Melrose Air Force Range (Geographic Keyword)

76-100 (742 Records)

GMI Ceramic Analysis Coding Form for NMCRIS 89005 (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

GMI Ceramic Analysis Coding Form for NMCRIS Number 89005

GMI Ground Stone Analysis Codes for NMCRIS 89005 (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

GMI Ground Stone Analysis Coding Form for NMCRIS Number 89005

GMI Lithic Analysis Coding Form (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

GMI Lithic Analysis Coding Form for NMCRIS Number 89005

Historic Artifact Analysis Codebook for NMCRIS Number 134345 (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Historic Artifact Analysis Codebook for NMCRIS Number 134345

IM Records for NMCRIS Number 49679 (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Isolated artifact forms for NMCRIS Number 49679

Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery From Sites LA 57469, LA 83733, LA 87371, and LA 87372 Melrose, New Mexico (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Eight samples of pottery from archaeological sites LA87371 , LA87372, and LA873733 near Melrose, New Mexico have been analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) at the University of Missouri Research Reactor Center (MURR). Chris Lowry chose the samples from collections obtained during CRM investigations at the sites. Here, we describe sample preparation and analytical techniques used at MURR and report the subgroup structure identified through quantitative analysis of the...

Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery from Sites LA 57469, LA 83733, LA 87371, and LA 87372, Melrose, New Mexico (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert J. Speakman. Michael Glascock.

Eight samples of pottery from archaeological sites LA 87371, LA 87372, and LA 873733 near Melrose, New Mexico were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) at the University of Missouri Research Reactor Center (MURR).

Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Canon Air Force Range (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

The Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) is a planning document used to manage an installation's cultural resources management program. The document identifies cultural resource activities such as surveys and building inventories, that have taken place on an installation. It also identifies and describes historic resources within installation boundaries, identifies Native American groups affiliated with an installation, and provides a plan for staying in compliance with...

Inventory of Records for GMI 10509.00.48, Sites LA87369, LA87370, LA87373, Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Inventory of Records for GMI 10509.00.48, Sites LA87369, LA87370, LA87373, Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico

Investigating the Homestead-to-Farmstead Transition and Early-to-Middle Twentieth Century Social Dynamics on Cannon Air Force Base: Data Recovery Efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, Curry County, New Mexico (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

This report summarizes the data recovery efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, two historic-aged sites located on Cannon Air Force Base (CAFB) in Curry County, New Mexico. This work was performed in advance of the proposed Chavez Manor Military Family Housing undertaking and in response to an unexpected discovery at the Consolidated Communications Facility construction site. Site LA 172689 is an historic homestead located immediately west of State Road 311 and north of Highway 60/84, within the...

Investigating the Homestead-to-Farmstead Transition and Early-to-Middle Twentieth Century Social Dynamics on Cannon Air Force Base: Recovery Efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, Curry County, New Mexico (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Peter C. Condon. Timothy Graves. Juan Arias. Lillian Ponce. Mel Landreth.

This report summarizes the data recovery efforts at LA 172689 and LA 173359, two historic-aged sites located on Cannon Air Force Base (CAFB) in Curry County, New Mexico. This work was performed in advance of the proposed Chavez Manor Military Family Housing undertaking and in response to an unexpected discovery at the Consolidated Communications Facility construction site. Site LA 172689 is a historic homestead and was recommended as eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic...

Isolated Artifact Forms for NMCRIS Number 19151 (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Isolated Artifact Forms for NMCRIS Number 19151

Isolates from the Melrose Air Force Range 1996 Survey (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Collected Isolates from the Melrose Air Force Range 1996 Survey

LA 133065 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133065. LA 133065 likely represents a short-term hunting or processing campsite. Based on the presence of an Ellis type projectile point, the site is temporarily assigned to the Late Archaic period. This site is not recommended for inclusion in the NRHP.

LA 133067 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133067. LA 133067 is a multicomponent site, with the prehistoric component most likely representing a short term hunting/processing campsite, and the historic component is a single episode trash dump. This site is recommended for inclusion in the NRHP.

LA 133068 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133068. LA 133068 is currently being used as a cattle watering location, and its Historic period function was likely to be similar. This site is recommended as not eligible for the NRHP.

LA 133069 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133069. LA 133069 is a Historic period ranching location, possibly a homestead or a line shack. This site is not recommended for the NRHP.

LA 133070 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133070. LA 133070 most likely served as a short term hunting/processing campsite. This site is temporarily to the Late Archaic period. This site is not recommended as eligible for the NRHP.

LA 133071 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133071. LA 133071 is a Historic period gravesite. This site dates to the U.S. Territorial Period (1846-1912). This site is recommended not eligible for the NRHP.

LA 133072 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133072. LA 133072 is a large, multi-episode historic trash scatter. The site is temporarily assigned to the Historic Period. LA 133072 is recommended as eligible for inclusion into the NRHP.

LA 133073 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133073. LA 133073 is a Historic period trash dump that dates to the Statehood-WWII period. This site is located within the arroyo and is deflated. LA 133073 is not recommended as eligible for the NRHP.

LA 133074 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133074. LA 133074 is a Historic Period trash dump. LA 133074 is recommended as eligible for inclusion into the NRHP.

LA 133075 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133075. LA 133075 is a Historic period ranching locale that dates to the Statehood-WWII period (1912-1945). It is recommended as eligible for the NRHP.

LA 133076 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133076. LA 133076 is a dispersed trash dump. This site is temporarily assigned to the Historic period. LA 133076 is not eligible for the NRHP.

LA 133077 Site Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Site Report for LA 133077. LA 133077 is a Historic period refuse scatter that is temporarily assigned to the US Territorial to the Statehood-WWII periods (1846-1945). It is not eligible for the NRHP.