perforators, gravers (Material Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Eaton Chipped Stone Perfortors and Gravers (2024)
DATASET William Engelbrecht.

This Access table lists attributes describing chipped stone perforators and gravers from the Eaton site. In addition to location, metrics and other attributes of individual specimens, it lists a Projection Index. This Index is the sum of the distal angle and the perimeter, either at 4 mm from the tip or the base of the projection, whichever is shorter. See Coding sheet for Eaton Chipped Stone Perforator and Gravers (tDAR id:497140)

Eaton Site
PROJECT Uploaded by: William Engelbrecht

This project contains data from 17 seasons of excavation from the Eaton Site in West Seneca, NY just south of the city of Buffalo. It is a multi-component site that was occupied intermittently from late Paleo-Indian times through the early 19th century when it contained a cabin on what was then the Buffalo Creek Reservation. The bulk of material recovered from the site is from an Iroquoian village dating to the mid-sixteenth century. The major portions of three longhouses and a palisade...