Gray Chert flake (Material Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

611th Air Support Group Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the 611th Air Support Group cultural heritage resources collection.

Archaeological Survey of Ten Installations of the 611th Air Support Group, Alaska Summer 2000 (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael R. Yarborough.

The following describes an archaeological inventory of ten installations of the 611th Air Support Group in Alaska. This inventory encompassed the Air Force property surrounding the facilities at each installation. It was not an inventory or evaluation of the buildings and other structures themselves. The ten installations that are the focus of this study fall within two broad geographic areas. Six -Barter Island Long-Range Radar Site (LRRS), Bullen Point Short-Range Radar Site (SRRS), Oliktok...

Cultural Resources Inventory of Three Routes Crossing BLM and Private Lands to Access the Proposed APS Second Knolls Substation, Navajo County, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text EnviroSystems Management, Inc.. Anne Raney.

The project consists of a Class III cultural resources inventory for three possible access routes to the proposed Second Knolls  Substation. Two of the proposed access routes leave State Route (SR) 77 in a westerly direction and follow  section lines  for 2.35 miles, where they split, one heading north under or adjacent to an existing APS  sub-transmission line and one heading north-northwest along the existing Reidhead Road. The third proposed access route follows the northernmost 25 feet of...