Floyd County (Geographic Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

ROI050, Archaeological Salvage Excavation at the Reid Site (12-Fl-1) Floyd County, Indiana (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael G. Angst.

Mitigation of damage to a portion of the Reid site shell mound (12Fl1) in the Falls of the Ohio River region was conducted by the Archaeological Resources Management Service. Mitigation consisted of the excavation of 15 two-meter squares along the damaged edge of the mound. A mixed midden was found below the plowzone.Only two small shell features were encountered. Fire-­cracked rock, lithic debris, tools, diagnostic points, pottery, burned earth, floral and fauna! material and historic artifacts...

ROI050, Archaeological Salvage Excavation at the Reid Site (12-Fl-1) Floyd County, Indiana
PROJECT Donald R. Cochran. Silver Creek Sand and Gravel Co., Inc..

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 050 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Mitigation of damage to a portion of the Reid site shell mound (12Fl1) in the Falls of the Ohio River region was conducted by the Archaeological Resources Management Service. Mitigation consisted of the excavation of 15 two-meter squares along the damaged edge of the mound. A mixed midden was found below the plowzone.Only two small shell features were...