Remote Sensing (Investigation Type)

Investigations that involve the use of aerial or satellite sensor technologies to detect, describe, or classify objects on Earth (e.g. LIDAR, photographic, radar, or spectral methods).

351-375 (767 Records)

Sample of processed Kongsberg Sector Scan Sonar Image Exports (2011-2020 field deployments) (2020)
IMAGE Joseph Grinnan. Jeffrey M. Enright. Mason Miller.

Representative sample of exported Kongsberg Mesotech Ltd. model 1171 sector-scan sonar sweep images around the 41OR90 wreck collected during multiple field deployments between 2011 and 2020. File names include deployment year. Where they're included, references to "pre" or "post" refer to if the scan was taken before a construction action or after.

Samples (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

Wilshusen et al. (1999) indicate that this dataset should be viewed as a comprehensive inventory of DAP samples by type and number. Samples were collected for a variety of reasons including chronometric dating, environmental and geological studies, and special documentation. Obtaining the results of their analysis requires users to consult other DAP datasets. Variables in the samples dataset have already been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999); see especially the section entitled "Samples" by...

San Andrés figurine photograph set (2004)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Christopher von Nagy

Processed digital photographs of figurines recovered by the PLC from San Andrés, Tabasco.

Sarah Site (8BR02077) (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robin Sutherland. Frederick P. Gaske.

Site forms, artifact catalogs, photos, and correspondence associated with the Sarah Site, 8BR02077.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Geophysical and aerial search for shaft tombs in western Mexico. Magnetic survey by MASCA; seismic refraction survey by Harry Mayne.

A Search for Fort Louis de la Mobile with Archaeological Geophysics (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bryan Haley. Jay Johnson.

A geophysical survey of a portion of the Old Mobile site (1MB94) was conducted on December 13-16, 2004, by the University of Mississippi's Center for Archaeological Research under contract with the University of South Alabama's Center for Archaeological Studies. The specific goal of the survey was to delineate features associated with Fort Louis de la Mobile, which stood on or near this site from 1702 to 1711. Survey techniques included electrical resistance and ground penetrating radar. Work...

Searching for the Elusive Latrine: Archeological Investigations in the Backyard of the Summer Kitchen, Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas D. Scott.

A team from the National Park Service's Midwest Archeological Center (MW AC) carried out backhoe and hand test excavations behind the Summer Kitchen (HS2) at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site (ULSG) in an effort to locate archeological evidence of fence lines and the site of a small building believed to be a privy. The archeological investigations were undertaken to gather data to support the reconstruction of the historic fenceline and avoid, to the extent possible, the effect of the...

Settlement areas and house areas from the Central Mesa Verde and Middle Missouri regions (2017)
DATASET Scott Ortman. Grant Coffey.

Data files containing information on house counts, house areas, and settlement areas analyzed in Ortman and Coffey (2017): Settlement Scaling in Middle Range Societies. American Antiquity 82(4).

Shemya Island Location Map (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen C. Staska.

Map of Shemya Island area location from the 2005 Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan.

SHPO correspondence on the Jupiter Crash Site (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Penders. Mark Kershner. Robin L. Sutherland.

SHPO correspondence and documents relating to the Jupiter Crash Site.

SHPO: Historic Status and Archaeological Potential of the Jonathan Dickinson Missile Tracking Annex (JDMTA), Martin County Florida (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael A. Blaylock.

SHPO Correspondence regarding the historic status and archaeological potential of the Johnathan Dickinson Missile Tracking Annex.

Side-Scan Sonar Mosaics of Site 41OR90 Files from multiple field deployments (2013-2020) (2020)
IMAGE Joseph Grinnan. Jeffrey M. Enright. Mason Miller.

Side-scan sonar mosaic files from investigations at Site 41OR90 collected using an Edgetech 4125 CHIRP system during multiple field deployments between 2012 and 2020.

Site Forms for Launch Complex 16 (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas E. Penders.

Site Forms for Launch Complex 16.

Site Forms for Launch Complex 17 (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Penders.

