Allegan County (Geographic Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

ROI106, Phase I Archaeological and Geophysical Survey and Ground-truth testing for proposed Saugatuck Marina and Laydown Area, Allegan County, Michigan (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew P. Purtill. Kevin C. Nolan. Chyan M. Gilaspy. Charity Munro. Kaylee Ellrod.

Between December 5, 2017 and April 8, 2018, Applied Anthropological Laboratories, Ball State University, conducted Phase I archaeological survey for the proposed construction of a new marina (Marina) and laydown (Laydown) areas located near Saugatuck, Allegan County, Michigan. All work was conducted at the request of Northshores of Saugatuck, LLC. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers - Detroit District is the lead federal agency for the project. The proposed project includes two areas where ground...

ROI106, Phase I Archaeological and Geophysical Survey and Ground-truth testing for proposed Saugatuck Marina and Laydown Area, Allegan County, Michigan
PROJECT Matthew P. Purtill.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 106 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Between December 5, 2017 and April 8, 2018, Applied Anthropological Laboratories, Ball State University, conducted Phase I archaeological survey for the proposed construction of a new marina (Marina) and laydown (Laydown) areas located near Saugatuck, Allegan County, Michigan. All work was conducted at the request of Northshores of Saugatuck, LLC. The U....