ROI050, Archaeological Salvage Excavation at the Reid Site (12-Fl-1) Floyd County, Indiana


Mitigation of damage to a portion of the Reid site shell mound (12Fl1) in the Falls of the Ohio River region was conducted by the Archaeological Resources Management Service. Mitigation consisted of the excavation of 15 two-meter squares along the damaged edge of the mound. A mixed midden was found below the plowzone.Only two small shell features were encountered. Fire-­cracked rock, lithic debris, tools, diagnostic points, pottery, burned earth, floral and fauna! material and historic artifacts were recovered from the midden. Diagnostic points were primarily Middle to Late Archaic in age, but also included points ranging from the Late Paleoindian period through the end of the Middle Woodland period. Two pottery types were identified: Falls Plain, a Middle Woodland type in the Falls region, and an unclassified type which may be related to Falls Plain. A scatter of historic artifacts associated with the Reid farm complex was found in the plowzone.

The mixed midden deposits limited interpretations. Mixing was demonstrated by the association of Paleoindian points and Middle Woodland ceramics in the same levels, and a Paleoindian point recorded on top of a presumed Middle to Late Archaic shell feature. The edge of the shell mound was apparently a refuse area consisting primarily of fire-cracked rock and other burned materials. The fire-cracked rock recovered during the limited excavation was interpreted as most likely associated with the processing of mussels taken from the Ohio River. Additionally, the processing of fall resources such as hickory nuts and walnuts could account for some of the fire­-cracked rock.

Although this project recorded a mixed midden and few features, information important to the regional prehistory was recovered. The project demonstrated the long occupational history of the site and provided important comparative data for archaeological research in the Falls of the Ohio River region. In addition, the project raised important new research questions to be addressed. Given the limited archaeological sampling of the Reid site shell mound, this project demonstrated the tremendous potential of this site for interpreting the regional prehistory.

Cite this Record

ROI050, Archaeological Salvage Excavation at the Reid Site (12-Fl-1) Floyd County, Indiana. Michael G. Angst. 1998 ( tDAR id: 463979) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463979

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Late Archaic Riverton

Site Name

Site Type

Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation Systematic Survey

Geographic Keywords
Floyd County Indiana

Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.029; min lat: 38.187 ; max long: -85.795; max lat: 38.405 ;

Record Identifiers

DHPA Permit #(s): 960064

Reports of Investigation(s): 050

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