Kentucky (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

13,126-13,150 (13,359 Records)

What Are Our Options?: Assessing The Conservation Needs of Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site's Waterfront (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hannah P. Smith.

Since 2010, the Cape Fear River has changed in unexpected ways, revealing a number of colonial-era wharves along the waterfront of Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site, near Wilmington, North Carolina. As a result, various groups have carried out research to determine the best course of action for this at-risk area. One particular study, a Master’s thesis, developed a research design for the waterfront.  While options for site location and excavation were discussed, this work focused...

What are the Potential Effects of an Oil Spill on Coastal Archaeological Sites? (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Scott R Sorset. Mark A Rees.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) have collaborated to determine the immediate and long-term impacts of an oil spill on cultural resources and archaeological sites in the coastal zone. Nearly five years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the immediate and long-term impacts of oil and dispersants on cultural resources and archaeological sites remain unknown. Concerns include effects that might diminish or destroy the site’s future...

What are the Potential Effects of an Oil Spill on Coastal Archaeological Sites? (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Scott R Sorset. Mark A Rees.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette have collaborated to determine the immediate and long-term impacts of an oil spill on cultural resources and archaeological sites in the coastal zone. Nearly five years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the immediate and long-term impacts of oil and dispersants on cultural resources and archaeological sites remain unknown. Concerns include effects that might diminish or destroy the site’s future research...

What can pipe stem assemblages tell us about the relationship between natives and missionaries on Old Mission peninsula? (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yvon G. Bergner-Gonzalez. Kerri Finlayson.

Archaeological analysis of mid-19th century pipe stem assemblages aids in interpretation of the chronology of an archaeological site as well as providing insight about the local economy and past life styles.  Various Henderson and Glasgow pipe fragments have been excavated from the privy at the Peter Dougherty site, a mid-19th century house where Reverend Peter Dougherty and his family resided from 1842-1852 with the Chippewa and Ottawa Indians of Old Mission Peninsula, located in northern lower...

What can we infer about family plots scatterings in a 19th Century Southern Georgia church grave site. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chuanyu Fu. L. Meghan Dennis.

 Through human history, the deceased have been buried, their bodies or representations placed in a space, most near their familial ties. Graves are not only places of rest but places to revisit the past and sanctuaries of still powerful affections. Why, in a 19th century Northern Georgia church gravesite do family plots of the same name scatter throughout different locations on the site, even within the same time periods? Why were the boundaries of the family plots physically set yet the...

"What Catalog System Do You Use?" Confronting the Philosophies that Prevent Standardization and Consensus in Archaeological Catalogs (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory Federal Curator.

This is an abstract from the ""What Catalog System Do You Use?" Confronting the Philosophies that Prevent Standardization and Consensus in Archaeological Catalogs" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. One of the questions that comes up frequently in sessions, roundtables, and workshops sponsored by the SHA Curation and Collections Committee is, "What catalog system do you use?" The resulting conversations typically cover dissatisfaction with different...

"What Color was Your Papa’s Coat of Arms, Again?" How a Central Valley Californian Community Remembers its ‘Post-War’ Landscape (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jarre Hamilton.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Historical Memory, Archaeology, And The Social Experience Of Conflict and Battlefields" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper moves away from the typical idea of “war” as a physical armed conflict or confrontation, but rather any physical manner or manifestation of modern-day conflict. I propose that the playing out of a racialized environmental-based conflict between the all-black town of Allensworth,...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong… Small Craft in Search of a Manila Galleon (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jack G Hunter. Brooke Basse.

The Baja California Manila Galleon shipwreck site location was established from analysis of onshore artifact distribution.  Increasing attempts have been made to investigate the offshore source of this material by utilizing magnetometry and the excavation of detected anomalies.  The magnetometer surveys went well and buried iron associated with the wreck site were buoyed and mapped.  However, investigation of the buried anomalies proved to be more difficult than anticipated, as they were found...

What Did It All Mean? Archaeology at The Hermitage in the 1990s (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brian W Thomas.

This paper provides some reflections on the archaeological program carried out at The Hermitage over a seven year period, from 1990 to 1996.  Under the direction of Larry McKee, the program became a training ground for archaeology students across the country and beyond, many of whom are now accomplished professionals.  It also was a unique setting in which to engage the visiting public in discussions about archaeology and the community that was enslaved on the plantation, a community whose...

What Do All These Broken Things Mean? Collectively Interpreting the Archaeology of The Hill Neighborhood in Easton, Maryland (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tracy H. Jenkins.

The Hill neighborhood in Easton, Maryland, is a place where people have come together over the past 200 years to fight slavery, racism, economic marginalization, and gender inequity.  These efforts are reflected in the archaeological record.  However, the legacy of earlier generations is threatened by decades of disinvestment and a tide of gentrification.  The Hill Community Project therefore aims to use research, public interpretation, and preservation to revitalize the built and social fabric...

What do volunteers get out of it anyway?: Volunteers’ Views of Public Archaeology in the Great Bay Archaeological Survey (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Mierswa.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Public Archaeology in New Hampshire: Museum and University Research" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Great Bay Archaeological Survey (GBAS) runs a six-week field program each summer that draws students as well as community member volunteers from across New England. Run in collaboration with the New Hampshire State Conservation and Rescue Archaeology Program (SCRAP), GBAS offers community members an...

What else is new?: The Hudson’s Bay Company, Fort Albany and the Study of Colonialism (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amelie Allard.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Perspectives from the Study of Early Colonial Encounter in North America: Is it time for a “revolution” in the study of colonialism?" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Research into the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) has long played a pivotal role in Canadian national history. The HBC, a long-lasting commercial institution, was first established in the 1670s. Its earliest trading posts were placed along waterways...

