Geophysical Survey (Investigation Type)

Investigations that rely on ground-based instrument sensing techniques to create images and/or maps for archaeological research (e.g. magnetometry, resistivity, or ground penetrating radar).

176-200 (672 Records)

Faunal Artifact Photographs, Brookville Reservoir Survey 1991-1992 (2012)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Photograph of a faunal artifact collected during the archaeological reconnaissance of the proposed Brookville Reservoir area in Franklin and Union Counties, Indiana.

Features (2010)
IMAGE Stephanie Barrante. Jessica Hughes. Victoria Hawley. Donna Ochenrydeb.

Images illustrating architectural and other features uncovered at Fort St. Joseph from 2002 to 2010.

Field Laboratory (2010)
IMAGE Stephanie Barrante. Victoria Hawley. Jessica Hughes.

Images depicting various laboratory activities during the 2006-2010 field seasons.

Field notes on an EM31 survey for shaft tombs (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Conductivity survey for Donald J. Ortner and Bruno Frolich (Smithsonian) at the site of Bab edh-Dhra, near the Dead Sea, in Jordan.

Final Preliminary Assessment NAES Lakehurst - Proving Grounds, New Jersey (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Malcolm Pirnie, Inc..

The Department of Defense (DoD) has established the Military Munitions Response Program under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) to address munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) (including unexploded ordnance [UXO] and discarded military munitions) and munitions constituents (MC) at other than operational military ranges and other sites. Closed, transferred, and transferring military ranges and sites not located on an operational range are considered other than operational....

Final Report on the Carbonized Wood Remains from the Matacanela Site, Veracruz, Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Renee M. Bonzani.

This report describes the carbonized heavy fraction wood remains recovered from fifty-five samples from seven units (Units TA1, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4A and 4B)(Table 1) and the carbonized wood remains recovered from the light fractions of flotation from fifty samples from six units (Units TA1, 1B, 1C, 2, 3, and 4B)(Table 2) collected during the excavations of the Matacanela Site in Veracruz, Mexico. One thousand four hundred and nine carbonized wood fragments (<7.9 grams) were heavy fractions from...

Final Report On the Investigation of Magnetic Anomalies at Masonboro Island and Masonboro Inlet (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gordon P. Watts, Jr.. Richard W. Lawrence. Dina B. Hill. James A. Pleasants.

During October and November of 1977 the Wilmington District, USArmy Corps of Engineers sponsored a magnetometer survey of Masonboro Inlet und the northern end of Masonboro Island to isolate cultural material which might be adversely affected by inlet modification and jetty construction planned for 1978. The remote sensing survey located one anomaly, site number four on Masonboro Island and an anomaly cluster in the inlet, site number three, which were interpreted as cultural material meriting...

Final Report: Phase II National Register Eligibility Assessments at Twelve Archaeological Sites, Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Stallings. Susan C. Andrews. Dawn M. Bradley. Steven A. Martin. Stephen T. Mocas. Kim Simpson.

Summary of findings for Phase II investigations of 12 sites on Arnold Air Force Base in Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee. The Phase II investigations served to both confirm previously identified cultural components and identify previously unrecorded occupations. Of the 12 sites investigated, only 40CF124 is recommended as eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

"The Fire Upon us was Terrific:" Battlefield Archeology of Wilson Creek National Battlefield, Missouri (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas D. Scott. Harold Roeker. Carl G. Carlson-Drexler.

The National Park Service (NPS) has had an important role in preserving and protecting the nation’s cultural heritage since its inception. Archeological resources, which are an important part of this cultural heritage, are present in most units of the National Park System, and many units have been created specifically to interpret and preserve archeological resources. Like all federal agencies, the NPS is obligated by the National Historic Preservation Act [section 110 (a)(2)], Executive Order...

Flaked Lithic Debitage (1985)
DATASET Carl J. Phagan.

The Reductive Technologies Group (RTG) was responsible for supporting the broad research goals of the DAP through the implementation of a mid-level research design governing the collection and analysis of data from “artifacts which were manufactured by reductive, or subtractive techniques” (Phagan 1986a:79). Independent datasets for each of the four preliminary analysis systems reflect the technological distinctions made between flaked lithic tools (FLT10a and FLT10b); the debitage created in...

Fort St. Joseph 1.0: Creating a Comprehensive Information Management Scheme for the Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erin Claussen.

This thesis documents the effort to curate digital information associated with the Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project, which has been generated over the past decade of investigation of the site of Fort St. Joseph, an 18th century mission, garrison, and trading post complex located in present-day Niles, MI. A review of literature on the subject of archaeological curation and collections management was undertaken to inform the approach to execution of this project, which included the creation...

The Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project
PROJECT Michael Nassaney.

The Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project is a collaboration between Western Michigan University and the City of Niles, MI to investigate, interpret, and preserve the physical remains of the site of Fort St. Joseph, a mission, garrison, and trading post complex occupied from 1691 to 1781 by the French then British. Since its inception, the Project has cultivated a robust program of public archaeology to involve and invest the community in the preservation of the site and more generally, the...

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project Logo (2009)
IMAGE Randy Peyser.

Logo developed for the Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project. Incorporates feathers into the French fleur-de-lis, symbolizing the multi-faceted interactions and negotiations between Native and European peoples that took place in the context of the fur trade at Fort St. Joseph. Blue and red are representative of the colors of the French flag.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2000 Letter Report (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2000 field season, primarily focused upon survey in the vicinity of the site of Fort St. Joseph.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2001 Letter Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2001 field season, primarily focused upon survey in the vicinity of the site of Fort St. Joseph.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2002 Letter Report (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2002 field season.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2004 Letter Report (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2004 field season.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2006 Letter Report (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2006 field season.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2006-2007 Annual Report (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, and public outreach from September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2007 Field Season Summary (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erin Claussen. Meghan Cook. Amanda Brooks. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2007 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2007-2008 Annual Report (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, and public outreach from September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008. Includes a comprehensive list of Project outcomes for this time period including all presentations and publications.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2008 Field Season Summary (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Amanda Brooks. Emily Powell. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2008 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2008-2009 Annual Report (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, and public outreach from September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009. Includes a comprehensive list of Project outcomes for this time period including all presentations and publications.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2009 Field Season Summary (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ian Kerr. Andrew Beaupré. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2009 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2009-2010 Annual Report (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, public outreach, and laboratory analysis and collections management from September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010. Includes a comprehensive list of Project outcomes for this time period including all presentations and publications.