Site Forms 8BR02381-8BR02394 and Launch Complex 17.

Site location and metadata from: Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan world (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kyle Bocinsky.

These are the site location and metadata used in: Ruth M. Van Dyke, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tucker Robinson, and Thomas C. Windes, Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan World, American Antiquity 81, pp. 205–230 (2016). See other datasets in this project for site viewsheds and the viewnets between sites. The data are in the GeoJSON format, and link to the other files in this project using the "UNIQUE_ID" field. The file should be readable by most modern GIS...

Site Overview Photos from Old Mobile (1MB94), Mobile County, Alabama. (1994)
IMAGE Gregory Waselkov. Bonnie L. Gums. George W. Shorter, Jr.. Diane Silvia.

Site overview photos from the Old Mobile site (1MB94) and a map.

slag sample export log (2021)
DATASET Zach McKeeby.

description of all samples of Iron Age slags and other archeometallurgical materials exported in 2021 for XRF and OM analyses from Livingstone Museum collections

Social Reactors Project datasets
PROJECT Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

Datasets from various publications of the Social Reactors Project

A streamlined course in aerial photography (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

a short description

Submerged Cultural Resources Survey of the North Ranch Nearshore Disposal and Sand Rehandling Area (NDSRA) Extension: Addendum to a Submerged Cultural Resources Remote Sensing Survey of Four Proposed Borrow Areas and Archaeological Diver Identification and Evaluation of Eight Potentialy Significant Submerged Targets for the Brevard County Shore Protection Project, Brevard County, Florida (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Wendy Weaver.

On May 6, 2014, the US Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District conducted a submerged cultural resources remote sensing survey of the North Reach Nearshore Disposal and Sand Rehandling Area (NDSRA) extension offshore of Brevard County, Florida, on submerged state lands. This survey was conducted to identify the presence or absence of submerged cultural resources within the NDSRA extension area and is an addendum to the initial survey by Watts (2000). The submerged cultural resources...

Submerged Historic Properties Survey, Canaveral Harbor Entrance Channel Widener, Brevard County, Florida (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gordon P. Watts, Jr..

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, has proposed to construct a widener in the outer entrance channel to Canaveral Harbor, Florida. In order to determine the effects of the proposed construction on significant underwater cultural resources, Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc., (TAR) of Washington, North Carolina was contracted by the Jacksonville District to conduct an archival and literature search and a remote sensing survey to locate, identify, and assess the significance...

Survey and Documentation of World War II Defensive Fortifications at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jason S. Rogers. Morgan R. Blanchard. Roberta Gordaoff.

This report summarizes the survey and documentation of World War II forts at Eareckson Air Station. Research methods used prior to fieldwork included an examination of aerial photographs, maps, and literature. Fieldwork was conducted under the direction of Northern Land Use Research Alaska (NLURA), LLC staff meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards (36 CFR Part 61, Appendix A) for history and archaeology. Sites were located by vehicle and pedestrian survey...

Survey of the Merchant Site Vicinity in Lea County, Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Timothy B. Graves. Juan Arias. Katherine Jones. Mark Willis. Myles Miller.

This report presents the results of an intensive archaeological survey of 1,257 acres in the vicinity of the Merchant site (LA 43414), a prehistoric pueblo settlement in Lea County of southeastern New Mexico. The survey parcels are on lands administered by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and the New Mexico State Land Office. The survey was funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement (PBPA) administered by the CFO. The Merchant site was first...

Sustaining Irrigation Agriculture for the Long-Term: Lessons on Maintaining Soil Quality from Ancient Agricultural Fields in the Phoenix Basin and on the North Coast of Peru (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker.

Irrigation agriculture has been heralded as the solution to feeding the world’s growing population. To this end, irrigation agriculture is both extensifying and intensifying in arid regions across the world in an effort to create highly productive agricultural systems. Over one third of modern irrigated fields, however, show signs of serious soil degradation, including salinization and waterlogging, which threaten the productivity of these fields and the world’s food supply. Surprisingly, little...

Technical Report (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: David Carballo

Technical report from 2012 season