) at Melrose Air Force Range (AFR), New Mexico (Cannon AFB). These sites were identified during previous surveys, and a final determination of National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility has not been made.
Sherd Area Document (1981)
Sherd Area. No plan map. Poor location information.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Helicopter Landing Pads at Wrangler Helicopter Landing Zone (2013)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR Helicopter Landing Pads at Wrangler Helicopter Landing Zone. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Helicopter Landing Zones (2013)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR Helicopter Landing Zones. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Project to Drill New Test Well (2013)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR project to drill a new test well. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Project to Improve, Widen, and Maintain Two-track Road (2013)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR project to improve, widen, and maintain an existing two-track Road. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Project to Install Electronically Controlled Gates (2014)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR project to install electronically controlled gates on Krider Road at the north and south entrances. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Proposed Mesquite Grubbing (2014)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR proposed mesquite grubbing on 44 acres. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose Air Force Range proposed construction of fire suppression storage tanks (2014)
Letter to SHPO asking for concurrence about Melrose AFR installation of 2 91,000 gallon fire suppression storage tanks. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose Air Force Range proposed installation of 11 antennas (2014)
Letter to SHPO asking for concurrence about Melrose AFR installation of 11 antennas. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence about Melrose Air Force Range proposed installation of a temporary trainer for fire fighter housing (2014)
Letter to SHPO asking for concurrence about Melrose AFR proposed installation of a temporary trainer for fire fighter housing. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Concurrence Regarding Melrose AFR Project to Construct a Service Road (2015)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR project to construct a service road using existing two-track Roads. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Correspondence about Melrose AFR Project PXLY140454 to Replace the Septic Tank and Leach Line at the Fire Station, Building 3123 (2013)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR project PXLY140454 to Replace the Septic Tank and Leach Line at the Fire Station, Building 3123. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Correspondence About Melrose AFR Project to Construct a Maintenance Facility and Operations Facility (2015)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation about the Melrose AFR project to construct a 5,000 sq. ft maintenance facility and a 5,600 sq. ft operations facility. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.
SHPO Correspondence About Melrose AFR Project to Construct a Metal Building to House an Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Vehicle (2014)
Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation about the Melrose AFR project to construct a 30' x 40' metal building to house ab Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting vehicle. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.