ROI106, Phase I Archaeological and Geophysical Survey and Ground-truth testing for proposed Saugatuck Marina and Laydown Area, Allegan County, Michigan


Between December 5, 2017 and April 8, 2018, Applied Anthropological Laboratories, Ball State University, conducted Phase I archaeological survey for the proposed construction of a new marina (Marina) and laydown (Laydown) areas located near Saugatuck, Allegan County, Michigan. All work was conducted at the request of Northshores of Saugatuck, LLC. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers - Detroit District is the lead federal agency for the project. The proposed project includes two areas where ground disturbance will occur including the Marina and Laydown areas. Archaeological survey for the Marina included 55,846.6 m2 (13.8 acres) of land, although the area of actual disturbance for construction will be limited to 35,475 m2 (8.8 acres). The Laydown area includes 16,374 m2 (4.046 acres) of land to be used for disposal of spoils generated during construction of the new Marina. Previous research indicated that that Marina area potentially included portions of historic archaeological site 20AE619, the Village of Singapore. Singapore represented an early Michigan lumber and mill town that contained a number of residences, multiple saw mills, a company store, a ‘wildcat’ bank, warehouse, town hall, a cemetery, and a hotel/boarding house. The village was occupied between 1837 and 1896. The town was eventually abandoned in the late 19th C. due to shifting economic realities, the northern movement of the lumber industry, and possibly as a result of environmental degradation. Singapore was listed on Michigan’s State Register of Historic Places (#SO191) in 1958.

Phase I shovel testing, bucket augering, and cut-bank inspection for the Laydown area yielded no cultural material. Much of the Laydown area had been previously disturbed and portions were located on steep slopes. Phase I investigation of the Marina area included shovel testing, bucket augering, ground penetrating radar, and ground truthing of ground penetrating radar results with a backhoe and bucket auger. Marina investigations yielded 1 prehistoric artifact, over 500 historic artifacts, and eight associated historic features (pits, foundations, midden). Most historic artifacts and features are interpreted as representing the remains of Singapore. Although intact, or partially intact remains were identified, archaeological investigation also demonstrated that much of the Marina has been significantly disturbed and lacks integrity. Most of the disturbance appears related to the late 20th C. construction and eventual deconstruction of the Broward Marine facility. Phase I testing identified three specific areas (labeled Area A, B, and C) that retain integrity and are interpreted as related to Singapore. In addition, Phase I investigation also identified an early 20th C. building foundation designated as Area D.

Given these findings, Applied Anthropology Laboratories recommends that Singapore-related deposits in areas A, B, and C, retain archaeological integrity and are eligible for inclusion to the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D. Based on current construction plans, Areas A and B will be avoided by the project. Area C, however, will be impacted and Phase III archaeological investigations are recommended. The potential National Register eligibility of Area D has not been fully evaluated and current construction plans will avoid this area. If future construction plans change such that Areas A, B, or D will be impacted, Phase II (Area D) and Phase III (Areas A and B) investigations are recommended.

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ROI106, Phase I Archaeological and Geophysical Survey and Ground-truth testing for proposed Saugatuck Marina and Laydown Area, Allegan County, Michigan. Matthew P. Purtill, Kevin C. Nolan, Chyan M. Gilaspy, Charity Munro, Kaylee Ellrod. 2018 ( tDAR id: 465702) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8465702

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Geographic Keywords
Allegan County Michigan

Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.274; min lat: 42.42 ; max long: -85.544; max lat: 42.766 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Kevin C. Nolan; Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University

Contributor(s): S. Homes Hogue

Principal Investigator(s): Matthew P. Purtill

Repository(s): Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University

Prepared By(s): Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University

Submitted To(s): Gabrielse Law Plc

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 106

AAL Project #(s): 17FR004

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