What good is a broken pot: an experiment in Hopi-Tewa ethnoarchaeology (1969)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael B Stanislawski.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

What Guides Us with Collections? A discussion on Rethinking our Relationship with Artifacts (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Warner.

This is an abstract from the "What Guides Us with Collections? A discussion on Rethinking our Relationship with Artifacts" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This forum is a structured discussion on how historical archaeology handles the volume of materials generated through excavation. HA has not critically evaluated the vast differences in material production technologies that create the artifacts we excavate or account for differential impacts on...

What Happened at Joara, Cuenca, and Fort San Juan: Archaeological Finds from the Berry Site in Western North Carolina (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Rodning. Robin Beck. David Moore.

This is an abstract from the "The Archaeologies of Contact, Colony, and Resistance" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Between 1566 and 1568, expeditions led by Captain Juan Pardo sought to establish permanent Spanish colonial towns and forts along an overland route connecting Santa Elena, the capital of La Florida, in coastal South Carolina, with New Spain and the rich silver mines near Zacatecas, Mexico. Written accounts chronicle the movements of...

What Happened to the Victims? Constructing a Model of Care for Cranial Trauma from Non-lethal Violence at Carrier Mills, Illinois (8000 – 2500 BP) (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alecia Schrenk.

This is an abstract from the "Systems of Care in Times of Violence" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A different model of care is required for trauma resulting from non-lethal violence. In the prehistoric Midwest, raiding and warfare were endemic, making trauma from non-lethal violence a part of everyday life. As such, the peoples living in this region would have needed a model of care specifically designed to treat individuals suffering from...

What Have We Accomplished So Far in Japanese Diaspora Archaeology? (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Douglas Ross.

Before we can move forward in Japanese diaspora archaeology, it is crucial that we take stock of what we have accomplished thus far. Such stock-taking will aid in identifying common themes and approaches that can help shape our field of study and highlight gaps where more research is needed. Here I present an overview of archaeological studies on Japanese sites completed to date in North America and the Pacific Islands, and offer my opinions on where we should be headed in the future. I...

What Have We Here?: Discovery at the UTA District Depot Project in Salt Lake City, Utah (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephanie E. Lechert.

In July 2014, the construction of the Utah Transit Authority’s Depot District Service Center project in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, uncovered foundations and associated cultural materials from the historic Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad train maintenance facilities (42SL718). Initially, the foundations provided far more questions about how the rail facility evolved than they answered. Subsequent monitoring and archaeological data recovery uncovered several incarnations of the rail...

What if the place is gone? Reinvigorating Place, Memory, and Identity through New Media (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chris Merritt.

While Utah is not known for its mining heritage, the Bingham Copper MIne located west of Salt Lake City is one of the few human manifestations visible from space. While the massive open-pit is a testament to human engineering, fortitude, and profit, the copper extracted from its stony core brought thousands of immigrants to Utah during the 19th and 20th centuries. These immigrants created places, communities, and a cohesive social identity. The same mines that created their community in the late...

What Is Going On with the Younger Dryas in Florida? Late Pleistocene Perspectives from the Aucilla Basin (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessi Halligan.

This is an abstract from the "Liquid Landscapes: Recent Developments in Submerged Landscape Archaeology" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Aucilla River basin in northwestern Florida contains 92 recorded sites with components predating 9000 cal BP, making it an excellent area in which to examine terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene landscape use. More importantly, some of these sites, all drowned terrestrial localities, contain strata with...

What Lies Beneath: An Analysis of Historic Ceramics Found at 23SC2101, a Multi-Component Historic Site. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Grace I. Smith. Steve Dasovich.

23SC2101 is a multi-component site with French Colonial through 20th century domestic occupations.  Multiple projects located ceramics from all time periods and all levels of excavation.  The site is in an urban area and many of the upper levels have suffered from severe disturbance. Besides the normal analysis of socio-economic status and site function, the analysis of ceramic date ranges by level may help to determine how severe the disturbance has been.  Information on disturbance is often...

What Makes a Better Surface Elevation Model: On-the-Ground Total Station or Low Altitude Lidar? (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Angela Collins. Mary De la Garza.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent excavations on two small pre-contact archaeological sites in southeast Iowa provided an opportunity to conduct drone-mounted low-altitude aerial lidar in addition to the standard total station methodology to develop ground surface elevations and contours. The drone used for the projects was the industrial grade mapping inspection drone, DJI Matrice...

What They Wore: An Examination of the Clothing and Shoes Recovered from H.L. Hunley (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas J DeLong.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Lives Revealed: Interpreting the Human Remains and Personal Artifacts from the Civil War Submarine H. L. Hunley" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Following the excavation of the Hunley submarine, a plethora of artifacts related to the crewmember’s clothing were documented and recovered for conservation at the Warren Lasch Conservation Center. These artifacts included buttons from military and non-military...

What This Fort Stands For: conflicting memory at Bdote/Historic Fort Snelling (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Hayes.

For Dakota people, there is no more painful and conflicted a site of memory in Minnesota than Historic Fort Snelling (HFS).  Built on sacred grounds and used as a prison camp following the 1862 U.S.-Dakota War, this historic property has until recently been represented in a highly selective fashion, suppressing Dakota and others' memory.  In this paper I trace some of the specific processes of forgetting at HFS, and why those processes are now failing through rising historical pluralism.  Yet...

What to Do with All Those Digital Data: Examples from the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Bollwerk. Lynsey Bates. Leslie Cooper. Jillian Galle.

The Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS) is a Web-based initiative designed to foster inter-site, comparative archaeological research on slavery throughout the Chesapeake, the Carolinas, and the Caribbean. The goal of DAACS is to facilitate research that advances our historical understanding of the slave-based societies that evolved in the Atlantic World during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In this paper we argue that the digital methods encapsulated within...